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Bas Rutten's "Lethal Street Fighting" Self Defense System

Bas Rutten's "Lethal Street Fighting" Self Defense System

List Price: $49.95
Your Price: $49.95
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Expert Self-Defense From Bas
Review: As a no-holds-barred, mixed martial arts wannabe fighter I didn't know what to expext from Bas Rutten when it came to self-defense. I thought it would be the same UFC type techniques I have seen Bas use in NHB fights just taken outside to the street. Man, was I wrong. Bas explains the difference between a fight with rules and the no rules world of street fighting. The street calls for pure savagery when your life is on the line and there are no judges around to stop the bout. You will get an eye opener as to what street fighting is all about from spraying tabasco in your attackers eyes to breaking his leg with one sharp turn of your body. Good stuff and great quality from Bas all the way. Bas is "THE MAN"!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not Worth The Price of Admission
Review: Bas is a great fighter but that does not necessarily mean that the quality of his fighting skills reflect the substance of this video. This DVD is for intermediate level fighters who are actively honing their techniques. It not for the average person desiring to learn a few simple but effective self-defense techniques. Many of the techniques shown require a substantial amount of strength to execute as well as years of practice. While I would encourage everyone learning self defense to practice I would also encourage them to walk before learning how to run. My other complaint is that the price of the DVD is exhorbitant when compared to it's production value. Due to it's impracticality for most people and the ridiculously high price, I cannot recommend Mr.Ruten's DVD.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Achieves its purpose
Review: First of all let me start off by responding to those who are whining about how they're not strong enough to do some of the moves shown on this DVD. Yes, if you are completely inept in fighting and can't even throw a decent knock out punch or can't perform a basic armbar then Bas Rutten's DVD is not for you. And if you can't lift someone who has you in a headlock then maybe you should do some man's work or hit the gym.
Lethal Street Fighting is a bit of a paradox because it's for somewhat advanced practicianers however it sticks with mostly basic principles. Principles that have worked for Bas in real street fights.
Bas doesn't go into great depth on how to perform each and every techinique, however, he does explain why to do certain moves in various senarios, what to look out for and what to avoid doing. So if you're not a completel whimp and know a few basic striking and grappling techiniques then it is strongly suggested that you learn those few basics very well and then modify what you have learned to work with these street fighting principles.
My only complaint are the low quality of this DVD. Obviously it was made with one of those home DVD recorders and no effort was put into its quality. In fact, at one point the DVD froze on me but I put it in fast forward and was able to skip the troubling area.
Even so, the content on defense is what we're interested in so I think this is still a worthy buy. And, remember, learn the basics well and you'll go far.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: honestly a rip off
Review: first off, i got two copies..one for myself, one for someone else as a gift... both were defective..i had to send them back for a refund....you know, i like bas rutten and think he's a great fighter,..but this dvd was a ripoff and a letdown. first of all.. this dvd is made like a bootleg dvd...and instead of coming in a dvd case, the dvd comes in a cd case.. there is no artwork. even the words on the dvd itself is a sticker placed over the bootleg dvd. anyways, concerning the dvd, bas rutten is hillarious. but i seriously doubt that anything he shows in the video would work on guys that are stronger than you. he shows some submissions which are good. but concerning how he just says..."after you do this, punch him and the fight will be over"...he says things like everyone who says this can knock another person out as easy as he can. at times this can be true, but against bigger , TALLER, people, it won't work. on the positive side, there are a lot of good techniques and tips.. not to mention bas rutten makes it entertaining to watch. but in all honesty... this isn't the best self defense dvd you can find. there are a lot better than this. anyways, bas is great and might inspire you to get this because of that fact, but it's not worth it.. at least not for the money..sorry bas

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bas Is One Scary Dude!
Review: I am a Big fan of Bas Rutten's and this is a great DVD that arrived in very professional color packaging. Rutten's "Lethal Street Fighting" opened my eyes to the dynamics of what really goes on in a street fight and the techniques needed to survive. Bas Rutten is very credible and dosen't waste your time with unrealistic fancy techniques that would get you killed in a real fight. What Rutten teaches is not for the faint at heart, his hardcore style of fighting is take no prisoners and do whatever it takes to survive. Bas covers every dangerous type of street confrontation along with the self-defense techniques he favors to counter the attack. He is also fond of using things like bottles and chairs to protect yourself against deadly knife weilding attackers. Since I lack ground fighting skills I especially liked his techniques for taking an attacker down and controlling him on the ground. With just one viewing I already feel much more confident as to what to expect in a street fight and how to handle it. This DVD offers valuable information you won't get anywhere else but from a great fighter like Bas Rutten. Like Rutten's ground breaking "Big Books Of Combat" which I own this DVD is excellent and well worth the money.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: VHS Review
Review: I picked up the vhs no too long ago and I must say that it was a professional production. I cannot speak to the quality of the DVD since I have not viewed it.

