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Up to 32 MB MP3 Players

Rio PMP 300 MP3 Player

Rio PMP 300 MP3 Player

List Price: $169.95
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: It was nice at first
Review: The rio 300 was great, untill i broke it.......twice! The first time it broke was for NO apparent reason, which is never a good. I thought it was just a defect, untill 2 weeks of constant jarring and crushing in my backpack proved otherwise. The front plate was completly torn off. It did look a little flimsy and weak. So if your a high school student, just trying to keep up with the ever changing music fads, wait untill one of the other, stonger Mp3 players drops in price, because it just wont last in your backpack! For this imperfection, I give the Rio pmp300 TWO STARS.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty Damn Good
Review: What most of these reviewers are forgetting is that the Diamond Rio 300 was the FIRST MP3 player to hit the market. And it was a great struggle in the courts to even get it released.

I had one of these pre-ordered for almost 3 months and finally got it 2 days after it was released. I have been pretty happy with the way it has held up. I did a 16 MB upgrade for it and it seems to hold enough music for me.

It is durable, but the button control now falls off unexpectadly. This is probably why they moved away from this design on the 500.

Personally, I would still consider this a very good MP3 player. When I bought it it was over $200 and I thought that was a bargin. I really just depends on what format your music collection is...mine is 99% MP3, so these little guys are awesome.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good bargain
Review: I think this product is a good bargain for the money. People are complaining that it only has 32 MEGS then why don't they just get the 550 or more memory! I'm not thrilled about it only having 32 MB but for its price im not compliaining.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I love it!
Review: I got a Rio for Christmas, and I absolutely love it. I rarely use my CD player anymore! It's an absolute dream for jogging, nowhere near as bulky as a walkman (just clips right onto your shorts) and doesn't skip like a CD player, plus 1 hr of CD quality music (with a 32 MB flash card in there) is plenty long enough for a jog. Also, you can switch the music when you get bored of it. It's also great for short trips, so much better than having to drag around a CD player with a couple of CDs. For longer trips I often have my laptop along anyway so I just pack the cable as well and load new songs onto the Rio when I feel like it. The case does feel a bit flimsy, but I have dropped it many times, no problems. I once even accidentally left it soaking in a puddle of water for a few minutes... the LCD screen died for a day but then it came back, and now (a month later) it's still running fine. The sound quality is good, if you play around with the equalizer settings a bit (I like Rock better than Normal, it gives some bass boost).

To all the people complaining about the buttons accidentally getting hit when you carry the Rio in your bag: use the Hold button, that's what it's there for! This isn't just a Rio thing, I have the same problem with my portable CD player.

Drawbacks? The parallel port connection is slooooooow, and 32 MB is not enough memory. Spring for the 500 if you can afford it and your OS is USB-compatible. (I run Linux and Win95, which is why I got the 300.) And definitely get a 32 MB flashcard to increase the memory.

Also.... I wouldn't recommend it if you're not already an MP3 convert. If you've got a large MP3 collection that you want to take along with you, you'll love the Rio. If you're just wondering what this whole MP3 thing is about, the Rio is probably not for you.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pay Attention
Review: I just bought the MP3 player. It is great! There is just oneproblem that relates to the installation of the software. If you areinstalling the software, and an error message comes up, don't call tech support! They offer nothing! Here is what you do: open Windows Explorer, select the CD ROM drive (D), double-click on "extras", double-click on "MMatch", run mmSetup. This will work if the autosetup doesn't.

Buy other headphones! I would recommed the Sony Sport Earphones. The earphones that come with the product hurt and they fall out of your ear... I would also recommend buying a memory upgrade. I could only get 8 songs in CD quality.

Overall, I would definately recommend that you buy this product.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Rio = Amazing
Review: This player is simply amazing, I'm had mine for more than 6 months and its really great. The 32 megs is a bit limiting, but Smart Media is very cheap now, I got a 32 meg card for $55 last week. Now I can fit just over 20 songs, I am the envy of all my Mini-Disc freak friends (they won't admit it though). I love people comming up to me and asking me if its a radio or a mini-disc, and I show them what it really is and watch thier faces light up :-p

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Freaky stuff
Review: I've used my RIO300 a lot. It goes a very long time on a normalbattery, it is easy to have in my pocket an the interface is very easyto use. The only problem i had was w1ith w2k, but i downloaded some free software...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is worth buyin.
Review: THis little mp3 player is awesome. It has crystal clear sound.Portable and easy to use. I figured it out without the directions. If you want a good quality mp3 player buy this one! But if you want more space ( the 64megabyte)go for the PMP 500. This holds about 12 to 14 songs compressed. Very good. BUY IT! I have had mine for 4 months and i havent had a problem with it once.!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ok product but the diamondtech service made up for it.
Review: I originally got it from some idiot on ebay who said it was new. Well it had that skipping problem where the power would go on and off when you moved it. I went to the diamond website and they imidiantly said they would replace it for only a shipping charge. I got it back in about 3 days from when i shipped it,and it didn't skip.

If your want one, but can wait a few months the 600 is coming out for about 170. I've heard from amazon and diamond that it has 32 to start with. It has a memory card slot and a seperate "backpack which expands it to 320mb.

Get on any major problem fast although dont worry about small things like the battery hatch coming off (you can just stick it back on.) Among 9 friends who have this player I've encountered severel prolems (skipping, batery hatch comes off, it says its on hold when its not on hold, and the play button comes off(my second did that.) To avoid prolems dont use the hold key, get the seperate remote instead of beating on the regular keys. The 300 comes with everything u need, but get the case and remote. I use mine about 5 hours a day and i love it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Buyer Beware!
Review: Don't buy the Rio 300. They are offering a $50 rebate for a reason. The memory in these things are failing miserably... the Rio 500, on the other hand, is much more robust.

Spend the money, sleep well.

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