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WWE Backlash 2004

WWE Backlash 2004

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Backlash In Canada
Review: This is a pretty good PPV with high and low spots. It's hard to follow Wrestlemania each year with a great PPV.

Matt Hardy vs Val Venis 4/10

this was on Sunday Night Heat.not a great match. crowd was dead. the only reason it gets a 4 is for the end result.

Ric Flair vs Shelton Benjamin 8/10

a good match. thought breaking up Benjamin & Haas was a bad idea but Benjamin is awesome on his own. Flair really puts the kid over with the crowd. i predict big things for this kid.

Jonathan Coachman vs Tajiri 3/10

Tajiri was brought to Raw for this? Coach shows a few wrestling moves but Tajiri is holding back. they may as well tied Tajiri's hands behind his back the way he performed. big disappointment! Garrison Cade appears in this one.

Handicap Match
Christian & Trish Stratus vs Chris Jericho 7/10

a pretty good match. not as good as Wrestlemania because of Trish having to wrestle. these 2 work good together.

Women's Championship
Victoria vs Lita 5/10

not bad for a ladies match. Victoria is showing improvement as a wrestler. too bad they held Lita back. could have been much better. Gail Kim & Molly Holly ruin it afterwards.

Intercontinental Championship
Hardcore Match
Randy Orton vs Cactus Jack 10/10

this one steals the show. a match of the year candidate. back and forth brutal action with lots of blood and bumps. glad Evolution was banned from ringside.Mick Foley was in the best shape he's been in since 1989. losing 50 lbs helps Mick in this one. i have never been impressed with Orton until this one. he shows he can be a big match guy.

#1 Contender for World Tag Team Title
La Resistance vs Hurricane & Rosey 6/10

a fairly decent match but crowd went completely dead. has a surprise ending. run in by Eugene was hilirous. enjoyed Eugene's segment in the locker room with Gail Kim, Molly Holly & William Regal.

Kane vs Edge 4/10

very disappointing match! not a great way for Edge's return. this looked like a Heat match. Kane looked like a jobber. this could have been a lot better.

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple Threat Match
Chris Benoit vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple HHH 9/10

an excellent match for the rematch. not as good as Wrestlemania encounter but nothing could top that. this is an exciting back and forth encounter. hometown fans are definitely behind Benoit. i wish Canadian fans would leave Michaels alone about 1997 with Bret Hart. it wasn't Shawn's fault. he doesn't deserve boos. overall a great match.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Backlash 2004 was yet another great show from Raw
Review: 1. Shelton Benjamin pinned Ric Flair - Benjamin's huge push continues as The Nature Boy puts him over in a good opening match. **

2. Jonathan Coachman pinned Tajiri - Tajiri delivers some nasty kicks in this match, but eventually falls to Coach with the help of Garrison Cade. *

3. Chris Jericho defeated Christian and Trish Stratus in a Handicap Match - very well done match with Jericho pinning Christian after an enzigury. ***

4. Victoria pinned Lita to retain the Women's Championship - Lita is pretty bad in the ring and it really shows in this match. *

5. Randy Orton pinned Mick Foley to retain the Intercontinental Championship in a Hardcore Rules Match - off the charts brawl that really shows how passionate both men are about wrestling; Randy Orton is the best thing in the business right now and Foley did a great job putting him over. *****

6. The Hurricane and Rosey defeated La Resistance - this match, just like both teams involved, is crap.

7. Edge pinned Kane - nothing special, but not that bad. **

8. Chris Benoit defeated Shawn Michaels and Triple H in a Triple Threat Match to retain the World Heavyweight Championship when he made HBK tap out to the sharpshooter - yet again these three men put on an unbelievable match; this was not as good as WrestleMania but it sure was close. *****

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: WWE Backlash 2004
Review: 1. Shelton Benjamin vs Ric Flair 7.5/10 I think Shelton Benjamin did a really good job in this match so did Ric Flair it had some good spots in it especailly when Shelton slaps Flair after Flair hit him and Flair just collapses.

2.Tajiri vs Jonathan Coachman 4/10 I didn't like this match at all but I mean it was funny seeing Coach getting beat up, but like always somebody cough Garrison Cade cough has to interfere.

3. Chris Jericho vs Christian & Trish Stratus 5.5/10 The match was alright not as good as Jericho's and Christian's Wrestlemania match though but im glad Y2J got some revenge.

4. Victoria vs Lita (Women's Championship)6/10 I like this match up it was a good solid matchup with 2 great athletes. But Molly Holly and Gail Kim messed it up after Victoria won

5. Randy Orton vs Cactus Jack (Intercontinental Championship Hardcore Rules) 10/10 I loved this match. It was awesome Cactus took some real hard shots in this but Randy Orton got his beating like he deserved. But overall I think Randy Orton proved he was a hardcore legend.

