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A Little Romance

A Little Romance

List Price: $19.97
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I show this film every year to my first year French students
Review: The first time I saw this film was about twenty years ago, with my wife, eating pizza on a Friday night, in the English Department office, because we didn't have a VCR and the school did. We thoroughly enjoyed it; we cried and we kissed, just as Lauren and Daniel were kissing under the Bridge of Sighs in Venice, with the bells tolling in the "Campanile", at sunset, in a gondola. I don't know if the legend is true, but we still love each other very much, and hopefully will love each other forever. I show the film each year to my first year French students, because it is a great love story between an American girl and a French boy, and there is a lot of French culture to be learned from the film. I've probably seen it over fifty times, so I know most of the dialogue. There's just enough French language for them to understand, but not be overwhelmed. I look forward to every scene, but especially when the two young lovers finally make it to Venice with the help of Julius, played impeccably by Sir Laurence Olivier. My students, mostly 9th and 10th graders, cry a little bit inspite of themselves. Perhaps someday my wife and I will make it to Venice to see if the legend really is true!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: The first time I saw this movie it totally blew me away. Now at the time I saw the movie I was the main characters age and I had always beeen looking for a romantic movie staring young people to relate to and finally I found it. Oh did ever love it. I think I'm going to buy here because I onley saw half of it and I wont to see it all. Believe me see this movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My favorite movie
Review: The first time I saw this movie was in my English class my freshman year in high school. I was one of the few males in the class. The teacher made us watch it for an assignment. She turned off the lights and commenced to show the film. I loved it. The movie moved me. It is the first of few movies which evoked tears to run down my face. As the film ended and my teacher turned on the lights again, I felt embarrassed to be crying because of a movie, but delighted by what I had just seen. Over the years, I've seen it over 20 times and own a copy. It is the single most romantic movie I have ever seen.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The most beautiful love story of all time.
Review: The most beautiful love story of all time. Even writing about it now, my eyes are gushing. What classic movie-making is all about and what every young romantic filmmaker hopes to achieve. Beautiful. Beautiful.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Beautiful film
Review: There is no way that I can improve upon the comments already noted for this great film. One actor not mentioned by name is the stepfather of Lauren, played by Arthur Hill. He also appeared in The Andromeda Strain as a scientist. A Little Romance is perhaps one of the most touching, innocent and remarkable films made on young love. Wouldn't it be nice if teenagers had movies like this to watch these days instead of the mean-spirited Hollywood claptrap that spews out from studios. I am overwhelmed that the film has elicited such great reviews from all of you. I knew that there were still some people out there with great taste.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Charming
Review: This film is one of my all-time favorites! I first saw it when I was 13 years old, and I had the biggest crush on Diane Lane afterward. Years later when I visited Europe for the first time, I kept remembering the scenes in Paris and Venice. The story is so sweet, innocent, and romantic. I've seen it dozens of times and still appreciate it. All the acting is wonderful. I wish someone would make a sequel about whatever happened to Lauren and Daniel 20 years later...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: As wonderful as Venice at sunset when the bells toll...
Review: This has to be one of the most under-appreciated movies of all time. George Roy Hill had directed two of the best comedies of the late 60s-early 70s, Butch Cassidy... and The Sting. Then he made this little gem. I don't care if I never see the other two again, but I'll watch A Little Romance at least once a month until the tape breaks or the disc has a hole in it.

Two lonely teenagers in Paris, a street-wise French boy and a sheltered American girl, both of whom are hiding their genius IQs in order to fit in, fall in love and realize how lucky they are to have found each other. With help from a romantic old con artist (Lawrence Olivier at his best; he should have done more comedy), they run away to Venice to make their love last forever. They have a wonderful adventure, and along the way, Hill pokes fun at American tourists, pays tongue-in-cheek homage to his own great movies, and shows us how wonderful life can be when you're different.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie is unforgetable!
Review: This is a wonderful story for all ages.It is one of those stories that will stay with you for many years to come.A unforgetable tail of young love.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: one of my favorite movies
Review: This is my favorite movie ever. It won two academy awards, one for best adapted screeenplay and one for best musical score. I originally bought it because Tricky wrote a song about it called "Piano". It is so good. It's funny and sweet and I totally loved Olivier in it. My favorite part is when he kisses his fingers and presses it against the glass as he watches Daniel and Lauren disappear into the theater, remembering love. This movie is totally excellent. Please watch it or something. The whole part about Lauren and Bogey, that was cool, too.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great and memorable movie
Review: This movie epitomizes romance and first love. The scenery of Italy enhances the movie with its enchanting musical score and memorable conclusion. Although Diane Lane will most likely win Best Actress this year for her role in the movie, Unfaithful, this is her best role.

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