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Blackmail, Murder & Mayhem
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List Price: $14.94
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: ugh
Review: I actually felt sorry for myself for sitting though this. I'm not even going to waste our time going through all the things that are wrong with this movie point-by-point. How about you all just take my word for it on this one and buy something else?Not one of Nicolas Cage's finer moments ...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: An Intense Disappointment
Review: Tom Welles, played by Nicolas Cage, is a private detective sucked into a web of darkness, involving murder and pornography. He becomes enthralled in his case, and battles the antagonists. Cage was once one of my favorite actors, but his monotonous inflection and halting style have lost me.

From the beginning, it's easy to hate Catherine Keener's character, Tom Wells' wife. She's less than understanding, dispoassionate, and unsupportive.

Jenny Powell plays the victim's mother and does a brillant job. Oddly, she's only appeared in two movies ever (according to imdb, anyway). Like a tiara on a pig, it's just awkward and does nothing to improve its surroundings. James Gandolfini method acts his way through a supporting role, but unfortunately the film isn't saved by Powell's and Gandolfini's notable efforts.

It's hard to identify with any of the characters, though the story is sometimes engaging. The uninspired direction leaves what might have been an interesting story hanging out to dry, and I can only blame the marginal execution of Cage as the hero.

The video is a little dark, but subtly toned. The music selection absolutely miserable -- to the point of being distrcacting, though the dialog and special audio effects are well produced and vivid.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I want my time back.
Review: I usually like a psychological thriller. This movie was psychological in the sense that it made you insane not being able to find the "off" button quickly enough. But I did not use this wise escape. I kept watching, thinking that there has to be some point at which this horrifyingly bad film would get at least a little better. The credits rolled after what seemed like an eternity in hell, though I think that would be preferable to watching this film again. To think that someone sat down and wrote out this idea and thought it was good enough to write a full treatment for. Then found people who also thought it was good enough to commission a script for it.Then found people to create it, back it, promote it, act in it. What blows me away is that there were actors who were totally bummed that they did not get cast. I'll bet they are glad now. Thank God that Joaquim Phoenix was in it. At least he was good in a role that lent itself to nothing beneficial. (I'll bet he does not even list this one on his resume.)
Bottom line, I have had to seriously consider suing the director, producers and production company in order to feel redemption for the (minimum of..) 1.5 hours of my life that I lost watching this godforsaken piece. I actually think that I am a worse person for having seen it.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Could have been great.
Review: Screenwriter Andrew Kevin Walker is right on the verge of becoming the next big thing in Hollywood. He was the brain behind such great films as "Se7en", "Sleepy Hollow", and did some uncredited re-writes for "The Game" and "Fight Club." All those films were excellent, and "8mm" could have been too, had it not been handed to Joel Schumacher, the man who ruined the Batman series and who is the biggest hack in Hollywood.(Except for "Tigerland", which was a fluke.)

The story, born from Walker's brilliant mind, sounds great. A Private Eye(Nicolas Cage), is hired by a billionare's Widow after she found a possible "snuff" film in her dead husband's safe. So Nic Cage is sent to find out whether or not the film is real, plunging him into a sordid mystery filled with seedy characters and dark, abandoned buildings(Not a cliche or anything).

Could have been good. Should have been good. Would have been good, had A) David Fincher directed like originally planned, B) had Andy Kevin Walker had more creative input, and C) had Joel Schumacher had not taken over directing duties! The guy is horrible.

After Walker and Schumacher fought over creative differences, Walker walked, and left Schumacher and Nic "When's the last time this guy made a good movie?" Cage to run the show themselves. Want some examples? Okay. When the film was supposed to be suspenseful, I was shifting in my seat, yawning, checking my watch, etc. The big twisty ending(which went on way too long) was predictable, not to mention Schumacher and a new screenwriter he brought in tacked on a "happy ending." The acting for the most part is stiff and wooden. Not to mention the only way that the characters know how to express their emotions is by shouting the "F-word" at the top of their lungs.

