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The Wild Side

The Wild Side

List Price: $24.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: More mild, than wild, but Anne Heche did look fairly good.
Review: The provocative Anne Heche made a reputation in Hollywood due to her affairs with high profile comedians on her climb to the top. Few know that Heche was briefly Steve Martin's girlfiend before she was Ellen's, and despite her evident ability and attractiveness, a certain pall fell over her persona, as a real life heartbreaker (even before Ellen). She has hence been cast generally as a heavy, if not fem-lesbian, and even a twisted type.
All of which makes her heady performance in Wild Side the more exciting. As the reviews tell you, the film is uneven. Yet, it has moments of brilliance from all the players. Walken is wickedly funny in his absurd role, Bauer is often convincing, and Chen is her usual, magnificent self.
But Heche carries the film. The brief post-rape phone call scene on the kitchen counter is a high art, convincing
and sensitive, and she has rarely looked better than in the brocade (did I get the spelling?) kimono she wears in the following scenes.
But, it is the romance with Chen that is worth the price of the disc (although any cuts other than the director's should be universally outlawed on DVD, at least). Let's face it, these women are gorgeous, and even better together, au natural. As close as mainstream Hollywood has gotten (or may ever get) to XXX sex. But, the power of the justly celebrated scene arises from Heche's elegant portrayal of her character's seduction. The film will probably endure, despite its many flaws, as the most revealing testimony to her notable, if not major, talent. Sexy and worth watching.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Call me . . . ????
Review: The provocative Anne Heche made a reputation in Hollywood due to her affairs with high profile comedians on her climb to the top. Few know that Heche was briefly Steve Martin's girlfiend before she was Ellen's, and despite her evident ability and attractiveness, a certain pall fell over her persona, as a real life heartbreaker (even before Ellen). She has hence been cast generally as a heavy, if not fem-lesbian, and even a twisted type.
All of which makes her heady performance in Wild Side the more exciting. As the reviews tell you, the film is uneven. Yet, it has moments of brilliance from all the players. Walken is wickedly funny in his absurd role, Bauer is often convincing, and Chen is her usual, magnificent self.
But Heche carries the film. The brief post-rape phone call scene on the kitchen counter is a high art, convincing
and sensitive, and she has rarely looked better than in the brocade (did I get the spelling?) kimono she wears in the following scenes.
But, it is the romance with Chen that is worth the price of the disc (although any cuts other than the director's should be universally outlawed on DVD, at least). Let's face it, these women are gorgeous, and even better together, au natural. As close as mainstream Hollywood has gotten (or may ever get) to XXX sex. But, the power of the justly celebrated scene arises from Heche's elegant portrayal of her character's seduction. The film will probably endure, despite its many flaws, as the most revealing testimony to her notable, if not major, talent. Sexy and worth watching.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A good movie with some Brazilian flavor on its soundtrack.
Review: There's a little bit of everything in this film: suspense,sex or the intention of it,excellent performaces of Christopher Walken and a nice soundtrack of experimentalist musician Jon Hassell,who seems to have been influenced by Brazilian rhythms since the last time he visited my country.If it's entertainment you are looking for,see this movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Steamy!!!!!!
Review: This film is a dark yet erotic take on the seamy side of life. It features spooky Christopher Walken and sexy Anne Heche, and is great entertainment for those dark rainy nights with your partner.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Or less.
Review: This is possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. And that's pretty bad considering I sat through Killer Clowns From Outer Space. The rape scene is disgusting. Ann Heche is pretty skank, too. I find it impossible to care about the main characters. Everything in this film is such a cliche. Ugh. If you're looking for lesbian love scenes (as it appears a majority of you are), rent Bound. Or, for something quite erotic between two girls, watch the belly-kissing scene in All Over Me. I mean, it gets me...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Film Making At Its Worst, Walken At His Best
Review: This is probably one of the worst films I have ever seen. The reviewer that called this movie a masterpiece must have been on a high dose of Ecstasy when he saw it. With that being said, this is one of Christpher Walkens greatest performances. I love Walken, in fact I own brutal movies like this one, Day of Atonement, etc because he is in them and is freaking great.
The movie is about a banker who is played by Ann Heche who is banking one day and then just decides to be a hooker. She then meets Walken who plays a pimp named Bruno who is always in robes and wild clothes and usually has a Cuban cigar and a drink in his hand. She meets Joan Chen an associate of Walkens who she takes out to one meal and then they become lesbian lovers. (I know, this movie is totally brutal, but if you like Walken, its a must see.)
This movie also features Steven Baur who plays a Cuban undercover fed. Its interesting because there seems to be no difference at all in this character and Manny from Scarface. Is Baur such a poor actor that he can only play a Cuban? Whats up with that mane?
Chistopher Walken is totally classic in this movie, at times it almost seems like the director of this film let him just do whatever he wanted because Walken is so outrageous in this movie, it really looked like he had a lot of fun playing a pimp. The scene where he tries to teach Baur a lesson for sleeping with one of his hoe's is totally classic. And the film peaks with a classic line from Walken before he smokes his disloyal body gaurd "You said you'd take a bullet for me, take 3."
All in all, this is a very, very poor movie, dont say I didnt warn you. But if you collect Walken scenes like fine wine, add this to your collection. Just try to get it as cheap as possible, because like I said, this movie is BRUTALLY poor.

Rating: 3 stars

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good movie with some Brazilian flavor on its soundtrack.
Review: This movie has a little bit of everything - suspense,sex or the intention of it,and a lot of good performances of Walken and soundtrack of Jon Hassell,who seems to have got influenced by Brazilian rhythms since the last time he visited my country.If it's entertainment you are looking for,so watch this.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Buy it for Joan Chen
Review: This movie is well worth watching just to see the luscious Joan Chen in flirting mode. Hot stuff! Christopehr Walken as always, plays weird better than anyone since Vincent Price. If Anne Heche can't decide how to play her character just ignore it and focus back on Joan.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: More mild, than wild, but Anne Heche did look fairly good.
Review: This strange mix of money, lesbian sex, and a plot that (at times) was a little hard to follow, did feature a fairly decent looking Anne Heche (Ellen Degeneres' former girlfriend, and I could see why) and Joan Chen, who have a few fairly steamy scenes together (too bad Ms. Chen didn't show more). The always strange Christopher Walken and Steven Bauer flesh out (pardon the usage) story, such as it is. I give it four stars for Heche, who can't really act, but did look good; I might have given it five, if Chen had shown more, other than that, ok, but not great. [Supposed to be the unrated edition, but I'm not so sure].

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