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WWE SummerSlam 2002 - Rock vs. Brock

WWE SummerSlam 2002 - Rock vs. Brock

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better Than the Biggest
Review: The 2002 card for SummerSlam was probably the greatest line-up in the event's history. And, the DVD was well packaged for its collectors. Of course, the highlight of the night was Shawn Michaels versus Triple H in a non-sanctioned street fight. There are extra features that build toward the match, including HBK's appearance on Byte This.

In addition to that match, other classic matches include Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio in the opening contest, Edge against Eddie Guerrero, and Rob Van Dam and Chris Benoit in a rare inter-brand encounter. (For those keeping count, note that the RAW roster won every inter-brand pay-per-view match in 2002.)

Don't discredit The Rock and Brock Lesnar's match, which as predictable as it may have been, served its purpose and marked a tremendous effort by both men. Likewise, the World Tag Team title match between champions Lance Storm & Christian against Booker T & Goldust was a great match. The remaining matches between Undertaker and Test, as well as Chris Jericho and Ric Flair would have looked better on a less-impressive card.

The extra features include a match between Brock Lesnar and Hollywood Hulk Hogan, and post-match interviews with Kurt Angle, Booker T & Goldust, Rob Van Dam, Eddie Guerrero, and new Undisputed WWE champion Brock Lesnar. It has a special (albeit useless) look at the making of the SummerSlam commercial, and the commercial itself.

This year was a rare occasion in which SummerSlam outshined WrestleMania, the Biggest Event of the Year. The only way this DVD would have been better was if they found a way to edit out the time-filler among Howard Finkel, Trish Stratus, and Lillian Garcia, or if they included the post-match promo The Rock cut. Regardless, this event was definitely a credit to the WWE record books.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Biggest Event Of The Summer
Review: Just an awesome ppv. From my point of view there were 3 match of the year candidates here. The first was the opening bout between Angle and Misterio which set a great tone for the whole event. One of the fastest paced matches I have ever seen and it was crafted beautifully. Angle is the reason why WWE is on two feet still. He can carry anyone to a great match! The next was the return of my childhood hero Shawn Michaels! I ordered the ppv just to watch Michaels get back in the ring and it was completely memorable. His match with Triple H was full of drama and what an ending. Lastly, Rock and Brock sent the crowd home satisfied. Great story and great ending. The Next Big Thing is being pushed to the moon, but with Rock retiring soon, WWE needs another star. Great PPV, and Summerslams never ever disappoint.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic show all around !
Review: SummerSlam 2002 is arguably the best WWE pay per view event of 2002. nearly every match on the card is great ... and note that they are great WRESTLING matches. don't get me wrong, i love the TLC matches, cage matches, royal rumbles and street fights... but the matches featured on this card exhibit possibly the best showcase of pure wrestling that the wwe has offered in recent years.

the only exception to this theme of pure wrestling is the hhh vs hbk match which is more or less a street fight but is nevertheless a great match from two of the best ever and they do not disappoint. after being absent from active wrestling for more than 4 years , hbk takes on hhh. the two put on a performance that rivals the best that either wrestler has ever had.

the show begins with angle vs mysterio. i think this is mysterio's first ppv event and after seeing this performance he will certainly be a mainstay on wwe ppv. he along with angle put on a great match that shows that angle can wrestle a faster paced style match just as well as a heavyweight contest.

the intercontinental title match showcases the supurb technical wrestler benoit going up against the uniquely- skilled rvd. these two put on a match that makes you wish the intercontinental title had not been retired 2 months later.

brock lesnar justifies his push as he and the rock compete in a great contest for the undisputed championship in the main event.
i had my doubts about lesnar being pushed to the top so soon in his career, but after seeing this, i understand what everyone saw in the potential of this young superstar.

these are only the show's headlining matches ! there are 4 other great undercard matches that make this event a solid show from beginning to end.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: SummerSlam '02
Review: Angle/Mysterio
Good match. The first of 3 high flying/technical matches is a good opener to the ppv 8.5/10
Angle kicks out of the West Coast Pop and the 619. Angle puts Rey in the anle lock to get the submission victory.9/10

Not that good.
Flair tapped to the figure-4 before he got to the ropes.
yet the ref missed it.Flair puts jericho in the same hold and he tapps.lousey ending to lousey match. Flair should not be wrestling anymore.4/10

