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The Mexican

The Mexican

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good, Convuluted Story
Review: I liked it. Lot's of people didn't, but for a Brad Pitt movie with my least favorite actress Julia Roberts, I found it highly entertaining. Some violence, some edge of the seat moments and some dark humor. Quite a tale.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The Mexican a very flawed film with Pitt and Roberts
Review: Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts star in this dark comedy/low budget action movie. ''The Mexican'' is about a guy named Jerry (Pitt) who works for a crime boss. One day the crime boss, asks Jerry for one last ''job'' before Jerry decides to quit working for him and pay of his debts. The ''job'' though isn't as easy as Jerry thinks it is. He is asked to find a rare gun that is worth alot of money in Mexico.

Jerry's girlfriend , a nieve and spoiled brat named Samantha (Roberts fits the role perfectly ) reacts to Jerry last job like a bat out of hell. She immediately tells Jerry that if he goes to this job that she will never take him back, and to not both coming to her. The character of Samantha is as shallow and mean as a woman can get, I almost get shivers down my spine when I think that women like Samantha exist, because they aren't worth fighting for.

What Samantha doesn't realize is that Jerry is doing this job for her out of love. Jerry wants to pay his debts , and to pay of this debts requires doing this job in Mexico.
Pitt while not being the charasmatic actor, does at least add some depth and character to Jerry.

Anyhow once Jerry arrives in Mexico (a pretty dangerous place in some areas, but enjoyable in others) meets his contact who is going to give the rare gun to him.

However, things go horribly wrong when the contact Jerry is with literally dies
in front of him during a midnight celebration in Mexico. Jerry at first does not know the guy is dead, until he notices the bloody headshot on the car seat where he places the body in!!! Uggh.

This is only the start of a bad situation for Jerry. Once Jerry's crime boss finds out that he has fowled things up (although it's not his fault this guy is dead) sends in a psychopath killer named Leroy (James Gandolfini ) to hold his girlfriend Sam as hostage, while Jerry tries to come back to his boss with the antique gun.

One of the big problems the Mexican is the load of unlikeable characters in the
film. Brad Pitt's character of Jerry is probably the only somewhat likeable character in the film. Julia Roberts (again in her usual uncharasmatic self) as Sam, doesn't really
show any love or compassion only up to the point where she herself becomes involved in Jerry's situation. She only really cares about herself.

Then there's Gandolifini's character who can be best characterized as self hypocriting homosexual, hitman. which in fact he is if you watch the whole film. Gandolfini is best known for playing the paranoid , lovable, and evil Tony Soprano in the Sopranos but his role in that overrated, and his role in this film is forgettable.

The Mexican is not a total waste of a film, although much of it is.

I loved the twists in the film that the Mexican's in the film, from the villages to the cops were smarter than the dumb gringo (Jerry) who comes to look for the ancient gun for his boss. In fact, the Mexican's gave me such a good laugh, that I thought they were probably the best actors in the film. Every stereotype that Jerry and his white crime buddies put on them is eventually thrown back in their face with big laughs.

That's all I can say, I won't spoil it though by going into the exact dialogue. The film also has a couple of good twists in the middle, and near the end. However, the Mexican though has so many problems with it, that keep it from leaving a lasting impression and making it a likeable film that I can't recommend buying.

Renting it though is a different matter, you'll probably get some good laughs from it like I did, but that's it.

As Roger Ebert would say ''Two Thumbs Down'' but give it a viewing however don't expect to be blown away by this low budget film because you wont.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fun - with a great cast!
Review: Jerry Welbach (Brad Pitt) always ends up at the wrong place at the wrong time - the movie starts by showing him making one of the biggest mistakes of his life: runningv his car into a gangster's car, just when the gangster has a dead body hidden in the trunk. To pay for his error - has has to provide some services to the gang until the head gangster is out of jail. His last task is to bring back the Mexican - a gun held in Mexico by the gangster's grandson.

His only bit of good luck in life is his girlfriend, Samantha (Julia roberts) - whose dream of moving to Vegas is almost shattered by Jerry's latest trip, so the couple has a big fight & splits up just before Jerry leaves for Mexico.

But the gang doesn't know about this - so Samantha is kidnapped to ensure Jerry performs his job well. Naturally - the hapless Jerry manages to get himself into trouble while samantha has gone on a journey of self discovery - not only for herself, but also for her kidnapper.

While this movie is a light romantic comedy / action / thriller, the good cast & the good chemistry between them ensures that everyone has a good time!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Funny Movie =)
Review: I liked this movie a lot. The acting was very good especially from Brad Pitt. It's refreshing to see him in a movie where he plays somewhat of a loser instead of his usual hero/hunk. He's very funny in this movie!
Julia Roberts is convincing if a little shrill as a fed up girlfriend and James Gandolfini is also very believable as well.
I recommend this movie for couples and anyone looking for something funny and fast-paced.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The Mexican
Review: Brad Pitt is a bungling thug, Julia Roberts is his shrill and ditzy girlfriend, and James Gandolfini is a hit man with a penchant for talking about feelings.
Fans of Pitt and/or Roberts should get a kick out of THE MEXICAN, but I thought it was too long, too loud, and the two stars' scenes together more grating than amusing. Gandolfini plays a mob thug who discusses emotions with Roberts after kidnapping her. If that sounds a lot like an episode of The Sopranos, you're right. If this had just been a Gandolfini/Roberts film I suspect I would have enjoyed it quite a bit more than I did.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Fun Movie with a Great Cast!
Review: Basically, Jerry (Pitt) tries to transport an ancient gun called The Mexican, believed to carry a curse, back across the border. His girlfriend, Samantha (Roberts) pressures him to give up his criminal ways. And just to make sure Jerry delievers the gun, Samantha is held as a hostage.

A cute movie that is basically an action romantic comedy. I think I'm a little biased because I absolutely adore Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt, so of course I really liked this movie. The scenes with both Julia and Brad were some of my favorites, because they have some really funny fighting/bickering scenes.

Rating: 1 stars

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This was horrible
Review: This movie was horrible. I would give it zero stars, the only reason I would even give it one is because the very gorgeous Brad Pitt is in it. This movie has charecters are so unbelievable. I could not stand Julia Robert's charecter, she was evil and selfish throughout the entire film. In fact this movie was so terrible that I almost could not sit through it. Do not waste your money in buying or renting this film. Save your money and see it on TV.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good, Convuluted Story
Review: I liked it. Lot's of people didn't, but for a Brad Pitt movie with my least favorite actress Julia Roberts, I found it highly entertaining. Some violence, some edge of the seat moments and some dark humor. Quite a tale.

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