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Queensryche: The Art of Live

Queensryche: The Art of Live

List Price: $24.98
Your Price: $22.48
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not as good as Live Evolution, but good.
Review: Okay, so the dvd is in black and white? If you want color, pop in any of their three other dvds. Yes, it's a little unusual looking, but it doesn't detract from a wonderful performance.

It's nice to see a lot of material from Tribe, and the songs sound dead on with the cd. The Tribe cd in itself is a great cd and the songs translate well live. Tate has lot a little of his voice, but he still has one of the best vocals in the industry.

The cover songs with Dream Theatre are good, and shows that Tate can sing a wide range of songs. Particularly impressive is the instrumental playing in 'Won't Get Fooled Again.'

My only complaint is, the misleading cover of the cd, showing color images, and the obvious lack of 5.1 working. A glaring omission, and completely inexcusable.

Having seen the Ryche twice in a six month span recently, it is nice to have the recent tour on dvd, sit back, and relive the memories of seeing them perform.

No matter what Queensryche does, they will never disappoint this diehard fan.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Art of Live - A Review
Review: Once again I bought it...poor production quality and no 5.1..bla not very good song selection.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Glad atleast some band let us revisit the times live...
Review: Out of the box...can't give 5 stars when they could have put this out in color. Yes, it is a brown and white (close to black and white). I have all Queensryche DVD's..and the light shows with colors enhancing the flavor of the songs are always nice. If you like a more colorful concert with killer sound..check out Live-Evolution. Great sound and picture! This DVD (the Art of Live) has a better line up replacing Kelly Grey who didnt offer a worthy replacement of Chris DeGarmo. Mike Stone is much better than Grey..and this DVD shows that. Queensryche will never be the same unless Chris is brought back...which leads to the earlier concert release DVD in Building Empires. To bad we didnt get the great picture from Live-Evolution, the great line up of Building Empires...with the tunes on The Art of Live. For the Ryche fan...every true concert DVD is a must have. This is a good suppliment to the collection. It was nice to hear them break out some of the older material such as "Roads to Madness"....

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Disgusting waste of money!
Review: The back of the box shows color screen shots, but this DVD is black and white. Are you friggin' kidding me?? After the beautiful Live Evolution they put out this CRAP? There is no 5.1 audio (the back of the box says there is but there isn't). Can you say FALSE ADVERTISING???
The song selection is also very poor, could have had at least 3-4 more tracks that were performed on that tour. The only reason I gave this piece of garbage 2 stars instead of 1 is because I am a huge Queensrÿche fan. Don't believe me? Check out my other reviews of their stuff.
Bottom Line: If you liked and enjoyed Live Evolution, do yourself a favor and do NOT waste your money on this nonsense.
A MAJOR LETDOWN from Queensrÿche.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Maybe they should do a cover album
Review: The only thing that saves this DVD from being a complete waste of money is the encore with Dream Theatre on the Who's "We Won't Get Fooled Again".

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Unique visual presentation
Review: This DVD is not just another typical live, in concert DVD product. If it was, it would not be nearly as interesting as it is. I happened to like the different look of the filtered white/yellowish lighting that was used to produce this footage. It forces you to look at the band and the show in a different manner, and the look, while it may not be for everyone, certainly has a unique artistic and stylistic quality to it. In my opinion, it adds more than detracts from the visual experience of watching and listening to the concert.

Another plus is that the show is not overly long, as the band was only a co-headliner on this tour and therefore had a shoter set length than usual. You can actually watch the whole thing in one sitting and not be exhausted by the end of it.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This is one of the few really honest media products I have seen. This folks is what great bands sound like live. There is very little post in this DVD, just pure live Queensryche. If you want studio fakery, smoke, mirrors and post production fraud regarding what the band sounds like go buy something else. This DVD is the real McCoy and I wouldn't have it any other way. I ran this in a high traffic area and EVERYONE stopped and watched the whole thing. I just wish it was filmed this year because Stone has truly come into his own as guitar #2.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Wha?
Review: To those of you who will read this, you certainly do not need to hear about how I like the band or how good their music is, you already have your opinions and don't care; I mean I must like them if I just wasted 24 bucks on this waste of plastic. Ok, all I need to say is black and white. Now why in the world would they put out a DVD in fricken black and white? Especially now with all this wondeful technology, the dvd player itself, High Definition, and huge televisions. What the Hell!!? And now there isn't any 5.1 mix (as stated on this website and on the back of the box, along with the widescreen claim) to make up for this rather ill-advissed decision, nor was it encoded in widescreen of any sort. As another reviewer states, this is pure and simple false advertising. As a person who doesn't take kindly to being swindled out of money, I urge you to avoid this title and get their other DVD's is you have a itch for a Queensryche concert video. Some say it is about the music, but I say I have cd's for that, I want something different; nope not this.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A must for all fans......
Review: Well aside from the one review posted for this DVD, groaning about it being in B&W....Its a great live CD, from one of the best bands in the last 20+ years. And it does a great job showcasing one of their recent tours and showing that they still can ROCK with the best of them after all these years!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Again another sellout bad dvd
Review: Well here we are again watching a dvd wich should be a great sounding one as well as looking but the picture looks like crap and the sound not in dolby digital like it should be the menu is but the show isnt i am still woundering why they did that i just dont get it why so many dvds these days are being put out with nothing good on it thats what we are all looking for are we not???

its the sound thats what its about

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