Once again WWE has a bunch of USA-bashing fools. Can't Storm get better heat than this. ok match. test interferes to give storm/christain the w. 6/10 better than the Flair Jericho match

Edge/ Latino Heat
Great match. Eddie kicks out of the Edge-e-cution. Edge uses spear to get the w. 8.5/10

aewsome match. RVD refuses to tap out to the Crippler Crossface.
5-Star gives RVD a 3rd I-C title. 9/10

OK. Good to see big evil bring out many "old-school UT" moves including the match-ending tombstone. UT waves U.S. Flag after the match. Of course Taker wins, Test is a loser with no talent. Test caught whatever Lex Luger had.

WOW!! HBK shows no ring rust here. He uses many moves wich include a ladder.Lots of vintage Shawn Michaels moves, including many moves using a ladder. HBK drives Hunter through a table with a splash to the outside. HHH counters the Sweet Chin Music to attempt the Pedigree but HBK counters, rolls up the Game to get the victory over HHH. Afterwards,hHh assauts Shawn with a Sledgehammer(there's a surprise, the Game using a Sledgehammer). Awesome match. Helmsley can't beat Shawn without help. These two hate each other's guts. 9.5/10

Brock Lesnar vs. the Rock
The Nassau Collisium practically booed the Rock out of the building. I thought he was the People's Champion. Paul Heyman gets put through the SD! announce table with the Rock Bottom. Brock Lesnar revereses the People's Elbow to the F-5 to win the Undisputed World title. Decent match. 7.5/10.

All-in-All a great ppv. One of the Best Summer Slams I have ever seen. Summer Slan 2002 gets an 8/10.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the greatest summerslams of all time!
Review: Summerslam 2002 was easily one of the best Summerslams of all time. Every match on the card was decent. Here are the matches and how I thought they were:

1. Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio 8/10 Perfect opener for this event. It was filled with fast paced action and got the crowd on its feet.

2. Ric Flair vs Chris Jericho 7/10 I don't get why everybody thinks this match isn't that good. Yeah, there were a good amount of chops and a few of the moves got a little messed up, but other than that, it was a very decent match.

3. Edge vs Eddie Guerrero 8.5/10 Excellent match. Nice Bumps taken and overall, a great wrestling match.

4. Tag Team Title Match Booker T and Goldust vs the Un-Americans 6.5/10 Pretty good match. I think this match is a little overrated. All these men are great superstars and very talented, but I really think they could of put on a better match. It was still better than the average Raw match and certainly watchable.

5. Intercontinental Title Match RVD vs Chris Benoit 9/10 Awesome Wrestling Match. Technical, High Flying, Brawling, everything. I'm just letting anyone know that if you saw their match on Raw a few weeks before this, its not quite as good as that one. I thought their raw match topped this one because, believe it or not, there were some slow parts in this match. Even though it didn't top the raw match, it still lived up to the hype.

6. Undertaker vs Test 8/10 This was another match that is very underrated. Many say that having 2 big men in a match will never be that good. But the Undertaker and Test proved them wrong. And when the Undertaker stood on the turnbuckle after the match and held up the American flag, every fan rose to their feet. It was a classic moment in wrestling history.

7. Non-Sanctioned match Triple h vs Shawn Micheals 10/10 This match blew me away. I'll admit, I'm a Triple h fan. But I didn't care that he lost. It was great to see Shawn in the ring again. He proved that he can still be the show stopper. This match might not only be the best match of 2002, but the best match of all time.

8. WWE Championship match The Rock vs Brock Lesnar 9/10 Great Main Event. Not only was it a great match, but the cheering shifted back and forth. Sometimes for the Rock and sometimes for Lesnar. It really was a great match.

