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Alex & Emma (Full Screen Edition)

Alex & Emma (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $14.98
Your Price: $13.48
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I love Alex and Emma!
Review: I saw Alex and Emma in the theaters, and liked it immediately. It's a very good movie, with many funny lines. Watch it!!!! If you don't love it, you'll at least like it!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not too bad
Review: I really liked the movie, surprisingly enough. The ending is obviously predictable but still is sweet. It is set in Boston/Cambridge area. IF you actually live there you realize how fake most of the stuff looks besides that they did a good job in setting the story.

Even though it is a good movie, the DVD doesn't have anything extra special. i wish there were deleted scenes and even the background commentary gets boring after a while. they should have done something more special with that.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Shame for Both Actors!
Review: I was so excited about seeing this movie, I'm a fan of both Wilson & Hudson. But after only 10 minutes, I was extremely disappointed. In fact, after 30 minutes, I walked out. I usually don't listen to what critics have to say about movies because most of the time I like what they don't. But I would have to agree with them on this one, don't waste your time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Suprising
Review: I'm suprised that so many people gave this movie a bad review. My boyfriend took me to see it because I had mentioned I wanted to go, and when he and I came out we both loved it!! It was fabulously written, Kate and Luke have great chemistry together, and we never even saw the ending coming.
I can't wait for it to come out finally!! I've been waiting MONTHS since I saw it in the theatre for it to be released!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Will they cut down on making Dating movies?
Review: I admit when I went to go see this movie it was only because nothing else intersting was one. When I watched it I wasn't thrilled but I wasn't totally hating this movie. Its predictable and has its funny moments however, watching it once or twice is probably enough. The plot is qute simple A writer needs someone to type up his stories for him so he hires a girl. They end up falling in love. Of course there are some complications (is life really that simple?)

Overall; This movie is a good chick - flick watch it once or twice and thats probably enough for you.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Date Movie!
Review: This movie had everything that makes a great "date" movie. There is comedy, romance, and a happy ending. Not to mention that the guys will love Kate Hudson and who could not like Luke Wilson?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Where Is That Publisher? And Golly What An Ending !!
Review: Movies don't usually have much of an impact on me -- well, the Zapruder Film did, to some degree -- but most often I just go to the theater, eat the popcorn I smuggled in (to avoid horrendous prices) and allow my mind to relax for awhile in the dark.

I fully thought "Alex and Emma" would simply be another of those relaxation films for me -- until it reached the ending. I was absolutely flabbergasted by the quirky, out-of-the-blue turn of events the screenwriters engineered at the conclusing of this delightful comedy. The plot's wrap-up came so completely out of left field that I gasped audibly in the theater, disturbing everyone around me; it was just so unexpected (unlike the Zapruder Film -- but then again, someone had tipped me off about that one) that I felt as though I'd stumbled into another dimension, the disorientation was just that bad. Hat's off to the writers for devising such a startlingly unexpected outcome. When you see this one, you're not going to BELIEVE how it comes out between Alex and Emma. You're just not going to believe they could ever end such a story in this fashion, especially a love story.

Now, where did Alex find that publisher? Alex needed his book money in order to pay off a gambling debt, and his writing process went down to the very last day -- but his publisher was somehow able to digest the entire novel, proclaim it a winner, and write the necessary checks within the specified timeframe, THAT VERY DAY. Was that like realistic or what?

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Much better than Reiner's last film.
Review: I remember walking out of 'THE STORY OF US' booing and hissing. A slow, unemotional movie.

'ALEX & EMMA' is not the greatest movie, but it is good.

Alex--played by the less annoying Wilson brother, Luke--is a novelist with thirty days to complete a novel, get his check, and live. He hires Emma, a stenographer, to type the story. A tale about a man in love with an unattainable woman...and who also falls for the au pair. The side story is better than the one being developed between Alex and Emma (Kate Hudson).

The movie is fun...but the movie within a movie ploy does not work too well here. More for those who want to sit back, take time to relax, and not have to worry about how it is going to end.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Chic Flick
Review: My husband and I just returned from seeing this movie. I really enjoyed it and my husband, well, he refers to this type movie as a 'chic flick'. Although he liked it, he would not want to see it again.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Star Wattage Blows a Fuse
Review: "Alex and Emma" proves once again that without a good script, a movie has no chance of succeeding. Kate Hudson and Luke Wilson have been effective in the past but here they have a timid,pale wanna be romantic comedy script that even the best and more expereienced screen comedian actors would be hard pressed to turn into something palatable.
Kate Hudson has a couple of good scenes and Wilson continues his performance streak of loop-da-loop, likable characters. But this does not add up to a movie, sorry to say. And Rob Reiner: what were you thinking?

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