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WWE Wrestlemania 2000 / Wrestlemania History

WWE Wrestlemania 2000 / Wrestlemania History

List Price: $29.95
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WrestleMania 2000
Review: I ordered this on ppv. It was awsome. 1. was Big Bossman and his partner vs. d'lo and The Godfather, I give it 3/10 stars, I could not get into it. 2. was the hardcore battle royal, I give it 5/10, it was okay. 3.T and A vs. HeadCheese, I give it 4/10, not so good. 4. Ladder match Dudleys vs. Hardy Boys vs. Edge and Christian, it was awsome I give it 8/10 stars, best ladder match I have seen, it was so brutal. 5. The Radicals vs. 2 cool and Chyna, I give it 6/10 stars, it was pretty good. 6. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit for first Intercontinental belt than European belt. I give it 7/10 stars. 7. Rakishi and Kane vs RoadDogg and X-Pac, I give it 8/10 stars, great match and Pete Rose and Kane battled again. 8. The Rock vs. Mick Foley vs. HHH vs. The Big Show for WWF Championship, I give it 9/10, great match big time moves lots of excitment and controversy. A WrestleMania like never before!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: a major disappointment
Review: This wasn't the wrestlemania 2000 that received all that hype, was it? Please tell me that this was just a preview of what will happen down the road. The matches pretty with the exception of the ladder match, main event till the end and hard core battle royal were all snoozers! If you want the best pay per view of 2000 so far..check out royal rumble 2000...now there's a must buy...

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This is the best Wrestlemania in the history of the WWF, I ordered the Pay-Per-View and all of the matches were great. The line up was wonderful: 1. Godfather/D-lo vs.Bossman/Bull Buchanon 2.15 man Hardcore Battle Royal 3.Test&Albert vs. Head Cheese 4.Ladder Tag Title Match:Dudleys,hardy Boyz,Edge&Christian 5.The Kat vs. Terri 6.Too Cool&Chyna vs. The Radicals 7.IC&Euro Title:Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho 8.Kain&Rikishi vs.RoadDogg&X-Pac 9.Fatal Four Way Elimination Match:Mick Foley, Big Show, The Rock, Triple H This is a great PPV and I recamend this to every wrestling fan to watch this great extravaganza!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Wresltemania 2000 Good, but not great
Review: The main event wasn't as good as it was hyped to be. The outcome was completley predictable and Vince McMahon made his 987th heel turn. But the Tag-Team Ladder Match was awsome. Still a must bye.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: wow! just amazing
Review: I recently just saw it on pay per view and it was great except for Foley cause he did not win the title which i thought they should have gave him but if u were to buy it for one reason, that would be for the ladder match with edge and christian, dudley boyz, and Hardy boyz what a matchup. P.S Buy it

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Most Dysfunctional WrestleMania Ever!
Review: WrestleMania 2000 (XVI)
April 2, 2000
Arrowhead Pond
Anaheim, Califronia

D'Lo Brown & The Godfather V. Big Boss Man & Bull Buchanan
Ok opener. Boss Man & Bull win. **

13-Man Hardcore Battle Royal for the Hardcore Championship:
Awesome. Crash walks in the Champ and almost walks out the Champ. Hardcore Holly walks out the Champion. **** 11 title changes in this match alone.

Test & Albert V. Al Snow & Steve Blackman
Decent match. Could have been better, Crowd was dead. *3/4

Trinagle Ladder Match for the Tag Team Championship:
The Dudley Boyz (Champions) V. The Hardy Boyz V. Edge & Christian
I'm not really into all the hardcore matches. I find it harder to entertain the crowd when you are doing a straight up wrestling match, I would watch a good wrestling match over a hardcore match anyday but this match was excellent with some sick bumps. Edge & Christian win their first ever Tag Team Championship in a classic. ***** The only thing I don't like about these three way ladder matches is that in every one the Dudleyz get screwed ever time. Oh well, they are still the best.

Cat Fight:
The Kat V. Terri
Terri wins, and who cares. 1/4*

Too Cool & Chyna V. Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, & Perry Saturn
Good Tag Match. Too Cool & Chyna wins. *** If you watch Eddie Guerrero's matches from then and then watch his matches from now, they are alot different. Eddie evolved into a very great wrestler.

Two Fall Triple Threat Match for the Intercontinental & European Championship:
Kurt Angle (Champion) V. Chris Benoit V. Chris Jericho
Excellent wrestling match with three of the best. Benoit wins the Intercontinental Championship by pinning Jericho and Jericho wins the European Championship by pinning Benoit **** Angle wasn't even involved in the decisions! Angle is still the man, along with Benoit & Guerrero.