6. La Resistance vs Hurrican & Rosey 5/10 And alright match but I think it should have been on RAW stead of a Pay Per View.

7. Edge vs Kane 4/10 I was glad to see Edge return but this match wasn't that good. Edge did alright but he had a cast on so it was a boring 6 minute match seeing a guy with a cast getting beat up but thank the lord Edge won.

8. Chris Benoit vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H (World Heavyweight Championship) 8.5/10 I like this match better than the one at Wrestlemania. It was and awesome triple threat match with people shouting "You screwed Bret" to HBK...Great Match!

Overall Backlash 2004 was a pretty good Pay Per View

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Final Encounter!
Review: 2004 Backlash
April 18, 2004
Rexall Place
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Shelton Benjamin V. Ric Flair
This match should have been higher up on the card, but a good opener with Benjaimin's push continuing. **1/2

The Coach V. Tajiri
Boring match with Coach winning and I don't see why Tajiri would job to The Coach. *

Handicap Match:
Chris Jericho V. Christian & Trish
Probably the best Handicap Match that I can remember. Jericho wins and gets some measure of revenge on Christian & Trish. ****

Women's Championship:
Victoria (Champion) V. Lita
Good women's match with Victoria winning. **1/2

Hardcore Match for the Intercontinental Championship:
Randy Orton (Champion) V. Mick Foley
Excellent hardcore match with Orton, not Foley, taking the huge bumps. Orton wins after two RKOs with one of them on "Barbie" *****

The Hurricane & Rosey V. La Resistance
Ok Match. This match was not for the #1 Contendership for the Tag Titles. Eugene made it some what entertaining. The Hurricane & Rosey wins. *3/4

Edge V. Kane
This match was not as good as it could have been. Edge wins with the spear. *3/4

Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
Chris Benoit (Champion) V. Triple H V. Shawn Michaels
Awesome Match, this match may be better than their WrestleMania match. Benoit retains. *****

I re-reviewed this Pay-Per-View because when I watched it on Pay-Per-View, I wasn't really into the Pay-Per-View and then I watched it again and it was pretty good. The Hardcore match was just awesome and the Final Encounter was a Masterpiece, again, may even be better than their WrestleMania match but I would have to watch them Back-To-Back and let you know, but overall a great show with two five star matches, the first PPV I can think of that has had two five star matches since WrestleMania X. Overall, a ***** show.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Why Old Benoit Why?
Review: April 18, 2004
Rexall Place, Edmonton Alberta, Canada

First and formost why give Benoit and Eddie the top two belts. If either men were worthy they would have gotten the titles when they were younger and in there prime. Not because the Great Muppet Master Vince felt sorry for them being so old and never being anything.


Shelton Benjammin def. Ric Flair

Good choice for an opener. Back and forth action with Benjammin hitting the top rope clothesline for the win. Benjammin's mega push continues by beating a 60 year old has been. He should be proud.

Match Rating - **

The Coach def. Tajiri

Bad bad match. Coach is not an entertainer. Not in the ring, not on the mic, not at the annoucers table, not at all. The only time Coach makes me laugh is when the Rock is calling him a "Popcorn Fart" or putting him down in other ways. Garrison Cade got involved and Coach won. And who was he facing again...

Match Rating - *

Chris Jericho def. Christian and Trish Stratus

Thank you Ayatolla of Rock N Rolla for breathing some life in to this PPV. Match was very solid, with Jericho pinning Christian with the running enziguri.

Match Rating - *****

Womens Championship - Victoria def. Lita

Poor Lita her ring rust really showed during this one. Victoria's awsome though, and she retains her title here with a cradle.

Match Rating - **

Intercontinental Championship

No Holds Barred - Randy Orton def. Cactus Jack

WOW! Orton should thank his lucky stars that it was him because Foley put him over clean, cata-pulting him right to the top of the WWE. The match itself was just an awsome brawl. When Orton pulled out those thunbtacks I did not think it would be him taking the bump on them. Orton tries to escape, but Foley throws him off the stage through a couple of tables. Orton finishes the match. Two RKO's get the biggest win of Orton's young career. Definite show-stealer. F'in WOW!

Match Rating - *****

Hurricane & Rosey def. La Resistance

Good match if you needed to hit the can or get a beer. Not much of a match, and you know it's just been thrown in to kill some time when Eugene (is this RAW's Zach Gowen, did RAW really need a side show freak?) jumps in the ring and just runs around like an idiot for a couple of minutes.

