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24 - Season Two

24 - Season Two

List Price: $69.98
Your Price: $52.49
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 24 well spent hours!
Review: I'll admit it---I'm addicted. This show is amazing entertainment and kept me on the edge of my seat for the entire season. I'm so glad they are putting these episodes out quickly. I was a "johnny-come-lately", panning the first season and tuning in for the second season on a whim. I was hooked with the first episode and couldn't get enough. Thankfully, at the time I started watching, Season One was out on dvd, so I bought it and caught up on Jack Bauer's adventures. Now, I'm jonesing for Season Three but in the meantime I have this new dvd set to enjoy with lots of interesting features, such as 44 deleted scenes, commentary and featurettes that make this 7 disc set a worthy addition to your collection. Jack's next horrific day on the job starts with the threat of an atomic bomb smuggled into Los Angeles by an international terrorist organization. This sets of a chain of reactions that become one spell binding turn after another. I won't go into much detail about what happens but you'll be biting your nails by the end of each episode. Keifer Sutherland is great as Jack Bauer, the CTU agent that can handle almost ANY situation. Dennis Haysbert is perfect as David Palmer, a very charasmatic President, who uses Agent Bauer when he gets into a tight spot. My personal favorite, Penny Johnson, as the delightfully sneaky and scheming, Sherry Palmer, is back for Season Two, adding plenty of guessing and twists for the fans. Daughter Kim is back too (played by Elisha Cuthbert) stumbling into trouble and keeping her dad busy trying to save her, as well as the entire city of Los Angeles. I'm hoping they reduce her role in Season Three and make her a little less danger prone. Other than that, I have no complaints about this incredible show. Go get this dvd set...and don't take 24 hours to do it!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Seifer Kutherland Rox
Review: Kiether Sutherland is so awesome he blows me away. 24 is so cool and i can't wait for the 3rd season. Ive already watched every episode of both seasons and I have bought the dvd box sets. I recommend this to everyone and if you don't like 24 your probably weird or a terrorist or both.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Nothing better can be found on the Big or Small screen
Review: Just finished the whole 24 series last night at 5 AM. As usual this is the most gripping and exciting show certainly on TV but i have found nothing in the theatres to compare. We have been so impressed with this series that once started we can't stop watching.
I am so impressed with the writers and the concept of a real-time show; an hour on the show is an hour in the life of these remarkable characters. What minds!!Every and any award most be afforded this incredible ensemble cast.
Finally, this season had many twists and unexpected turn of events that keeps one on the edge of your seat and not knowing what to expect. Sit tight for the cinematic ride of your life!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best show in years to come
Review: For me,24 is definitely the best show which has been produced in maybe the last ten years. Another great aspect is Kiefer Sutherland's amazing return to screen with the show. Everybody must have both seasons in their archieve, but be careful - you will not be able to stop watching till you reach last the episode.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The BEST show on Television right now
Review: For us 80's generation who miss the good old days, when television used to mean something, and are suffering with all these reality shows, 24 has offered to me relief. This pulse pounding, cliff hanging, thriller is the best show on television right now. Jack Bauer, is the ulitmate hero, he breaks the rules, takes risks, whatever it takes to get the job done. I thought Season 2 was better than the first, more character development, and more plots. This show leaves the question, how far does one go, to save millions of people. Jack Bauer, kills a suspect, in custody, threatens to kill a terrorist's family, in order to get answers about the Nucluear Bomb. President Palmer, illegally detains a nosy reporter, to keep him from leaking the news about the bomb, and has Secret Service torture one of his own staff, in order to get information. I have to say, if this were real life, whatever it takes to get the job done. The only draw back on this show is Kim Bauer' Jack's daugther who just doesn't think, she just keeps getting in more trouble, but its just ridicoulous, because she is so dumb.
I loved all the characters, the CTU staff, the White House, staff, the new family that is introduced, that play big roles. I also love how the show makes you think about each hour of the day, and how precious time really is. 24 is a great action thriller, that feeds that craving we all have for action. Kiefer Sutherland is the best, this show beats any other television show, I highly recomend buying this DVD, then stay up and watch all twenty four episodes.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "24": Season Two
Review: After such a surprisingly good first season (and one heckuva finale to boot), I had good expectations for the second season of "24". After the first episode of year two, I had my expectations raised considerably. Avoiding the "sophomore slump" most new TV shows tend to fall into, "24" managed to still be entertaining, and by no means boring. After the tragic finale of season one, Jack Bauer (played to award-winning perfection by Kiefer Sutherland) finds himself isolated and unwilling to go back to work for the Counter-Terrorist Unit. So it's with surprise that President David Palmer (played to award-deserving perfection by Dennis Haysbert), the man whose life he saved last season calls him for help to find a nuclear bomb which is believed to go off in Los Angeles before the end of the day. He takes the assignment, but before its over, he will face off against terrorists, an old ally turned traitor, and certain death (over and over again). This concept (24 hours=24 episodes) could easily fall flat on its face, but is held together by a solid ensemble cast and crew, incredible twists and turns, and unbeliveably relevant drama. The seven-disc set is a new bar for TV on DVD, boasting several commentaries, nearly an hour of deleted scenes, a great two-part documentary on the last episodes of the season, and a look the work it takes to make those slick split-screen sequences. All in all, a better than average collection for a solid season of great drama and action (And if you're not waiting for season three after this, I'd honestly recommend checking your pulse).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Reunion day
Review: Jack is back, and so is everyone else. The series gets much more dynamic and intense. Jack breaks more rules, gets more in-your-face, and the suprises keeps on coming. This season brings up some serious issue about civil rights violation in the time of crisis, and how bad can the good guys get in order to protect innocent people, and in the end, are they still "good" guys?

A hint to all who buy the dvd: if you've not seen season 2, DO NOT look in the bonus disc (7), or the little guide booklet, and COVER up the right side of the screen when you choose a episode, because the title screen for individual episodes often give away what will happen during that hour.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The way it is intended!
Review: Commercial FREE! The DVD version is much better than watching on TV. Season 2 really hits home after the tragedy of Sept. 11th. Exciting from beginning to end, you won't be disappointed!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: How TV on DVD should be
Review: Though I never really got a chance to watch this when it originally aired, I have found myself locked-in on it now that it has come to DVD. This set just plain ROCKS! The images are clean, clear (and widescreen), and the sound is very nice.

Surprisingly, there are 44 deleted scenes included! Try finding that on any other TV boxed-set.

Overall, I highly recommend this set for any fan of Keifer Sutherland, dramatic shows, or just good television in general.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best DVD Box Set Ever Made!
Review: This DVD Box Set for 24: Season 2 is absolutely incredible! If you love the show as much as I do, go out and buy this now! You will not be sorry, it is worth every cent! There's nothing like having a commercial-free, 24 marathon whenever you want! Plus, this will prepare you for October 28th's premiere of Season 3, also commercial-free! There's no question, 24 is the BEST thing on TV right now! Happy Watching! :)

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