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Mavica FD92 Digital Camera

Mavica FD92 Digital Camera

List Price: $699.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I was very happy with this camera until it stopped focusing.
Review: I bought the FD92 to replace a very early digital Epson that I had been using for a couple of years. My decision to purchase this specific Mavica was influenced by the fact that it could use both the floppy disc as well as a memory stick, a feature I had been waiting for. Almost all of my photos are published on the web so it was perfect for quick uploads from both my company Sony laptop as well as my small travel laptop or the desktop I have at home. With the addition of a wide conversion lens I found pics taken at trade shows and indoor exhibits with good artificial lighting were really good bordering on excellent. Battery life is excellent. I bought a spare and didn't really need it. Plus, I could get 30 Internet quality (640x480) shots on a 3x5 floppy disc. All in all I was quite happy with my FD92 until 3 months and 2 weeks after my purchase the lens stopped focusing correctly while I was using it during an event weekend. Hey, I paid a premium because it's a great brand name right? So I sent it back to Sony at which point my happy experience ended. Seems the warranty is 90 days parts and labor and parts only after that. Seems typical, right? Problem is Sony's policy is that the minimum labor charge is $149. No parts will be provided unless you pay the $149 minimum labor charge, and the cost could be higher if more than 2 hours labor is needed to repair the camera. So, no matter what's wrong with the camera it's a minimum bill of $149 and this from a camera in use under 120 days with a manufacturers defect. At this point while I like the camera, I don't think I would do business with Sony again because the high price simply isn't paired up with support worth paying that premium for.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent Camera!
Review: I bought this camera and it is great! I waited for this model to come out since it offers dual media whereas you can write pictures to a floppy or memory stick (which I highly reccomend you get). The floppy is great for quickly emailing picutres by simply making it an attachment from your A drive. The great thing about the memory stick is you can take tons of picutres without having to swtich diskettes. I have 2 32mb modules and I know at last count, I was able to get 45 picutres and still had room. The zoom is another great feature. It has a 16x digital which is almost as good as my binoculars.

Get this camera...it is so user friendly and highly flexible.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Digital Camera
Review: I did a lot of research before purchasing a good digital camera(I had a really cheap one before this one). The FD92 just excelled in every aspect. It has 8x optical zoom (look at the difference between digital and optical zoom is a good thing to know). It has the capability of storing images in both a Floppy disk and a Memory stick(128Mg Memory stick available now) which depending on resolution can satisfy all your needs(Max res on FD(6 pics) Max Res on Mem Stick (300 Pics) Good Res 640x480 (30 on FD and 1500 on MS). Besides all the comparisons I made with other cameras from Nikkon, Olympus, and Cannon, I purchased from the mavica product line since my Auto Shop uses them line... they abuse an FD90 day in and day out and it still works perfectly... this was one of the major factors that made me purchase it. After I bought the camera and started using it I was very happy with my investementet ... My wife picked it up and starting taking pictures without even reading the manual and she loved it... which is a first when it comes to electronic "toys". I recomend this camera to anyone in the market for one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Digital Camera
Review: I did a lot of research before purchasing a good digital camera(I had a really cheap one before this one). The FD92 just excelled in every aspect. It has 8x optical zoom (look at the difference between digital and optical zoom is a good thing to know). It has the capability of storing images in both a Floppy disk and a Memory stick(128Mg Memory stick available now) which depending on resolution can satisfy all your needs(Max res on FD(6 pics) Max Res on Mem Stick (300 Pics) Good Res 640x480 (30 on FD and 1500 on MS). Besides all the comparisons I made with other cameras from Nikkon, Olympus, and Cannon, I purchased from the mavica product line since my Auto Shop uses them line... they abuse an FD90 day in and day out and it still works perfectly... this was one of the major factors that made me purchase it. After I bought the camera and started using it I was very happy with my investementet ... My wife picked it up and starting taking pictures without even reading the manual and she loved it... which is a first when it comes to electronic "toys". I recomend this camera to anyone in the market for one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another great Mavica
Review: I just got this camera. In doing my research I found that this is a very similar camera to the MVC-FD90 camera. This one is the 2001 model while the other is the 2000 model. There are some differences, which I'll mention, but in general, I think this is a great camera for the price.