Match Rating -

Edge def. Kane

A six minute match for a 14-month return for Edge. Kane should have one and would have if it was not for it being Edge's "big return," and needing a push. I don't know about ya'll but I'm fed up with Kane and Big Show being jobers while Benoit and Eddie run around with titles. The crowd was dead for this match until Edge hit the spear at the end. The match itself was not good.

Match Rating - *

World Title - Triple Threat

Chris Benoit def. Triple H & Shawn Michaels

The final encounter? Yep, it's probably the last time they'll have a triple threat with these three. This match was very good, not as good as their WrestleMania match though, since it think there was a bit more riding on it for Benoit at Mania. The match went 30 minutes and just seemed a bit flat in some patches. Benoit blocks the Sweet Chin Music and locks in the SharpShooter, getting the submission victory. Benoit celebrates with his hometown with his belt at the end.

Match Rating - ***

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A New Hardcore Legend!!
Review: April 18, 2004
Rexall Place, Edmonton Alberta, Canada

Shelton Benjammin def. Ric Flair
Good choice for an opener which went about 9 minutes. Back and forth action with Benjammin hitting the top rope clothesline for the win. Benjammin's mega push continues.
Match Rating - **1/2

The Coach def. Tajiri
Wasn't expecting much from the match since Coach was in it, but i was pleasantly surprised. Coach shouldn't be wrestling however, so i guess his new ally, Garrison Cade, will do the rasslin for him. Coach pulls out the upset with Cade's help.
Match Rating - *1/4

Chris Jericho def. Christian and Trish Stratus
I would have rather just seen Jericho/Christian II, but we get a handicap match here. Match was very solid, with Jericho pinning Christian with the running enziguri.
Match Rating - ***

Womens Championship - Victoria def. Lita
Hated this match. Lita needs to consider a new occupation because she's clearly not cut out to be a proffesional wrestler. Victoria's awsome though, and she (thank god) retains her title here with a cradle.
Match Rating - 1/4*

Intercontinental Championship
No Holds Barred - Randy Orton def. Cactus Jack
WOW! What can i say that probably hasn't already been said. We all new Orton was going to win since the only reason Foley came out of retirement was to put a younger star over. Orton should thank his lucky stars that it was him because Foley put him over clean, cata-pulting him right to the top of the WWE. The match itself was just an awsome brawl. When Orton pulled out those thunbtacks i fully expected Foley to get throw onto them, but i fell out of my seat when Randy got throw onto them, and my hats off to him for continuing the match. Orton tries to escape, but Foley throws him off the stage through a couple of tables. Orton kicks out of all of Foley's covers, making him look that much better. two RKO's get the biggest win of Orton's young career. Definite show-stealer.
Match Rating - *****

Hurricane & Rosey def. La Resistance
Don't bother watching this, especially if your still drained from Orton/Foley. Not much of a match, and you know it's just been thrown in to kill some time when Eugene jumps in the ring and just runs around like an idiot for a couple of minutes.
Match Rating - 1/2*

Edge def. Kane
A six minute match for a 14-month return for Edge. The crowd was dead for this match until Edge hit the spear at the end, probably because they were still amazed by the Orton/Foley match. The match itself was not good, but it'll pass.
Match Rating - *

World Title - Triple Threat
Chris Benoit def. Triple H & Shawn Michaels
The final encounter? Yep, it's probably the last time they'll have a triple threat with these three. This match was very good, not as good as their WrestleMania match though, since it think there was a bit more riding on it for Benoit at Mania. The match went 30 minutes and just seemed a bit flat in some patches, nevertheless, i was very satisfied with what i got. Benoit blocks the Sweet Chin Music and locks in the SharpShooter, getting the submission victory, a moment i'm sure many Canadian fans will never forget. Benoit celebrates with his hometown with his belt at the end, which is a very emotion moment as well.
Match Rating - ****1/2

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The ULTIMATE PPV. All-time greatest. WTF?
Review: BACKLASH 2004
Wow. That's all I can say. I got a gift for my birthday and it was an advanced copy of Backlash. This PPV is incredible. I think it was taped around December or January. You are in for a treat. You don't even have to like wrestling.

