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A Chill in the Blood (The Vampire Files)

A Chill in the Blood (The Vampire Files)

List Price: $6.50
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great mystery with a vampire for a hero
Review: In a former life, he was a crime reporter. Now he is a vampire, whose exploits make the news even though he receives no credit for his accomplishments. Jack Fleming still struggles with his new lifestyle and its inherent powers. He could be a king, but chooses to still battle injustices even if the people he rescue would kill him if they knew he was a bloodsucker. Jack knows, though he occasionally needs reminding from his girl friend Bobbi, that if he ever stops caring his soul will become darkened forever.

In 1937, Chicago is a dangerous place due to the mobs fighting each other to run the city. Jack seems to be stuck in the middle of the gang war as he tries to keep innocents from being killed. If he walks away from this battle knowing he could save innocents from getting hurt, he knows the type of monster he will have become.

This novel is built on a brilliant premise: a hard boiled detective story with a vampiric protagonist trying to be a hero in order to stay in touch with his human side. The Chicago mob scene of the thirties adds a realistic but frightening normalcy to the tale. P.N. Elrod's sixth "vampire file" novel is as good as the rest of the books in this memorable series. This time we get more into Jack's psyche, adding a fresh dimension. A CHILL IN THE BLOOD is a terrific hard-boiled Noir that is typical of the genre except for the twist of the nosferatu as its' star.

Harriet Klausner

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent
Review: P.N. Elrod has done it again. I've been waiting for the next installment in this series and was thrilled when it came out. Jack Fleming, a vampire with a conscience, is quite a character. Angela is quite a dame and the other characters that "flesh" out the story are all well done. I read on the jacket that Ms Elrod is branching out into other genre but I hope she continues this series and that of Johnathan Barrett, Gentleman Vampire.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Deus ex vampire
Review: The series has been fun, all of 'em Good Light Reads, but I find the throwaway characters unconvincing- if a new character is introduced with a sketchy background, rest assured that he is a "red shirt" type that won't make it to the end of the book alive. I also find the "Agathie Christie" style of last minute rescue by preposterous means a tad annoying.

The most recent installment, The Dark Sleep, drops a complete subplot into the middle of the book with a mighty thud. Elrod is a good writer, a fun storyteller, but her plots need work.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Deus ex vampire
Review: The series has been fun, all of 'em Good Light Reads, but I find the throwaway characters unconvincing- if a new character is introduced with a sketchy background, rest assured that he is a "red shirt" type that won't make it to the end of the book alive. I also find the "Agathie Christie" style of last minute rescue by preposterous means a tad annoying.

The most recent installment, The Dark Sleep, drops a complete subplot into the middle of the book with a mighty thud. Elrod is a good writer, a fun storyteller, but her plots need work.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Avoid at all costs
Review: This book defies description, it so bad. The dialogue is trite, the characters shallow, and the writing amateur. Sorry, Elrod, maybe you should go back to your day job.

I'm ashamed I have bought all of Elrod's book on the advice of another author at Uncommon Con in Dallas/Fort Worth last year. I'm beginning to think she was in cahoots with Elrod to sell books for each other.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Vampire and Chicago Mobsters
Review: This book is indeed a fun read. P.N. Elrod continues the sagas of Jack Flemming, Vampire, and his adventures with the mobsters and corrupt polititions during post prohobition in Chicago.

This episode finds Jack caught between several local mob bosses, the boys from New York who are showing their muscle and of course the corrupt arm of the law. The book is very entertaining, funny, a mystery, has good old fashioned Chicagoland gangsters, and a Vampire who does his best to keep the peace.

Jack, as most Vampires nowadays has a conscience and will not feed from humans, but by living in Chicago close to the stockyards always provides him with all the nutrition he needs.

If you're looking for a fast paced, gangster mystery with a good hearted Vampire, then you're going to enjoy this book.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: P.N. Elrod RULES!
Review: This is an awesome book! I have read it 3 times and I only got it last April! This is definately one of my top favorite books!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Chill in the Blood
Review: You would think that after this many books the series would be getting a little stale but it's still kicking. The one falt I can think of is fighting with the mob is getting a little repetitive. Other than that this book is another one of those books you don't put down until your done reading it if only just to see how that savy vamp gets out of it now. I think sense I have the whole series any way I'm going to grab the next on for my personal collection too.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Chill in the Blood
Review: You would think that after this many books the series would be getting a little stale but it's still kicking. The one falt I can think of is fighting with the mob is getting a little repetitive. Other than that this book is another one of those books you don't put down until your done reading it if only just to see how that savy vamp gets out of it now. I think sense I have the whole series any way I'm going to grab the next on for my personal collection too.

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