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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "When the moon hits your eye..."
Review: "Moonstruck" is a movie that I enjoy more every time I watch it. It may be the perfect romantic comedy, although I think it's far too good to be boxed into that genre. No one writes New York City characters better than John Patrick Shanley, and this saga of a passionate Italian-American family makes you wish he wrote for the screen more often. Shanley found the ideal interpretor in Norman Jewison, who directs the film with perfect precision. He also assembled a flawless cast, and two members of it, Cher and Olympia Dukakis, won Oscars for their work, as did John Patrick Shanley for his screenplay.

The movie concerns Loretta Castorini and her eccentric extended family. As played by Cher, Loretta is a slightly frumpy widow who is getting married to an rather ridiculous older man (Danny Aiello). While her fiancee is away in Sicily at his mother's deathbed, Loretta falls for his intense, opera-loving, one-handed brother Ronnie, played with gonzo insanity by Nicolas Cage. Other plots include the lives of Loretta's parents, Cosmo and Rose, played by Vincent Gardenia and Olympia Dukakis. Cosmo is having a midlife crisis and is seeing another woman. The wise Rose knows this and decides to try and find out "why men chase women." She finally determines that it's because they fear death.

The characters in "Moonstruck" really do feel like a family, and it is pure joy to watch them interact. All of the Castorini's go through life with big emotions, with equal parts joy and sadness. There is a lot of inspired comedy in this film, most of which is dialogue-oriented. "Moonstruck" also functions as an examination of the wonders of love, as each character is awakened into passion by the arrival of the full moon. There is one famous scene where Loretta, after a night with Ronnie, walks home kicking a can across the street, completely lost in the bliss of being in love. It's marvelous. The climax, featuring all of the major characters gathered around a kitchen table, is superbly executed, moving, and hysterical.

I cannot recommend "Moonstruck" highly enough. It's characters will feel like old friends, and almost everything about the movie is perfect. For much of the cast, the film marks a high point in their careers. Cher was never better than as the lovestruck Loretta, Nicolas Cage was never so free and crazy, and character actors like Danny Aiello, Vincent Gardenia, and Olympia Dukakis finally got parts that they could bite into with relish.

Just see it. You'll fall in love, too.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Superb Meal of Love
Review: This is a wonderful film to watch with a girlfriend, wife or woman you are interested in. Why? It is passionate, funny, romantic, lunatic, sweet and truthful. Cher has never been a performer I cherish, or even admire, but here is the best work I've seen her in. She is beautiful and excellent in the part. Nic Cage is also excessive in the most melodramatic, stereotypical Italian way, a way which this film mines toward gold. Olympia Dukakis owns all the scenes she is in, and with Vincent Gardinia, the two make for a beautiful and interesting couple. It isn't long, boring or dumb. Highly recommended.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A real feel-good flick you will want to watch over and over!
Review: A great ensemble piece with a lot of heart. A perfect cast and direction make this movie a real gem. The diverse plot lines work smoothly in counterpoint and ultimately intertwine perfectly at the film's end. A heart-warming tribute to the overall importance of family relationships. If you only buy one DVD this year, this is the one to get. A delight from beginning to end.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great in Original
Review: Great in the Original, because this DVD version is "pan and scan" and leaves out the sides of the screen. That I hate, so beware in that sense. I'll be the first in line to get the original widescreen version when it comes out.
This film is about as perfect a romantic comedy as you can get without being "snow" or the "stars." That scene after the opera when Ronnie (Nicolas Cage) is imploring Loretta (Cher) to come into his apartment is indeed perfect: funny, profound in the way that everyday life is profound; emotional. I loved it. Life is indeed imperfect, and we're all here to make the wrong moves.
Sure, it sounds a bit precious, but what's impressed me is that the screenplay and direction provides comedy at the same time it delivers profundity about life. Yes, I know zilch about Italian-American-New-Yorkian life, but it sounds like it could be genuine, and is meaningful. I and my kids have already developed an in-joke based on Cage's mannerism in stroking his beard as he says, "I'm a wolf?" Perfect--snow, stars, love--and the moon. That says it all.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Medicine for the Soul!!
Review: This film has to be one of the most feel good, charming, and entertaining movies I have ever seen! After a tough day, a bad experience, whatever unpleasantness the world can dish out, "Moonstruck" has the ability to make it all better. The film takes you to a place where it is all forgotten, at least for the time spent enjoying it. Cher, always wonderful, will put a smile on your face from the first moment you see her. "Moonstruck" is a movie you will want to own! I watch it at least once a month...it's simply the best!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Australian DVD is widescreen
Review: Moonstruck was a HUGE hit when released in 1987, so much so that it earnt Cher an Oscar for her performance. I enjoyed the film back then, but rewatching it last week, I did not think it was that great. Very over-rated by today's standards.

Cher portrays an italian woman, who is at a crossroads in her life. In fact all the characters are at a crossroad. The film explores the risks people take and do not take, in the hope of living a happy life. Just as Cher becomes engaged to her boyfriend, she meets her real soulmate.

People interested in buying the DVD should perhaps look overseas. The Australian release is in glorious anamorphic widwidescreen version, whereas the USA version is pan and scan full frame (urgh!).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Authentically Italian!
Review: This movie is on my list of all-time favorites so I was delighted when my son recently bought it for me on DVD. It is the humorous and delightful love story of Loretta Castorini, a young Italian widow who lives with her parents in Brooklyn, and Ronnie Camarerie, owner of Camarerie Brothers Bakery and by chance the brother of Loretta's fiancee. How these two individuals come together and the interplay between them and all the members of Loretta's large and often interfering Italian family makes for many hilarious moments.

This movie is especially heartwarming as it depicts an Italian-American family better than any movie I have ever seen. I am a member of a large Italian family and I can vouch for its authenticity! The Castorini home even reminded me of many of those of my Italian relatives, filled with much good food and good conversation as well as memories of love and family. This is truly a wonderful movie experience!

This DVD version features an option to watch the movie while listening to a voice over by director Norman Jewison, writer John Patrick Shanley and lead actress Cher. I thoroughly enjoyed this feature, as each added amusing anecdotes about the filming of the movie, as well as their own input about various scenes and information about the other actors.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: worst movie ever!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: This movie sucks big time. It was so boring, dull, unfunny and a piece of garbage. Please do not waste your precious time or waste your money on this sorry excuse for a movie. This movie makes Mariah Carey's glitter and wisegirls looks like a masterpiece. This is the worst movie I have ever seen. I don't understand how cher got an oscar when Glenn Close was nominated for fatal attraction. Again I repeat, THIS MOVIE IS A WASTE OF TIME, DON'T EVEN BOTHER, IT MADE ME SICK. HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE MOVIE. STUPID CRAP. DON'T SEE IT. VERY VERY BORING.

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