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Down to You

Down to You

List Price: $14.98
Your Price: $13.48
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The absolute best movie I have ever seen in my whole life!
Review: This is the best movie in the whole world! My friend and I went to see it together and we both walked out of the movie in aw! We thought Julia Stiles and Freddie Prinze Jr.(who is with-out a doubt the cutest guy in the whole world) are the cuttest couple! This was the best movie! A+

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Loved It, and I'm a guy!
Review: Now, you could call this a girls type of movie. 'Chick flick' for the lack of a better term. I was draged to go see it with my grilfriend. By the way the studio's know we get draged to see these type of films and cash in on the both of us. Anyhow, this movie was 'real'. When you watch it, you say ya, that's what we went through and that's how we fell in love and that's how we felt and that is how confusing things can get and thouse are the things that happen to people. Really captures love and relationships of 90s.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Movie Ever
Review: This movie is fresh and extremly cool. I went back to see again and again. Yes there is some sexual content, but no graphic details or anything like that. This movie was funny and heart-touching, the perfect combination. Definatly not recommended for anyone undwer 13 though. Anyone else a +!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Down with down to you
Review: This movie focused totally on sex. I really feel that in a society where STDs and prgenancy out of wedlock are common this movie was unrealistic because the characters had no real consequences for their actions. This sends a bad message to teens, especially sense the movie was advertised as being geared towards teens and seemed particulary clean and sweet in previews. I like a love scene or two but really, come on. "She rubbed my stomach when she wanted some in the moring." Where are we going with this?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: a step beyond.
Review: To me the movie was great i'm a big fan of freddie prince jr. the movie showed what a guy can go though to really please a girl.the leading lady show that don't take the first offer that come down to you just keep your guard up at all times.So great gold stars and great reviews to the movie and the cast for a job well done HATS OFF TO ALL.....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: best movie
Review: this movie was so cute. it shows how relationships that are meant to be will work out somehow in the end. julia stiles and freddie prinze jr. were great in it, and i plan on buying it when it comes out on video. i would recommend this movie to all of my friends.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: this movie was so good
Review: i watched this movie with my boyfriend and it was the cutest romantic comedy, when it comes out on video im going to get it. i dont think it was one of those sappy stupid romance comedies it was funny and sweet

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Loved this movie
Review: This Movie truly portrays the little knick-knacks of all relationships and that sort of mystical attraction that brings two people together. I could really relate with this movie and the fact that love may run you through the ringer but somehow...if two people were truly meant to be...they will always find a way back into each others lives.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Movie
Review: This is one of the best movies I have seen in a while. This really showed the truth behind most relationships, what people really go through in these types of situations. It's down to earth, funny, and romantic. Everyone should go out and see this movie, even if they've seen it already, see it again.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Down to You a Real Up
Review: As a fan of both Julia Stiles and Freddie Prinze Jr., I could not wait to see "Down to You", and eagerly brought my best friend with me to see it on the opening weekend. I found myself really enjoying the movie not only for the two main actors but for the story and the idea of the story. As a young woman entering a post-secondary institution I instantly related to Julia Stiles' character, Imogen and found her believable. At first I believed the movie would be your typical "teen-movie" where there would be an overly unbelievable plot line and not have any possible relation to a realistic teen; I was wrong. There were, at times, when I thought this could be too good to be true but the strong characters and plot instantly reversed my mind-set. All in all I truely enjoyed the movie.

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