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Unconstitutional - The War On Our Civil Liberties

Unconstitutional - The War On Our Civil Liberties

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Thought Provoking
Review: Besides thought provoking, this film will make you sad, fearful and angry. Anyone that suggests that this film bears any resemblance to Moore's F9/11 has not seen the film. This is pretty much straight documentary, without the music and humor that Moore used. It focuses on the aftermath of 9/11 and the passage of the so-called "Patriot Act." The wholesale attack upon civil rights and the abuses of both citizens and foreign nationals that the film documents is truly frightening. Every American should see this film because it focuses on the rights we have under the Constitution and the attack upon those rights that 9/11's hysteria has allowed. Truly a conversation starter but NOT for the faint of heart as it is critical of current US policy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: another great film from greenwald
Review: Even though it would seem Robert Greenwald has set some pretty high expectations for himself, he delivers again with Unconstitutional. A very disturbing look at America after 9/11, this film shows how some of our civil liberties have been drastically altered due to the Patriot Act.

Even though we're at the end of a very tight presidential race right now, I think you'd have to be the owner of the rosiest pair of rose-colored glasses to think that what's happening right now is ok. These filmakers have devoted themselves to providing Americans with four wonderful films over the past few years that begs us to take a serious look at what's happening in this country. You owe it to yourself and to your country to be informed about these kind of issues.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Thank you, Filmakers
Review: I watched this film on Sundance and was transfixed. The story of The Patriot Act has been compellingly reported. Everybody should see it - progressives and conservatives alike. Americans can no longer take our liberties and democracy for granted.

To the reviewer scott d stout: Your lack of information substantiating your criticisms indicates your lack of objectivity. Your failure to include your email in your reviewer information indicates your cowardice.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Hardly Patriotic and Sadly Invasive...Scary Insights Abound
Review: It's about time someone delved into the repercussions of the Bush administration's Patriot Act, a hurried piece of legislation that was supposed to provide us a safeguard against terrorists. Director Nonny de la Pena, under the supervision of Robert Greenwald (who directed the blistering "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism", also strongly recommended) has made an eye-opening, sometimes shocking documentary that brings new, unfiltered light to the underbelly of the Patriot Act. Subjected to last-minute additions and changes before passing that dramatically altered its orientation, it has had a significant and heretofore unknown impact on our civil liberties, and the film pulls no punches in outlining those violations. De la Pena asserts that many of the provisions in the Patriot Act have little to do with terrorism and were just changes that various conservative Republicans wanted for a long time.

The invasion of privacy highlighted is enormous. According to the film, the government can now demand customer records from stores and conduct sneak-peek searches in people's homes without a warrant. There is no limit to what the Patriot Act allows, and the original purpose has been lost. The documentary does provide good news in that the officials who actually passed it are beginning to question its effectiveness and clamoring for public debate about it. De la Pena even interviews Representative Robert Barr, one of the more conservative members of Congress, who is quite open about his concerns regarding the credence of the Act. But the most telling portion of the documentary is the story of the Hamouis, a Syrian family who owned a grocery store in Seattle for over a decade. Under the guidelines of the Patriot Act, the government arrested and detained them, not allowing them access to many of the rights due even to criminals. They were held with only vague charges even though for all intents and purposes, the Hamouis are "American". And even after the FBI cleared them, they remained in jail for months, with little legal recourse. This is exactly the racist world that conservative muckraker Michelle Malkin proposes in her disturbing book, "In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror", and it's sad to realize that it is coming into fruition. De la Pena shows how mistaken identities lump the good in with the bad, and the Patriot Act allowed innocent citizens to be removed from Florida voter rolls for having names similar to those of felons. This is essential viewing for anyone who values the U.S Constitution and champions the battle against intolerance.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Patriot Act is Unavoidable
Review: Out of fairness, I've watched and read several 'left-leaning' views. Although some may tell their side of the story with eloquence (and some, not so eloquent), I am still left with the same opinion. Contrary to a seemingly popular belief among liberals, we were attacked by those whom, for the most part, we never would've imagined. They lived among us, shared our pleasures and freedoms, and yet, despite all that our great country offers, these terrorists insisted on choosing the path of extremism, using our own planes as guided missiles and killing thousands of innocent people. I have listened to the complaints of how our government (left and right, by the way) have harshly chipped away our freedoms solely for the sake of discriminating against one culture or one race. For all your griping, however, I've yet to hear a clearer or more approachable alternative to tracking down a terrorist. Other than grossly alterating our lifestyles, which by the way, will never be a viable choice among the majority, what do you suggest we do in the name of security?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Exposing the tools of Neocon Oppression..
Review: People often ask "If 9/11 was a scam, what is the reason for executing such a scheme?" Unconstitutional - The War On Our Civil Liberties answers a major portion of that question.

The "Patriot" Act, passed by congress after 9/11 in the middle of the night under the noses of the American people, is one of the most powerful tools the Neocons have ever had to render the protections of our liberties in the Constitution useless. It was passed through congress by cowardly senators who did'nt want to look "weak on terrorism" and were too scared to even read it! This movie outlines the history of this act of treason and EVERY American should watch it. The truth is getting out: ANYONE can be labelled a "terrorist" under the Patriot Act.

I am sure Neocon lapdogs will hate this movie; their response to this Fascist legislation has always been "if you are a good American (a silent, obedient slave to your government masters) then you'll have nothing to worry about.."

This film explains why being an ignorant minion in a democratic society is such a bad idea.


Rating: 5 stars
Review: See it and vote on Nov. 2. I disagree with an earlier reviewer who compares the film to those of Michael Moore. There is nothing tongue-in-cheek in UNCONSITUTIONAL, no use of humor to dampen or soften the blow of this documentary. This is as serious as they get. Very compelling film. Should be required viewing for everyone BEFORE they vote. Big props to director Nonny de la Peña and producer Robert Greenwald (responsible for the other "UN" docs and the potent "OUTFOXED") for making this vital, necessary film. As UNCONSTITUTIONAL points out, there was no debate on The Patriot Act before Congress passed it. Now is the time to have that debate, in the public arena.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Islam=Terrosim
Review: The vast majority of terroists are muslim. The hijackers where all muslim. what do people not get about that. Neocons rule. I for one enjoy being a neocon lap dog.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: We have to put a stop to this!!
Review: This depressing and eye-opening documentary shows the severe abuses of civil liberties for immigrants and U.S. citizens. We detain people we suspect of terrorism indefinitely in Guantanamo Bay. The vast majority of these people have no links to terrorism what so ever. In addition, in the weeks after 9/11, we deported hundreds of people of Middle East origin back to their countries secretly with their families still living in the U.S. unaware of what had happened.

Latin Americans, people who converted to Islam, or people who look slightly Middle Eastern have also been a victim to these disgusting abuses of civil liberties.

Nobody would like their mother or father to be discriminated against, arrested and held indefinitely simply because of their faith or the way they look. America has chosen to put these people in Guantanamo Bay indefinitely because it is not on American soil so American laws don't apply, neither do Geneva conventions.

If we follow the USA Patriot Act and allow these civil rights abuses to continue, then the terrorists have won. We have all started suspecting each other and going against each other. What we have to do is show tolerance and stick together.

I highly recommend this eye-opening documentary. It is very moving. Every human being, whether they are American or not, has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That's what we have been taught since we were born.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great
Review: This is an excellent movie documenting the corruption of our president. I'd like to recommend a movie that is more important, though. It is 911 in Plane Site. Check out the website www.911inplanesite.com The movie shows suppressed video evidence from 9/11 that proves the government's
"official story" is ludicrous. EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE THIS!!!
Please, check it out.

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