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Sony DSC-F828 8MP Digital Camera with 7x Optical Zoom

Sony DSC-F828 8MP Digital Camera with 7x Optical Zoom

List Price: $1,199.95
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Nirvana in pro/recreational photography
Review: I was going to purchase the Sony DSC F717, when I stumbled across a preorder special for the DSC F828 at Ritz Camera - an Amazon partner. I had used the DSCF717 previously on numerous occosions, (as well as a Nikon DX1), and was shocked at the improvements that Sony made with the DSC F828 model.

The processor in the DSC F828 processes an 8 MP image in half the time that the DSC F717 processed a 5 MP image - an impressive technological feat that really pays off when shooting image sequences. I have tested the mpeg features and find the clarity of the image and sound output to be professionally acceptable for a multimedia producer. I plan to use this feature frequently.

Two really impressive new features are the storage of image data in RAW format and the ability to use microdrives for storage. Using a 1 Gig microdrive allows me to store over 100 RAW data files. The benefit of this is that the RAW data can be manipulated to increase or decrease white balance, color, and exposure AFTER the photo has been taken.

Add to that the control and range of a manual focus lense, Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T* 7X Zoom lens (28 - 200mm, 35mm equivalent), Multi point autofocus, Super Nightshot 0 Lux System, USB connectivity to your pc and many other bells and whistles, and you end up with a great tool that produces high quality pictures, video and sound at an affordable price.

As for 'hideous looking purple flares' - one should keep in mind that backlighting distortion and white glare can easily be avoided with a polarized lense filter. Most professional photographers would recommend using a polarized lense filter at high-altitude, on snow or water, or any combination of snow, water, high-altitude unless you are specifically looking for light distortion in your output.

I would definitely recommend this product for the pro/recreational enthusiast who's looking for more than something that takes a digital snapshot without breaking the bank.

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: There are real problems with CA and purple fringing!
Review: These problems just ruin the camera. Some owners may deny it because of their personal ego investment - but it is much worse than my Canon 4MP. To some extent it exist in other cameras but it is terrible in this one. Wish they had done better.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Not one of the best, THE best digital camera to date
Review: I have owned the DSC-505, DSC-505V, F707 and F717. I also have the Contax TVS digital, a Sony DSC-V1 and a Nikon D100. I don't know what the reviewers who mention the purple fringing and high noise are talking about. I have done very in depth comparisons with the Contax, the D100 and the old F717 and see nothing but brilliant performance! I spent the holidays at the Grand Canyon and shot several GB's worth on the F828 and the results are nothing short of AMAZING. I have even printed some 42" x 60" posters on our HP DJ800ps plotter which look so good that friends are constantly asking for copies for themselves. The manual 7x zoom is a HUGE improvement over the 5x electronic zoom of the f717. Of course the quality of the Zeiss T lens is nothing short of extraordinary. The fact that the camera can use CF cards as well as the MS is also quite a step forward for Sony. The build quality is first rate. One cannot possibly go wrong with this camera. Take my advice and consider the negative reviews as nothing more than sour grapes (probably from folks who can't afford the upgrade and don't want to see others who can have such a fantastic tool)! This camera is so impressive I bought a second one for the family!
But don't take my word for it check out images taken with the f828 (Steve's Digicam site has quite a few) and see for yourself what nonsense some of these reviewers are spewing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Response to Claims of Noise and Purple Fringes
Review: Some reviewers have complained of poor image quality with the F828. Anyone that is concerned can email me and I'll send you image crops that compare an equivalent fraction of an image taken with the 8 MB F828 to the 5 MB F717. To clarify, I've cropped a portion of an image taken at the same place and time by both cameras in order to make the image small enough to send by email. The F828 file is ~8/5 the size of the F717 and therefore covers the same amount of the cropped image with respect to solid angle. This way, you can judge for yourself. I already have and did before buying - not a bad idea when plunking down a grand.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Purple fringing, high noise
Review: Read the professional reviews of this camera before buying. Compared to similar cameras, the F828 produces images with higher levels of noise (the digital equivalent of film grain) as well as chromatic aberration (purple fringes) in bright areas such as reflections, backlit objects, etc. I, too, decided to return mine...the nifty features and the price/lens combo don't make up for the comparatively poor image quality.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: sony 828
Review: This is the new replacement for Sony' venerable 717. I bought it and sadly had to return it. while the feature set is great and the resolution is very good, there is terrible "purple fringing" in a majority of pictures which ruins the image quality.( see dpreview.com for their excellent review) From reading experiences in the photo forums, it seems that this is inherent in all the 828's. It seems that by cramming 8mp on to a small sensor, they went too far and the result is the ugly purple fringing. Can it be processed out with photoshop? sure, but who wants to do that with EVERY picture. I end up buying the Minolta A1 and am quite happy with it It produces excellent image quality, and has even more features than the 828. If you want a Sony, get the 717 model- its really good

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Practice, Practice, Practice
Review: The camera takes GREAT pictures. Better than my (now retired) Nikon SLR ever did. I've stepped up from a 4.1 MP camera and the difference is noticeable if not AMAZING. Color like nothing I have ever seen. Anyone who has purchased this item needs to sit down and READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! After reading, spend lots of time practicing w/ the camera and all of it's settings. Take advantage of the fact that this is digital. No wasted money and time on film developing! It takes time to learn how to apply all of the features and settings. Rome was not built in a day. Good luck w/ your purchase! Give it time!!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not ready for sale
Review: For reasons unknown Sony sold this dog before the bugs were worked out. The F828 has several very bad design goofs and as is I wouldn't buy one. And neither should you. Oh, but it looks cool!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: F828 -Purple fringing!Fixed w/ver 2.0 Firmware! Updated!
Review: It is real easy to see the purple fringing. It is not a myth. ! I bought it considering the reputation of the previous models. It happens all too easily outside in the sun. Not a problen indoors that I can see. Very disappointing! ------- updated! Yes there are flaws - it is great to use a as a cmaera and takes great photo's. It is very versitle considering all aspects. It operates best as a aperature priority camera. This makes it difficult to use for many - that want a point and shoot.

Several weeks ago I put on ver 2.0 update - no purple fringing - it was easy to get the camera to do it before. Sony is very vague about the update which is typical of Sony. It is perfect now.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A thousand pictures later...
Review: The more I use this camera, the more I love it. My first impressions were that the F828 is a great looking and solidly built camera that takes outstanding pictures. Shutter lag is extremely short such that it can catch the action before the action moves off the frame. Recycle time between shots is very fast. Recommend getting the 12x CF card which is a big improvement over 4x, but not noticeably slower than the 40x. Zoom range is more than adequate with a surprisingly good wide angle and good macro feature. Battery life is excellent but since it's a proprietary battery, it would be a good idea to carry a spare. As far as the storage media is concerned, Sony did right by having the F828 accept compact flash. I find it useful to have both a 256MB CF card and 256MB memory stick pro loaded in the camera at the same time. I can fill up my compact flash and switch to memory stick with a flick of a switch without missing a beat. The built-in flash is fine for fill-in or close indoor shots, but I would highly recommend the Sony HVL-F32X flash. It makes a huge difference and would be money worth spent. I also expected faster shutter speeds from a camera that sports a fast Carl Zeiss lens.

Leaving the exposure and aperture on automatic produces great resolution and color. I did get caught up with being concerned about purple fringing and noise after reading dpreview. In a few photos, I did notice some purple fringing, but I really had to zoom in about 4x and look for it on my 17" LCD. Otherwise, it's barely noticeable on a very very few pictures and non-existent on most.

Great camera and have absolutely no regrets about buying it.

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