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Alien Invasion
Classic Sci-Fi
Cult Classics
Kids & Family
Monsters & Mutants

Robots & Androids
Sci-Fi Action
Series & Sequels
Space Adventure
Star Trek
Deep Rising

Deep Rising

List Price: $14.99
Your Price: $13.49
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Rating: 5 stars
Review: When I went to go see this in the theaters I thought it was one of the coolest movies I had ever seen.Treat Williams is great and I love his catch phrase. Treat and the black dude were my favorite characters. If you like to watch movies not just because they are oscar caliber but just to have fun, this is the movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Travis from fl.
Review: This sounds like a nice horror flick with a dash of action. This movie is like alien only they are aboard a ship and the creature is in the ocean. Buy it!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Deep Waste
Review: Good effects but weak story line. Lots of great effects and sound (DVD). Movie not worth the time except for beauty of Famke Janssen who isn't on screen all that much

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Pure Fun!
Review: This film is a lot of fun to watch. Just suspend disbelief for a while and simply go with the flow.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great brain-drain movie.
Review: A really fun movie. It doesn't pretend to be more than it is. Overall, the acting was good, Treat Williams was great. The effects were spectacular. If you like monster movies you will enjoy this one. I have to buy another copy so that my friends don't wear mine out!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This movie flopped big time. But the truth is, (and I can see why most hated it) it is a good movie. Some people just decide that just because a movie has a poor storyline, and only watch it once, it is bad. Huh? I loved this movie the millionth time I saw it. I had a lot of fun and the special effects were sweet. There are a number of parts that you have to watch over and over again just for the hell of the special effects and the expressiions on the actors' faces (i.e. axe in the head scene, check out Mulligan.) This movie was the direct opposite of The mummy, which had a terrific storyline, but Brendan Frasier made me sick. Siskel and ebert gave this movie a thumbs down. And Siskel gave a thumbs up. We all have our days. But let me get our facts straight everybody. If you tolerate this film, and discover what its good for, you will have loads of fun!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good, braindead solid action!
Review: This movie is among my favourite ones. It's not a good movie if you look on the story side, but what the heck: Don't we all need to see some real action with excellent one-liners and big evil monsters? Of course we do! And this movie delivers it all!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is how to make a good movie
Review: This is my favorite movie. The plot is good, the effects are excellent, the action is solid. The cast is superb. Treat Williams, Famke Janssen, Wes Studi, Trevor Goddard, Kevin J O'Connor, and the rest combine to form one of the most wonderful casts ever. This movie is a pleasure to watch over and over again.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Now what?
Review: Cliché, abuse, rape... poor effects, bad cast. Hell Leviathan was 100 times better than this.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Just for the specials effects!!!
Review: This is a movie with a very poor story, a ordinary cast but fortunaly, great visuals effects by ILM. It's a kind of alien in a big ship.

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