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Apple Power Mac G5 Desktop M9393LL/A (Dual 1.8-GHz PowerPC G5, 512 MB RAM, 160 GB Hard Drive, DVD-R/CD-RW Drive)

Apple Power Mac G5 Desktop M9393LL/A (Dual 1.8-GHz PowerPC G5, 512 MB RAM, 160 GB Hard Drive, DVD-R/CD-RW Drive)

List Price: $2,194.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good entry level Apple but weak graphics
Review: This is a good entry level system, though the graphics are sub-par. Don't even think of buying anything less powerful than this system or you will be upgrading next year.

I really suggest trying to get a 2GHz G5, but 1.8 is good enough if you are on a budget. 512M of RAM is good and the HDD has plenty of room. However the graphics are disappointing: 64MB GF5200?? That's a value graphics card! 128MB GF5600 is the *least* you should go with (if you ever hope to play Doom3).

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: First time Mac owner
Review: This is my first Mac after owning PC's for almost 20 years. (my first PC was an AT&T 8088 processor). Although I choked on the price, I was very excited at what I beleived Mac had to offer -- primarily an integrated operating system that many said would never crash. I'm impressed with the design, styling and the ease and speed of the digital storage and editing (both still and video). I was pleasantly surprised at the ease at which I was able to convert my PC Quicken files as I had read this was a disaster. However, I am VERY disappointed in the stability of the OS (10.3.2). I routinely freeze the machine and when I put the G5 to sleep, it will "wake up" will all fans going at full speed. I have made four calls to apple customer service and although they have been pleasant and patient, the problem persists. (also, the support hours are a joke if you live on the west coast and have a job).
In summary, it is fun but over priced vs. a PC -- and I'm not convinced I made the right choice (although my teenage daughter loves the small G4 Powerbook). DEFINITELY purchase the extended producct support. (AppleCare Protection Plan)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: First time Mac owner
Review: This is my first Mac after owning PC's for almost 20 years. (my first PC was an AT&T 8088 processor). Although I choked on the price, I was very excited at what I beleived Mac had to offer -- primarily an integrated operating system that many said would never crash. I'm impressed with the design, styling and the ease and speed of the digital storage and editing (both still and video). I was pleasantly surprised at the ease at which I was able to convert my PC Quicken files as I had read this was a disaster. However, I am VERY disappointed in the stability of the OS (10.3.2). I routinely freeze the machine and when I put the G5 to sleep, it will "wake up" will all fans going at full speed. I have made four calls to apple customer service and although they have been pleasant and patient, the problem persists. (also, the support hours are a joke if you live on the west coast and have a job).
In summary, it is fun but over priced vs. a PC -- and I'm not convinced I made the right choice (although my teenage daughter loves the small G4 Powerbook). DEFINITELY purchase the extended producct support. (AppleCare Protection Plan)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: First time Mac owner
Review: This is my first Mac after owning PC's for almost 20 years. (my first PC was an AT&T 8088 processor). Although I choked on the price, I was very excited at what I beleived Mac had to offer -- primarily an integrated operating system that many said would never crash. I'm impressed with the design, styling and the ease and speed of the digital storage and editing (both still and video). I was pleasantly surprised at the ease at which I was able to convert my PC Quicken files as I had read this was a disaster. However, I am VERY disappointed in the stability of the OS (10.3.2). I routinely freeze the machine and when I put the G5 to sleep, it will "wake up" will all fans going at full speed. I have made four calls to apple customer service and although they have been pleasant and patient, the problem persists. (also, the support hours are a joke if you live on the west coast and have a job).
In summary, it is fun but over priced vs. a PC -- and I'm not convinced I made the right choice (although my teenage daughter loves the small G4 Powerbook). DEFINITELY purchase the extended producct support. (AppleCare Protection Plan)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best computer and OS I've owned!
Review: This is the cream of the crop of personal computers. OS X (Unix based) is a phenomenal operating system. Your productivity will double vs using Windows XP.

Due to the newness of the lightning fast 64 bit processing, most developers will need to update their respective titles to take full advantage of the G5.

As to the Virtual PC support for the G5, leave it to Microsoft (who now owns VPC) to drop the ball! Information on microsoft.com as to the release of the update - their working on it.

Anyone who has used a computer at work knows exactly how unstable the Windows environment can be. I've lost hundreds of hours worth of work over the years due to things from the infamous "You have performed an illegal operation the program will now shutdown" to servers going offline to driver issues on network printers. Have you ever wondered why the IT people are always so busy...well now you know.

Jump in and get a Mac. You'll look forward to using your computer again!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: G5 Freezes
Review: This was my first mac. Panther is great, and I enjoy working on it. BUT, this machine crashes at least once a day. The screen freezes, and I can move the mouse, but that's it. You have to reboot.
If not for this problem, the G5 is a 5 star product, but this problem makes the machine nearly useless. Definetly not worth the price.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: G5 Freezes
Review: This was my first mac. Panther is great, and I enjoy working on it. BUT, this machine crashes at least once a day. The screen freezes, and I can move the mouse, but that's it. You have to reboot.
If not for this problem, the G5 is a 5 star product, but this problem makes the machine nearly useless. Definetly not worth the price.
Just to see how common this problem is, visit Apple's very own G5 forum:

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Below expectations
Review: Yes, It works better than a G4 but it is heavy and HUGE. I had great expectations but am sorely disappointed. I am now using one at work and the 10.3.3 finder is still a dirty dog. Slow and clunky. Problems with sleep and shutdown. Crashes with Quark. And the font issues are disgusting!

Photoshop still runs 5x faster on my Dell M60 Laptop workstation with 2 gigs of ram and 128 meg video card.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: An Overpriced Computer with Deceptive Advertising
Review: You will pay for two processors yet it works as if it had only one because 90% of mac software doesn't recognize a dual. Maya runs on only one processor also. For the price of a G5 you can buy four new Pentium computers each running twice as fast with monitor and printer included. On the other hand Macs are cute and reliable, only the pricing is absurd. However, in a few months Apple plans to announce a huge price drop. Wait until then and you will get a much better deal.

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