To wrap things up, what could have been a hip and edgy thriller in the right hands, became a dull, predictable, and savagely unpleasant piece of poop in Schumacher's hand. Even if they couldn't get Fincher, the producers should have replaced him with someone with an eye for this kind of material.(For example a Chris Nolan, or a Roman Polanski) At least then they might have had a good movie. Maybe Walker will have better luck with his next screenplay...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It Really makes you think.......
Review: After reading the reviews it sounded good, so hell I went out and bought it--...--ok I get back home stick in the dvd player and watched it and I loved it!, all of it! it really makes you stop for a sec and think, I know that Se7en was more disturbing but it wasn't as real as this,this is just a warning if you think this is a cop movie your dead wrong. The scenes where he is watching the snuff films it is pretty gory but not as bad as you would think they don't show that much but the point is still made and is disturbing to think that stuff like that exist. after seening this you will surely think to your self you really have it good. This movie will be in your head long after you see it and you can take my word on this, the first time I watch this it was about 12:00am

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Lot of show with no tell
Review: Joel Schumacher, the mind behind such hits as "Tigerland," "A Time to Kill," and the upcoming "Chasing the Dragon (2003)," was also the mind behind this [movie]. I know, it's rather hard to believe -- disappointing even. For all the hype and shock value that this film managed to generate, I was expecting more. In fact, as the film went on, I was hoping for more -- praying for it. "Snuff Really Does Exists," would have been an appropriate title for this film, because although this film shows the audience the outskirts of the snuff world, it is too afraid to really take the audience inside of it. Instead, it relies on the shock value -- hoping the shock will keep the audience interested. However, shock value only works when the audience can relate to the world it is applied to. Films that do this well are "Kids," "Requiem for a Dream," and "Pulp Fiction."

Overall, this was a great concept and could have been a great film if the audience would have really been taken into the snuff world, and expereinced it like Nick Cage's charcater should have. Instead, the audience was relegated to the role of nosey spectators, watching the weird things their strange neighbors are into, from a distant bedroom window.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The Amazon review couldn't be more right
Review: This movie didn't even feel like it was trying to engage the viewer. I sat through the whole thing but just kept wondering if it was me or if the movie that was the problem. Afterwards, all of us who watched it talked and realized that, unbelievably, the director who had pulled off Se7en, had not been able to pull off THIS unappealing subject in movie format.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Dance With the Devil
Review: Quoting Max California (Joaquin Phoenix), "Dance with the devil, the devil don't change. The Devil changes you." That truly sums up this movie. Tom Welles (Nicolas Cage) is a private detective that takes a case to determine whether or not a film that an old, rich widow found of her husband's was in fact a snuff film. As you watch the movie, you will see that the stuff Welles sees and the people he meet change him by the end of the movie. Ah yes, a very good twist at the end of the movie. A must see!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Dark, intelligent, disturbing, truthful, and educational
Review: 8MM is an important movie. It needed to be made. It sheds light on a very dark subject that many people would rather avoid. When really a subject concerning snuff films, and illegal porn undergroud low lives is something everyone should be aware of.

Many people would be turned off by the subject matter. Understandable. This is a heavy movie. It will not be for everyone, or suit everyone's tastes. But I got it for the fact that it dealt with an interesting subject. I saw it mostly as an action movie. I wasn't sure how graphic it would be in terms of violence or sex. I was relieved to find that the movie stays pretty normal. With only the level of violence reaching boiling point during the second half of the movie. There is very little if any violence during many of the scenes before this. It is just dark and often disturbing because it is so real. So for a while I have been hesitant to buy it. I got this movie at a cheap price. Now, after watching it. I am so proud to add it to my DVD collection.

The director commentry by Joel Schumacher (The Client, Batman &Robin) is fantastic. I felt I had really learnt something about the movie, and it's controversial subject. I'd hughly recommend people listen to the commentry. The acting by Nicolas Cage and other talented and accomplished actors is impeccable.

