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Beyond the Valley of the Dolls

Beyond the Valley of the Dolls

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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Well...if you haven't seen Austin yet...you're damn LUCKY...
Review: Hey there...can someone PLEASE cut Austin Power's line off of this movie already?!?? I've heard it so many times now that I'm thinking of SELLING this movie....or giving it away as a bad Christmas present! Now it's an okay movie, I suppose....a few characters in the movie---QUITE a few---kill this entire movie...but above all...it's okay. Except for the stupid Austin Powers line.....

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Road Apple Plus
Review: It's been nearly 30 years since I saw this and I had blissfully forgotten it until some recent publicity. The references to it caused terrifying flashbacks and impelled me to commit my impressions to writing. Nonetheless, this one was a classic piece of fresh excrement, and should foreclose the screen writer from his profession as a serious critic. The only parallel I can think of is from the same era, Anthony Newly's regrettable Can Heironymous Merkin . . ., which (thankfully) has never corrupted videotape or disk. If your taste runs to witty skin movies, try Flesh Gordon or something by Al Goldstein instead. Don't submit yourself to this indignity or you'll still be regreting it 30 years from now.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Even Austin Powers stole lines from this movie!
Review: "It's my happening, baby, and it freaks me out..." was repeated word for word by Austin Powers. However, this line was used by Z-Man in "Beyond..." at a big groovy party in the same situation.

This movie is campy, but ultra-cool. I even went out and found the soundtrack on cd, which contains some neat songs like, "In the Long Run," and "Come With the Gentle People."

There is a studly Greg Brady look-alike, Harris, who wears Jesus of Nazareth shoes and Elivs-tinted shades.

Then, there is Lance, a dreamy, but sleazy blonde Ken. He's all about "dough" and shaggin.

The girls, who make up the "Carrie Nations," consist of three bad actresses, including my favorite, Pet, "the soul sister."

This is a must for anyone in the mood for some serious cheese.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great soundtrack powered by a good film.
Review: Having heard the legends of "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" while growing up in, I anticipated a much racier film.

When I entered college and viewed the film, I was suprised to find a statement on not only the world of the 60's but also in a much more revelant way, the world which we live in today.

The excesses that are shown in Beyond may seem a little harsh for the common viewer, but taken with an open mind they serve to reinforce what is right and wrong with society.

Whether or not the film is for you, would be hard to say. It is campy, outrageous, ingenious, and very risky for the early 70's. Regardless of your taste for the film, the soundtrack will stay with you for the rest of you life.

In the long run/ you'll need someone/ come a rainy day

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Come A Rainy Day!
Review: Captivated by the beauty of the three stars of the first 'Valley' movie, I felt compelled to see what appeared to be it's sequel - and was even more curious when I knew this was ranked as one of the best films of the 70s - along with classics like 'The Conversation' and 'Network'. One day, I was fortunate enough to know it was going to be displayed by a Cable network here, in Rio de Janeiro. I made some popcorn and began to eat it as I read the small text that comes before the movie, specifying that it was not a sequel to Jacqueline Sussann's touching *gasp* saga. I barely knew that I was going to behold one of the most strange experiences of a lifetime. As the film ended, I did not know wether to be disgusted by it's gore, outrageusly hip dialogue and the editing - that seems to be made by a stoned, blind person with a meat-axe - still, when I looked at the other side, the music is great, and if we don't take the quotes very seriously, it is one of the most hilarious films ever made... Since then, one of the primary goals of my life is to decide wether this movie stinks or it's a flashy, over-looked masterpiece, totally awesome as a period piece and whose women were absolutely fabulous looking... it SO depends on the mood you're in when you watch it... Still, it could be one of those films that are so bad, so bad, they become good during the years(like scotch) - some examples include the original 'VALLEY', 'The Legend Of Lylah Clare', 'Liztomania'... It's your choice, man... Just remember - Be sure to not pay attention to the fascinating soundtrack, or it will haunt you until the day you die... take it from me, I made this mistake and I will regret for as long as I live... 'In The Long Run/ Will There Be Someone/ That You Can Lean On/ Come A Rainy Day'...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Nothing like it has ever been done
Review: This film doesn't belong in a category because no one word description would suffice. If you have not yet experienced the power of Z-Man, prepare yourself.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Among the finest films ever produced (although disguised)
Review: This is possibly Meyer's masterpiece, screenplay brilliantly constructed by Roger Ebert. Yes, Roger Ebert. Few will recognize what a truly high work of art this is, though that is its whole essence and furthers its brilliance. It appears to be a B movie exploring the decadent art-scene of early seventies L.A. It is so way over the top it seems almost unbelieveably ridiculous, weaving in cheesy buzz words, and eventually setting up a vast array of stereotypic, melodramatic story lines. Just when it seems to be degenerating to the point where one can see no possible way this can be considered artistic, Meyer creates truly unbelievable shifts that make the movie work. Art is headed in the direction of forcing us to question whether or not it is just junk or genius. Straddling that line for the first and most intriguing time in movie history is Meyer in this unforgettable masterwork in film. -Chris Coffman

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Grooviest 60's Movie Ever!
Review: First of all, don't expect a great movie..or even a good movie. It is, rather, a SUPER entertaining flick that is justifiably a cult classic. I recently saw it with nine friends while surfing through cable channels, and we all sat and watched it in disbelief. It was the funniest film, (NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY AT ALL), full of racial and sexual stereotypes, horrible acting and bad dialogue. A heavy-handed, tongue in cheek morality tale, it has an epilogue similar to the moral preaching at the end of the Jerry Springer Show. This film is all camp. I'm glad I was with nine witnesses who also viewed it, because no one would have believed my description of the film, nor its mere existence.

I don't condone drug use, but being in an "altered state" while watching this film couldn't hurt.

This film only for those with a great sense of humor!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Any friend of Mary Wollsencraft Shelley, is a friend of mine
Review: Well, it made me so happy to see that Mike Myers got Russ Myers when he used the famous Z-man line in Austin Powers; "It's my happening and it freaks me out!" Not too many people got that reference! but after seeing this film countless times, i have realized how apocalyptic it all is! The Carrie Nation people would be proud.... Try strapping on this movie sometime! But remember, men who wear sandals must not get too many volunteers!

Rating: 2 stars
Review: As a huge fan of the first "Valley" film, I was quite excited to see this film for the first time. Although I knew it was technically not a sequel, I had heard from many others that it was "Basically the same as the first one, just a lot racier." Well,they were right about the racy part, but that's about it. I mean this movie is just weird for the sake of being weird. If the weirdness was a natural element of the plot as opposed to such an obviously contrived factor in the film, it would be much more palatable. While I did enjoy the campy early 70's hairdos and outfits as well as the ultra mod sets, it just wasn't enough to salvage this cinematic experience. I do wish someone would rerelease the soundtrack though, because the songs the girls performed were actually quite good!

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