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Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Toss Out the Frozen System
Review: Anything you know, either unfolded before your senses, or you heard about it from someone else, and it unfolded before theirs. And it keeps going, and you can't freeze it. The mind, beholding Quality, or Tao, is all there is. After 4 reads and 15 years, I finally got it. It's super-simple, yet the hardest thing to accept. But once you do, watch life's Gordians knots fall apart.
Thank you Mr. Pirsig, for your intellectual pit-bulledness in the face of Plato's inversion.
The book's highly rich parallel structure is poetically satisfying.
Why did the author collapse? He paralyzed under two fundamental reversals at once: philosophical conversion to Quality from Truth, and, moral conversion from power to "mu"?
My opinion is that if he had been in the right hands at the time, he would have pulled out ok, ie, without the shocks.
P.S.: It's Monism.

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