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A Season of Grace

A Season of Grace

List Price: $10.99
Your Price: $8.24
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An Excellent Read!
Review: It was hard to put this book down. The author has portrayed a real down-to-earth family with all of its problems. The struggle to do the right thing is a struggle we all face in our lifetime. It gives the hope and promise that we can all be forgiven the mistakes and bad decisions we make. It also gives a promise for the future. Thank you Bette, for this inspiring story.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Season of Grace
Review: It was hard to put this book down. The author has portrayed a real down-to-earth family with all of its problems. The struggle to do the right thing is a struggle we all face in our lifetime. It gives the hope and promise that we can all be forgiven the mistakes and bad decisions we make. It also gives a promise for the future. Thank you Bette, for this inspiring story.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I couldn't put it down!!
Review: This book was so good at showing how Gods grace will get you through your trials.
It was great how Bette was able to portray someone who has aids and how all the different family members react to it, Live with and learn from it. The fact that it was twins threw in another aspect that made it an excellent read. As well as using it to minister to someone who is in need whether they have aids or not.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Challenging Fiction
Review: This books tackles a cultural issue in a fictional setting that challenges you to re-evaluate your belief system. We all want think we would handle a similar situation in our lives the "right" way but after reading this book you'll find yourself asking what you would do if this really happened to you. The situations are realistic and heart-wrenching. I started this book at 10 p.m. and only put it down once before I finished it later that night. It takes really good writing and compelling story to hook me that way.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Challenging Fiction
Review: This books tackles a cultural issue in a fictional setting that challenges you to re-evaluate your belief system. We all want think we would handle a similar situation in our lives the "right" way but after reading this book you'll find yourself asking what you would do if this really happened to you. The situations are realistic and heart-wrenching. I started this book at 10 p.m. and only put it down once before I finished it later that night. It takes really good writing and compelling story to hook me that way.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic book
Review: This is a great book telling about the trials and heartaches associated with AIDS. The book is written in first person by the twin sister of a gay man with AIDS. While this is a touchy subject, the author tells the story so well no one should be able to find offense with it, other than possibly the gay community. It does have a Christian slant in that it speaks of homosexuality as being wrong and the AIDS victim becomes saved in the end. A very moving account of one (fictious) family's struggle with AIDS.

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