Kane & Rikishi V. X-Pac & Road Dogg
Not a very good match. It was short and Kane & Rikishi just destroyed them. * Pete Rose got this thrid tombstone in three years.

Fatal Four Way Elimation Match for the WWF Championship:
Triple H (Champion) V. The Rock V. Big Show V. Mick Foley
Awesome Match. Foley's last match until 2004. Show elimated first, then Foley, and Triple H retained the title because of Vince! ****1/2

A great WrestleMania that had it all. It had great hardcore matches and great wrestling matches. A ***** star WrestleMania

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Decent But Not Great
Review: Godfather & D'Lo Brown vs. Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan
Pretty lackluster opener. It is Wrestlemania after all and you'd expect to be energized but this doesn't do it.

Al Snow & Steve Blackman vs. T&A w/Trish Stratus
"Head Cheese" was a funny gimmick for a while. This match isn't as bad as the crowd would lead you to believe but this is still tv material.

15 minute Battle Royal for the Hardcore Championship
Pretty fun and exciting at times but way too long.

Triangle Ladder Match for the Tag Team Championship
Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian vs. Hardy Boyz
Showstopping match! The first of 3 historic classic matches with these 3 teams. Some huge bumps in this one.

Cat Fight
Terri vs. The Kat w/Val Venis as special ref
Filler and it sucks. Crap.

6 Person Tag Team Match
Too Cool & Chyna vs. The Radicalz
It's ok but again this is filler and more suited for Raw.

2 Fall Thriple Threat Match for the European and Intercontinental Titles
Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho
Great match. Very different as far as stipulations go. Non-stop with 3 of the best ever.

Kane & Rikishi vs. Road Dogg & X-Pac w/Tori
The feud with Kane and X-Pac finally ends here. Rather short but to the point.

Fatal Four-Way for the WWF Championship
Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Mick Foley vs. Big Show
A McMahon in every corner. A long and entertaining match with probably THE most shocking finish in Wrestlemania history.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: very overrated
Review: ok trust me on this i ordered wrestlemania 2000 like you hopefully wont expecting some great action. i got some from the ladder match and the hordcore title match and a bit in the main event. the hordcore title match and ladder are about 15 min. each and the main evnt was only exciting for about 10 min.

so its a three and a half hour event with about 50 min. of excitement. you make the call

my ratings of the match out of *****

1.godfather &dlo vs. Buchanon & Boss Man- ok this is actually not bad. it was solid- **

2.13 man 15 min. hordcore battle royal- alright this was good but wasnt really interesting the guys just hit each other over the head with stuff( chairs, pans, stop signs, etc.) the ref Tim White makes a big screw up at the end-***

3. Al snow & Blackman vs. Test & Albert- meh bad match really boring (al snow really did a better job at wrestlemania 15)- *

4.Triangle ladder match E.C. vs. Hardyz vs. Dudleys- this was great but if you want the best from these teams get wm 17 or summerslam 2000- ****

5.cat fight- kat vs. terri- BORING BORING if you want stuff like this than get summerslam 2000- DUD

6. 2 cool and chyna vs. radicalz(eddie, dean malenko and perry saturn)- noooooooooooooooooo not another stupid tag match. eddie really needed a bigger push backn then- **

7.angle vs. benoit vs. jericho- 2 fall triple threat first fall for ic title 2nd fall for the euro-

1st fall: really quick but ok

2nd fall: quite good


8.Kane and rikishi vs. road dogg and x pac- im almost dead at this point another damn tag this was the worst one cause it was over so quick but pete rose saves the day by giving 1 star for his good appearance- *

9. 4-way main event for wwe title- mankind vs. big show vs. hhh vs. the rock- good main event but not long ehough for a four way i think the rock shoud have won since it woud have made this ppv worth while but noo they give it 2 him 3 months later. sigh- ****

really not worth buying if you want to buy this just for the ladder match dont cause thier matches at wm 17 and summerslam 2000 were miles better. i hope i convinced you to save your 20.00$

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Wrestlemania 16 was Overated
Review: These people are charging ridiculously a large amount of money for a Wrestlemania, quite honestly was'nt that good... I'm a hardcore fan and at that I've seen way better pay per views that even was'nt a wrestlemania, if your going to buy a wrestlemania get 17 or 18, personally I think 18 surpassed them all and was WWF/WWE's highest peak, it all started going down hill from there... Now That said, DONT BUY IT TIL THEY DROP IT DOWN TO ATLEAST $50.00

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Mania dvd
Review: This is the best dvd released by the WWE/F. Buy IT!!!

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