It is true that while he shows many useful techniques and attitudes to use in a "situation", I am not sure that a small person could use even half of them. Then again, he assuems that you are seriously training if you want real abilities. Even so, I give it a five since it is still very useful for many techniques and for understanding the type of fighters that are out there who have no problem beating you up for "giving them the eye" or something as stupid as that. Bas is indeed a bad mo fo.

What I would suggest you to buy, however, is his ten video series on pancrase (sp?). He isn't joking around on them, so the entertainment value is zero, but each tape deals indepth with arm or leg locks, chokes, striking, take doowns, reversals, etc. I am not a huge person, but these techniques work very well with practice and time. He also shows you some techniques not to do and explains the physics behind each move as well as the pshychology involved. His work out tape is a killer and one of the series is an interview and several of his fights with his commentary. Very worth the money. Amazon may not sell them yet, but budovideos does for a good price.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Rutten Realism For The Street!
Review: If you have a weak stomach then this tape is not for you. If you want to learn how violent streetfighting is and what it takes to win against the scum who want to smash your head in then this is definetly for you. Bas Rutten does a nice job of teaching his system for dealing with many types of violent street situations and opens your eyes to reality combat. His techniques when applied will save your ass that's for sure. The lessons are well taught and DVD quality is very good, its a fasinating film by a very charismatic instructor.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Self defence for a big man
Review: The instructor in this film is Bas Rutten, former bouncer and UFC champion. This background is evident in this film, as some of the techniques presented are somewhat exotic, and not your average street realistic self defence for every man and woman -type stuff.

The film is divided in two halfs. The first half is filmed in a bar, and the techniques concentrate on standing techniques. The latter half is filmed in a boxing ring, and the techniques cover floor techniques. The film opens up with presentation of various objects found in a restaurant you can use as improvised weapon. Next, Rutten presents a correct ready posture and handles ranges of combat. After that, the film moves on to actual self defence techniques.

Most (but not all) of the techniques are quite simple, but many of them are not very universally applicable, or even very safe to perform. First of all, many of the techniques require that you lift your attacker off the floor. That might suit well for a big and strong man, but I don't see how a petite woman would pull this off to a man three times her weight. OK, it can be done, but is it reasonable to practice these kind of techniques, when you could use a different kind of technique that doesn't require as much strength. Secondly, some of the techniques can be used only in a very specific situations, and are not usable in different situations. Third, some of the techniques are risky to perform, like haymaker block, that makes you to walk straight into your opponent's fist if you use it to block a straight punch. Or a knife defence that requires you to kick your opponent's knife hand, making it very easy for your opponent to make you impale your leg into his knife. Fourth, these techniques do not present a real self defence system, rather they are a collection of separate techniques.

The best thing in this film are not the actual techniques, but principles and attitude. While the techniques are not very realistic for average man or woman with average skills, the attitude is towards surviving a street attack, rather that practicing for a competition of for overall fitness. For one thing, Rutten constantly reminds that the attacker may have friends, and some techniques are designed to take care of those extra attackers. He also advises you to look for objects you can use as weapons, if the need arises. And the overall attitude of the film is toward defending against real attack; you never forget that Rutten is speaking of real life situations instead of some techniques you can practice in dojo as a hobby.

There is quite lot of humour throughout the film, and Rutten also tells true stories where he has used these techniques (or they have been used against him); either in the octagon of in the street. I like Rutten's attitude that he does not try to convince the viewer that he knows it all, and that his way is not the only one there is. For example, he freely admits that he teaches some techniques that are pure krav maga techniques, and that for a better instruction on these techniques, you should seek a qualified krav maga instructor.

I think that this film does not present a very good self defence system. Rather, Rutten presents some interesting techniques, and handles some important principles of real life self defence. Therefore, this film serves best as an addition to your existing self defence techniques.

Run time: 1:45

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: BEWARE!
Review: This DVD is more like a $2.00 movie packaged in a $1.00 jewel case. What I received was a copy of an original (?) DVD. There was no instructions, no labels, and the DVD had a printed sticker on it. The product was not shrink-wrapped, but scotch-taped together. As for the DVD itself, I couldn't tell, since it wouldn't play on my player. However, eventually I was able to view it on a PC. There are no menus and the quality is terrible. The DVD must have been recoded with a very low quality-threshold. For the most part, this was an extremely disappointing experience. I contacted the seller (ShogunMedia @ 1-800-517-7445) and I was told not to start a pissing contest with them. If I didn't like, just "ask Amazon for a refund". If you _do_ want the DVD, try to get it from someone other than ShogunMedia.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Street Fighting Instruction Ever!
Review: This is a fantastic instructional DVD by Bas Rutten. Rutten will show you every move to escape really ugly attacks your sure to face on the street in this violent insane world. The Production Quality is superb and the DVD I recived from Amazon was in a fullcolor package with a great shot of World Champion Rutten in action. I highly recommend this instructional to everyone interested in reality based combat. Well worth the money!!

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