Match One: WWE Intercontinental Championship Legend Killer Match:
Randy Orton(c) vs Pat Patterson
-The first ever Intercontinental Champion returns and captures the title in a spectacular match. The RKO turned into a sleeper is awesome, but I won't ruin it for you. ***3/4

Match Two: Interpromotional United States Championship Gimmick Battle Royal
-The last five in the battle royal are John Cena(as Doink), Christian(as Sgt. Slaughter), Booker T.(as Aldo 'Book'toya), Big Show(as Earthquake), and Shane McMahon(as Kane). Kane runs out and chokeslams Shane(as Kane). Then Christian and Booker T. eliminate each other, leaving Show and Cena. Cena hits Show with an F-U through the ring. The ref calls the match. ****

Match Three: Super Hero vs Evil Villian
The Hurricane vs Rosey
-This match was insane. Rosey uses a chokeslam on Hurricane, but Hurricane kicks out and hits Rosey with his newest move, the Hurri-Heart-Punch. 1,2,3. ***19/20

Match Four: Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle
-WOW! Must be seen to be believed. ****4/5

Match Five: WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Shaniqua and Doug Basham(c) vs New Age Outlaws
-The return of the N.A.O. Oh you didn't know? Well you better buy this DVD. A great moment that you will never forget. ****

Match Six: World Heavyweight Championship Eight Way Ironman Match
Triple H vs Batista vs Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels vs Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg vs The Rock vs Mick Foley
-60 minutes of pure greatness. The night finally came as the vacant World Heavyweight Championship would find a new owner. And it did. I won't ruin this match for you, if you smell what I'm cooking. *****+

Match Seven: Falls Count Anywhere Six Man Elimination War
Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, and Jorge Piaz vs Chavo Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero Sr, and Mondo Guerrero
-Wowzers. 6 men, 5 eliminations, 4 frog splashes, 3 619's, 2 families, and 1 survivor! ****1/2

Match Eight: World Tag Team Championship 3-Way Flag Match
Chris Jericho/Chris Benoit vs Dudley Boyz vs La Resistance
-Nice. Team Canada previals in its hometown. ****2/3

Match Nine: WWE Championship Fatal Four Way Match
The Ultimate Warrior vs Vincent K. McMahon vs Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Scott Steiner
-Stone Cold Era II begins!! **********!!!

WOW. What a PPV. The extras are just as good.
1. Every RAW and SD! leading up to the PPV.
2. Interviews with all of the superstars. (shoot interviews)
3. What happened after the cameras went off. See what Vince doesn't want you to see.
4. The top 25 matches of all-time, as voted by the WWE's own Paul Heyman.
5. The return of the Four Horsemen
All of this and much, much more. All together this DVD, or should I say 5 DVDs, is over 15 hours in length!! For only $25!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The only good Backlash there is
Review: Backlash wasn't that bad. Few good matches here, few decent matches there. It was live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Ric Flair
Decent Match. But seriously Ric Flair needs to call it quits. 6/10.

Jonathan Coachman vs. Tajiri
Not bad. Better than what I thought. Coach pulled off a good bump. 5/10.

2 on 1 Handicap Match:
Chris Jericho vs. Christian & Trish Stratus
Didn't really live up to the hype. Oh my beloved Trish what are you doing with Christian. 6/10

Women's Championship Match:
Victoria (champion) vs. Lita
Meaningless. Face vs. Face how stupid. Longest Diva Match on PPV. (Next to Insurrextion 2003 of course) 6/10.

No Holds Barred Intercontinental Championship Match:
Randy Orton (champion) vs. Cactus Jack
Fully sick mate. Best match on the card. I'm glad Orton one. I mean Cactus Jack: Intercontinental Champion. 10/10

The Hurricane & Rosey vs. La Resistance
Just a normal filler. Nothing special. Eugene made it good though. 6/10

Edge vs. Kane
Didn't think this would be much of a match. With Edge having a broken hand and all. 5/10

Triple Threat World Heavyweight Championship Match:
Chris Benoit (champion) vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
Very good match. Not as good as Wrestle Mania. 8/10

Overall Rating: 6.5/10

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WWE BACKLASH 2004
Review: Benjamin vs Flair:Nice opener.7/10

Tajiri vs Coach:Not Good 2/10

Y2J vs CLB and Trish: Good not great 6/10

Lita vs Victoria: Ok match 5/10

Cactus Jack vs Randy Orton Amazingly hardcore but not the best of foley. 10/10

Tag Match: Meaningless filler 1/10

Edge vs Kane: Average 6/10

Triple Threat:AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10/10

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: best backlash since 2001
Review: every single match was freakin awesome cactus jack v.s. randy orton evolution banned from ring side was awesome randy orton scatterd tacs in the middle of the ring and mick foley slammed him right into the pile randy orton took a barbed wire and rammed it up against jacks face and mick foley through orton of the stage and then when the e.m.t.s. came foley elbow dropped orton from off stage and landed in the floor but in the end orton won.another good match was the handicap match chris jerico v.s.christian and trish stratus jerico won by beating the double crossing ho and beating his former best friend christian the coach defeated tajiri due to an interfearence the heavyweight championship was the 2nd best when beniot beat hhh and hbk in a triple threat match for the michales taped while triple h was out cold.this is a must have dvd.

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