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Big Daddy

Big Daddy

List Price: $19.94
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty funny, but not that great.
Review: The first half of the movie "Big Daddy" is a bit dissapointing. The only thing you see is the kid throwing up and stuff like that.

But the second half of the movie is pretty funny and it even has some emotional scenes which I realy didn't expect of an Adam Sandler movie.

The movie also has a good soundtrack (with great songs of Sheryl Crow and Garbage) and Steve Buscemi is very funny as the homeless man and Rod Schneider as the delivery guy.

If you like Adam Sandlers previous movies, you should buy this movie. If you don't, just watch it sometime.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Another of Life's Great Mysteries
Review: Eminent thinkers like John R. Searle have long considered the perplexing existence (or theoretical existence) of consciousness to be one of the great mysteries of life. Equally perplexing a mystery is the popularity of Adam Sandler and his abominable films, indisputable proof of the existence of unconsciousness. For a journey that thoroughly explores the utter pits of refuse, feel free to watch Big Daddy, an eccentric piece about an unmotivated slacker (Sandler) who develops a sense of responsibility while caring for an abandoned child (Julian, played by twins Cole and Dylan Sprouse).

Sandler plays the part of Deadbeat Big Daddy, showing the five-year old how to, among other things, urinate in public and make bed sheets out of old newspapers. Most depressing is the apparent joy the film takes out of exposing the kid to some predominantly adult situations, including a constant barrage of tiresome Hooters jokes. Tack on one of the silliest (and longest) courtroom scenes ever put on celluloid, and you've got yourself a real turkey.

That being said, Bid Daddy does have a few clever moments. The way Sandler tries to keep Julian away from drugs by interrogating several of his school friends is hilarious and almost heartwarming. Rob Schneider and Joey Lauren Adams also turn in competent performances. Unfortunately, there is not nearly enough good to outweigh the bad, so I cannot recommend this film. It's a step above "The Waterboy," however.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Get ready for non-stop laughs!
Review: Now THIS is what a REAl comedy is all about! Adam Sandler plays a young man who recently graduated from law school.

Sonny (that's Adam Sandler's character's name) works at a toll booth on a high way. His girlfriend breaks up with him because she thinks he's not responsible enough to get a "real job" and act more mature.

When Sonny's roommate goes to China, his dead wife leaves behind a little five-year-old adorable boy for Sonny's roommate to take care of because he is the boy's natural father. But since the boy's natural father is going away to China, Sonny tells him that he will take care of the boy.

Of course, Sonny becomes attached to the boy and the boy becomes attached to him. Sonny decides to adopt the boy to prove to his girlfriend that he is responsible and mature and can do things right so he can get her back. Even though the boy is not really Sonny's son, he still loves and cares for him like a real father would.

Through the laughs, there are heart-warming parts of the movie. It is a really good movie and I think Adam Sandler did an excellent acting job, and this movie was really hilarious! I especially love the part when the little boy is jumping on his jumping ball and repeating everything Sonny is saying while he's watching the hockey game. Then Sonny goes, "How much would could a wood chuck chuck could if a wood chuck wood chuck would". Then the kid stares at him like he's crazy! It cracks me up!

This movie is for anyone who loves a good laugh when they watch a movie! I guarentee you won't be disappointed. (If you are disappointed, you probably don't have a good sense of humor!)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Very funny.
Review: I liked this movie because of the kind of comedy. It keeps your eyes glued to the screen as Adam Sandler cracks jokes. Every movie with Adam Sandler has to be a great one. I suggest this to anyone who like comedy movies.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BIG FUN!
Review: Sandler, the cast, and the writers do it again. Lots of laughs and crude humor in a movie about Sandler unofficially adopting his friend's little boy. After he becomes attached to him he goes to court to be his Big Daddy. Cast includes Joey Lauren Adams, Rob Schneider, Steve "Egg Mcmuffin" Buscemi, and Allen Covert. Big Daddy has heart and a load of laughs, continuing in the Adam Sandler tradtion.

Two places you may want to eat after seeing Big Daddy? McDonalds and Hooters.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awsome!
Review: When I watched this i was laughing all the time! This is diffinitly one of my favorites. If your even thinking about buying then buy. Youll love it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Adam Sandler gets a new fan!
Review: I was hestitant watching this movie, but i sat myself down and I watched it. It was funny, moving, and i have a whole new respect for Adam Sandler. I like it when comedians show a little drama. It shows they can act (ex. Jim Carrey). Adam Sandler just got a new fan! I highly recommend it!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Big Daddy=Big Laughs
Review: Adam Sandler is great in Big Daddy. Not only is the movie extremely funny, but may bring you to tears. It is a great movie and I know I love it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Parental Failure
Review: So many critics have called Adam Sandler's work subpar, and I couldn't agree more. His only joke is that funny voice he makes; just watch him--in every single movie, CD, and SNL skit he has done, he does that pathetic excuse for a funny accent. It has worn thin, and so have his movies. "Big Daddy" is disturbingly irresponsible. Critics that call his character "a good father in his own way" must not have seen the movie I saw. Adam Sandler crosses a line and does not make light of it or even acknowledge it, whereas good comedies like "There's Something About Mary" recognize that they have crossed the line, but set the tone correctly as to make the audience feel good about laughing. Laughing at "Big Daddy" just doesn't feel right. To see a movie that finds humor in the more disturbing things in life, rent "Happiness". It's an example of how to set the right tone.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Surprisingly Good !
Review: I enjoyed this movie much more than I had expected to. Big Daddy is a very entertaining (cute AND funny) film. In my opinion, it's more of a rent than a buy, but nontheless, it was very good.

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