If you are going to buy this pay per view and can watch DVD's, buy this on DVD. It has a ton of extras. But no matter what, buy this pay per view. You will not be dissapointed.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: summerslam 2002
Review: SS. great ppv all around. great history led up to the main events

1.mysterio vs angle match was outstanding. great to start of the ppv
2. flair vs jericho was a chop fest. considering flair's age it was still a good match
3. edge vs eddie was a great match.
4. tag team championship match was so under-rated. it was an exciting match that did not dissappoint
5.rvd vs benoit was a good match. tough battle good ending

6.test vs taker. weak match
7.hbk vs hhh could have been better. but it wasn't a dissapointment good battle

8. rock vs brock would have been an outstanding match, but paul heyman interfered to damn much also a good ending

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An excellent ppv...really the only good one of 2002
Review: This ppv was outstanding because of the quality of the matches and the buildup surrounding them. Kurt Angle defeated Rey Mysterio with the ankle lock in an awesome opening match that was one of the top five matches of the year. The Ric Flair-Chris Jericho match was only good because it had Y2J in it. Ric Flair stunk the place out as usual, but won the match with the lame figure-four. Y2J should be in main-events, not suck-matches with geriatric people. Edge's victory over Eddie Guerrero was a very good match and really seemed to launch a long entertaining rivalry that produced many great matches. The tag-team championship match was extremely good. The Un-Americans pulled off the victory over Booker T and Goldust by cheating, which gives these matches their suspense. One question...why the hell is Booker T stuck in the Tag-Team division again??? Rob Van Dam and Chris Benoit put on a five-star classic for the IC title, and Rob Van Dam actually won the contest. Once again...why is another awesome wrestler not on the top of the card? Test...yes Test...the worse wrestler of all time..fought the Undertaker, who kicked major ... in making this a very good match. In his first ppv match since returning to face, Taker lit up the New York crowd and pinned the Canadian goofball Test. The best match of 2002...no the best match since Austin-Rock at X7...Shawn Michaels-Triple H/Non-Sanctioned. The Showstopper and the Game put every match of 2002 to shame. What a match...O yeah.. and there was the greatest wrestler of all time the Rock versus that Lesnar fellow for the Undisputed title.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: strong contender for best ppv of 2002
Review: I don't know if you can call this the best ppv ever, because there are several ppv's who have those bragging rights such as wrestlemania 17, but it is in my opinion the best ppv of this past year. The only bad matches on the card was flair vs y2J and Undertaker vs Test. Everything else lived up to expectations. HBK makes an impressive comeback after a 4 year absence and Brock goes on to prove, why he is the next big thing. I've read alot of other reviews and I have to agree with them about the Rock. I can't believe that the rock comes back after a movie and wrestles for about 3-4 months and then walks out to do another movie and keeps doing it in that fashion. Rey Mysterio makes an impressive debut against Kurt Angle. Highly Recommended!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: not a classic, but close.
Review: This was a pretty good event. Most matches were great, but some were not so good.

Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio
Great match. Probably opener of the year, if there is such a thing.****

Ric Flair vs. Chris Jericho
Not such a good match. Flair is just slowing down these days.**

Edge vs. Eddie Guerrero
This was better than the opener. These two are two of the most talented superstars on smackdown.*****

Tag Team Title match
Lance Storm and Christian vs. Booker T and Goldust
This is a great match. I am a huge fan of Goldust and Booker T. They can put on one heck of a match.*****

Intercontinental Title
Rvd vs. Chris Benoit
Man, this is my favorite match this year. Many high spots and risks taken by Rvd, and Chris Benoit letting out all that toothless aggression make this an amazing match.*****

Undertaker vs. Test
BORING! Awful match.*

Triple H vs. Shawn Micheals
Not what I expected. I was happy to see Shawn back though.**

Undisputed Title
The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar
Decent main event. The Rock finally got boo'd by the crowd(smart people). Brock Lesnar Rules!!!

By: Colten Smiths best friend,
Andy Baker

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: WWE Summerslam
Review: As wrestling fans we live for Pay-Per-Views like this. A handful of good matches and no match which was a total suckfest. But its not just the matches that are good about this pay-per-view, its the story BEHIND the matches.

While some WWE fans might not of liked the idea of a Brock Lesnar push at first the amazing climax of a three month build-up happens here tonight, along with a surprise from the crowd I never expected to hear.

And not to mention an overachieving Match Of The Year candidate in Triple H vs Shawn Michaels. I mean for a guy who hasn't wrestled for 4 years and another guy whos lost a step or two since a serious quadricep injury to put on as good of a match as they did is just amazing.

The undercard was filled with good matches too. Like a fast-paced affair between Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio. Or another one which was the first of three amazing matches between Edge and Eddie Guerrero. And for the fans who appreciate in-ring psychology you'll love Rob Van Dam vs Chris Benoit.

Overall, this is the best pay-per-view of 2002 and I recommend it to ANY wrestling fan.

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