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WWE - Invasion 2001

WWE - Invasion 2001

List Price: $24.95
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Spend your money on a better PPV.
Review: This PPV has 2 good matches. Those matches are Kidman vs. X-Pac and RVD vs. Jeff Hardy. But why buy this DVD for just those 2 matches? There is a lot better WWF PPVs out there, and if you got them all, get some REAL (the fact that ECW has anything to do with the InVasion angle is just stupid) ECW videos. This whole PPV was based on hype.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is definitely better than your average WWF ppv!
Review: This is one of the best dvd titles that has come out so far. The collision course between WWF and WCW/ECW definitely a must see. The ppv card was definitely better than most of the past wwf ppv's. Jeff Hardy vs RVD was an awesome match. The tag team bra & panties match really had my eyes glued to the tv, and the inagural brawl was simply amazing. This is really a must have dvd if you're a die hard wwf fan like me!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Ok but with extras like these bring back VHS...
Review: The matches are listed above in other reviews so I won't bore you with those. A couple of bad points about this DVD;

No music on main title page - what happened to PRESENTATION guys!?!
The 'exclusive backstage footage' - if I wanted to see Hugh Morris doing squats and Jericho putting his babyoil on I'd subscribe to a 'hidden cam' xxx page. They are a waste of everybody's time.

However I DID enjoy the event and here it is in crystal clear audio and nice (if occasionally pixally) visuals, buy it if you want a little bit of history.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: PPV for all wrestling fans
Review: This was the night all wrestling fans have waited for all our lives. The top 3 companies finally put on a ppv together. The best match and showstealer was Mr. PPV RVD(Rob Van Dam) vs Jeff Hardy. The match of the year. These two young men put their bodies on the line for the hardcore title.
The Inaugural Brawl wasn't bad, but you didn't have the stars for the WcW/EcW team that made their companies. Like the Sabu's and Kevin Nash's to help make it a possible better match. The turning of Austin to the Alliance was some what a shock. But Austin and the WWF are best to throw something shocking to keep the fans on their toes.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Even though it is a little let down, still deserves 5 stars!
Review: Even though it was a little bit of a let down, it was a great ppv. The best matches in my view were The Inagural Brawl (Not in your case Austin)and RVD v.s. Jeff Hardy (Greatest of all 10 matches). The rest were ok. If you had to choose any WWF ppv, this is the one I recommend.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What betta than Invasion?
Review: Invasion was better than I expected it to be. I expected it to be rather awkward because the fighting styles between the WWF and the WCW are completely different, but they came together to make it look good. I'd say the highlights would be the 10-man tag team match up, of course, and the RVD and Jeff Hardy match. A few of the low points would be Raven v. Regal (blah, I love Raven but can we say le yawn) and the referee match.... There was some real good fighting in the midst of all that. I saw Invasion live, but the DVD brings back the feel of it. It's a great buy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Invasion Is Incredible
Review: Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the three top wrestling compnies got together and beat the [heck] out of each other? I know a way to find out!
WWF's amazing roster take on WCW and ECW's group (hence the name Invasion!) All the matches are 100%, some fast-paced, some startling and some bloody!
The main event reaches a not-to-be-missed climax and overall a great investment for anyone who enjoys great in (and out) of ring sports-entertainment.....

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An Average PPV: A Historic Event
Review: Even though this was not the perfect inter-promotional PPV we all had in our heads, it was still a good, solid PPV, and most of all a historic event.

Edge and Christian vs. Lance Storm and Mike Awesome- Seriously underrated match; a very good one and a great opener. Very entertaining match.

Earl Hebner vs. Nick Patrick- WTF is this? What a waste of PPV time. DUD.

APA vs. Palumbo and O'Haire- A pretty weak match but it was still okay, an average brawl.

Billy Kidman vs. X-Pac- Good match. This was the only one where the fans weren't behind the WWF guy. Sad how much they hate X-Pac. Good high-flying/technical match, but I was expecting a little more.

Raven vs. William Regal- Nothing great, just another match on the card. The fans aren't into this one AT ALL which makes it tough to get into yourself. Gets pretty boring.

Big Show, Billy Gunn and Albert vs. Hugh Morrus, Kanyon, and Shawn Stasiak- Bathroom break match of the night. Not terrible with a good spot or two (like three guys being pressed at the same time) but really, who cares?

Tazz vs. Tajiri- Uh... I barely remember this match (as you can see it made a huge impact on me) but I was expecting alot only to be let down. It was okay I guess...

Jeff Hardy vs. RVD- Wicked hot match. The best of the night, very entertaining spotfest, it was actually more amazing that I expected!

Torrie and Stacy vs. Lita and Trish- Whoo hoo! It's a bra and panties match! Actually I was disapointed that we didn't see a little more, but still great for what it is.

Inagural Brawl- I actually liked this match- mainly because I expected nothing. A couple of cool spots and alot of emotion, but still, it's a ten man tag match involving the Undertaker...

Buy it for a few great matches and the history- don't for the fact that "InVasion" should have been so much more.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: One of a kind
Review: This was a great PPV overall. True, there aren't any over-hyped, popular WCW stars (Sting, Goldberg.. etc etc..) but, it is well worth owning. Never, in my long wrestling-watching life, would I thought I would ever see WCW/ECW vs the WWF. The RVD (Rob Van Dam) vs. Jeff Hardy match is a classic if you ask me. The bra and panties tag match too! >=) Two of many reasons to own this one of a kind.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: ...Summerslam(2001) was 10x better. WHY? well Invasion had Jeff Hardy vs. RVD... BUT! Summerslam had the same match except a LADDER was involved!. This should be reason enough to buy Summerslam, but I will give more examples.. Summerslam had a cage match Invasion didn't, Summerslam had a spectacular opening match Edge vs. Lance Storm can't say the same for Invasion. Spike dudley went threw a table! Stephanie looked way better in this PPV than in Invasion... And can you smell what the most important reason to buy Summerslam is... (hint: Rocky, Rocky, Rocky) You got it the Rock makes his PPV return against the 5 time, 5 time wCw Champion Booker T, Last but not least the reason why you should buy the Summerslam DVD is because I was there LIVE!... Well hope you don't waste your money on this...

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