I was really drawn into detective Tom Welles head. The viewer is taken for a long dark journey into his mind to battle demons in his life that have laid dormant for years. By the end of the movie I think he has found peace, but it is never known if the demons are really gone forever. Maybe there are more demons buried deep inside him. Waiting for another chance to come to the surface.

We all need to fight our own demons in our lives. And face our fears.

The characters are all believeable. It is chilling. Normal. How Anthony Hopkins wished Hannibal Lecter to be portrayed. Because he felt that a normal person in a cell was much more frightening for people, then someone who appeared to be mentally disturbed. I totally agree with him.

The script is flawless, and written by Andrew Kevin Walker. Who's other writer credits include 'Fight Club' and 'Seven'.

Please watch this movie. Even if you only see it once. Hopefully you will not regret it.

I think that sometimes the best lessons are learnt when people SEE how badly we treat other human beings. And the movie makes some excellent points on why people may kill others. Because they want to.

Doesn't that answer make you sick? It doesn't make me feel good. But then, an answer like that only makes me believe more how truthful the script seems. And how truthful this subject is. And how people must take responsability for their actions and no longer pretend that a seedy, gritty, snuff film world does not exist. Because it does exist. It is just no one will own up to knowing anyone in this deplorable, very secretive business.

Some of my favorite quotes from this movie are...

"Dance with the devil and the devil don't change; the devil changes you".

"There are some things that you see, and you can't unsee them. Know what I mean?"

8MM has also been hailed as "The darkest, most relentless thriller since 'The Scilence Of The Lambs'. - John Simon, Venice Magazine.

I tend to agree with his opinion. However I will go further and say that this movie is in a different class. I think it is better.

8MM examines many intriguing questions like: What is so entertaining about watching people die? Or watching them in extreame pain?

I strangly enjoyed 8MM. I hope anyone wishing to hire or buy this movie does too. But then, if you don't enjoy it. That is a good responce to have to this type of movie. It isn't meant to make you happy. It is meant to awaken you to the fact that we live in an increasingly dangerous world. And things can only get worse if we continue to live and treat people so appallingly.

I think this movie has only scratched the surface of an increasing problem with the availability of porn and other vile subjects with the internet.

But hopefully this movie will make people aware. If so, that is one of many messages it is trying to send to people.

Finally I hope you all can sleep after this movie.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not as bad as critics say it is.
Review: I decided to watch 8MM on HBO late one night with an open mind. I actually glad that I did. It does have its faults. Nicholas Cage's performance as Tom Welles goes from one extreme to the other: he is both over-emotive at times and wooden at others. The pace is a little slow at times. And without knocking the actual quality of the film, it is not always easy to watch. Well neither is A Clockwork Orange, and that movie is a complete masterpiece. Then again, how can you make a film using the underworld snuff film trade as a backdrop easy to watch?

For those of you that want to write 8MM off as another Death Wish/Dirty Harry vigilante action romp, you're missing the point. If anything, 8MM is the antithesis to what those films are about. You see the possibly irreparable moral and psychological damage that Welles undergoes when he takes the life of homicidal underworld figure who has no qualms with doing away with Welles. Do you ever see a Clint Eastwood or Charles Bronson character racked with regret - even when you take into consideration the death of a truly despicable and worthless person? True enough, Welles never stoops so low as to murder an innocent law-abiding citizen, yet you see a dramatic change in his character as the film progresses - and not for the better.

Another thing that I liked about 8MM was Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Max California. On the surface, he is a tattooed punk rocker who works in an adult book store. But underneath, he is the moral compass of the film. You'll learn to like Max much in the same way that Welles learns to. While Max lives as a single man without much responsiblity, he respects Welles for his dedication to family life. I especially liked the scene in which Max and Welles meet for the first time - I shouldn't have to tell anyone what kind of magazine Max was hiding his Truman Capote paperback under. And let's not forget the memorable line about trying to "change the devil".

Before I sign off, I must caution you not to expect an easy lighthearted movie. Don't even expect an action flick. But if you want to check out something dark that will make you think and challenge you, you may want to check out 8MM.

Overall rating: 4.25 stars.

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