The reason I got this camera is because I needed the versatility of a digital camera with a removable medium (the disks) because over a long vacation memory sticks will fill up, and unless you have either a laptop to download your pictures to, or a lot of extra money lying around to purchase large mega byte memory sticks, this is the way to go.

The nice thing about this camera is that is will use either disks or a memory stick. You don't have to buy the memory stick adaptor like with the other Mavicas, it's built into the camera - so you have the best of both worlds.

This camera will shoot up to 1.6 mega pixels. This is ample for what I use the camera for, which is e-mailing, looking at the pictures on the computer, or printing out 5 X 7 pictures for a scrapbook. Yes, the more mega pixels the larger the picture you can print with no distortion, but you will also pay more for the camera and then have to buy a larger memory stick as most stick cameras come with only an 8 meg card, which starts to add up.

The FD92 does the movies and that is extremely cool. I use it all the time and I cannot express how neat it is. It will shoot 15 - 60 second movies depending on the quality you want. These are perfect for e-mailing. It's like having a moving memory to look at without having to watch hours of wasted videotape. If you've watched someone else's home movies, you know what I mean.

The big difference I know of between this camera and the FD-90 is that the FD-90 has a manual focus function where this one does not. I don't consider it a loss. The manual focus really is only useful when shooting for a very specific effect in a shot. If you're looking for that much ability in a camera, you're probably already considering a professional level camera, which, again, is much costlier. The FD-90 is also more expensive than this camera. So, for less money you're getting a newer camera with this year's technology minus a feature will probably never use.

All I can say is that, like many Mavica owners before me, I love this camera. It allows me to do everything I want to do, and it wasn't a killer in cost. If you're considering the the FD-90, I'd recommend this one instead.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Camera
Review: I purchased this camera a couple of weeks ago. It's my first digital camera, and I must say that I am extremely satisfied with its features and performance. I even purchased the long life battery to go with it. I find it's battery life indicator to be helpful. The photo quality is exceptional depending on the resoloution level you set it at. The use of floppy disk or memory stick gives you even more options. It also has an indicator for the amount of room left on the disk for more pictures. I highly recommend this camera.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Camera
Review: I recently went to my niece's wedding and was anxious to take many digital photographs. I charged the battery all night long and it died at the wedding after taking 30 pictures. I was very disappointed since I had no backup camera with me. When I returned home, I found most of the pictures to be out of focus. I called Sony to check the status on my rebate and complain about the poor battery performance. Sony claimed that the rebate information I sent was never received and they were not helpful in assisting me with my battery issue. I was transferred many times to find status on the rebate and finally I was told that I am no longer eligible to receive the rebate since it is not logged into their database. With this example of poor performance and poor customer service, I will no longer seek Sony for my photography needs.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Poor battery performance and blurry pictures.
Review: I recently went to my niece's wedding and was anxious to take many digital photographs. I charged the battery all night long and it died at the wedding after taking 30 pictures. I was very disappointed since I had no backup camera with me. When I returned home, I found most of the pictures to be out of focus. I called Sony to check the status on my rebate and complain about the poor battery performance. Sony claimed that the rebate information I sent was never received and they were not helpful in assisting me with my battery issue. I was transferred many times to find status on the rebate and finally I was told that I am no longer eligible to receive the rebate since it is not logged into their database. With this example of poor performance and poor customer service, I will no longer seek Sony for my photography needs.

Rating: 5 stars

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 5 stars, but read on!
Review: This itineration of the Mavica line offers their traditional sturdy feel, quality optics, and the media versatility of being able to use floppies or sticks {and no stick adapter needed}. The 92 has a great 8x optical zoom and offers pretty good 1.6 megapixel resolution. All the Mavs have demonstrated great color fidelity and this one is no exception. Lastly, it brings pretty good MPEG stats to the deal, able to record a video quite nicely on whichever media you have in place. NOW THEN, why the waning Mavica enthusiasm you might ask? SIMPLE: we are only a few *WEEKS* away from the release of a new breed of Mavicas, making 1000s of shots on a single disc or even 90 minutes of movies on the same disc possible. That will take these Mavicas-CD to a whole new level of freedom & versatility. And the really good news: the prices are comparable to the old Mavica-FDs. If you're anything like me, you just have to love this kind of development.

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