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1000 Years for Revenge: International Terrorism and the FBI--the Untold Story

1000 Years for Revenge: International Terrorism and the FBI--the Untold Story

List Price: $27.95
Your Price: $17.61
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Canary in the Coal Mine
Review: The first World Trade Center Bombing in 1993 should have acted as the proverbial "canary in the coal mine", had anybody been seriously watching. But as investigative reporter Peter Lance adeptly points out, the intelligence community simply wasn't acting intelligently. Bogged down by inefficencies and bureaucracy, the hints and warnings went unheeded.
Told in detail, this book is no 30-second soundbite --no minute ten on the nightly news--but that's what we need in this country. Mesmorized by the MTV quick edit and the quick facts-only headline news story we are becoming a society which is no longer capable, nor interested in detail--when the devil is surely in the detail. Likely one of reasons we missed bigtime on "connecting the dots" is because no one wants to put in the time and the patience and the money.
Yes, it is "after the fact" but so is history and if we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it.
This book is a smart, thought-provoking and future action-oriented look at terrorism and the enemy which is very real. One of the very real ways to honor the victims of 9-11 is to work for change in "how things work" and this is an excellent place to start that process.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 1000 year for revenge
Review: This is one of the most extraordinarily researched books I have read in some time. It gives a clear and concise depiction of the events leading up to the events of Sept 11. My thanks to Peter Lance

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Flawed, but a must read.
Review: I found this book a well-written and well-documented account of the events leading up to 9/11 and recommend reading it. However, as a thirty-two year police veteran I can tell you that it is always easy to connect the dots after the investigation is over. We must remember that all of the "working" agents involved in this case were not just sitting around waiting for the next al Qaeda lead to come in. They were probably buried with active investigations unrelated to terrorism or unrelated to al Qaeda. And typically were working for people that were promoted for their ability to function within the political structure of the Bureau, and not their crime fighting skills or their common sense.

As most veteran cops will tell you, the FBI is a "Black Hole" that swoops in, devours all of your information then moves on to the next source. Getting information from them is another matter. It can be done but only if it clearly doesn't enter into areas that they are working on and usually from an agent that knows and trusts you. I've talked with agents over a few beers and discussed these matters. Almost to the man/woman they admit that they don't even talk to themselves, because of their compartmentalization. Functioning as a closed society allows them to route out corruption and infiltrate criminal organizations, and it can also allow 3,000 Americans to die. One can only hope that there will be fundamental changes made before 300,000 of us die.

The author, who is obviously a left-leaning journalist (Is there any other kind?), conveniently forgot to mention how Clinton and his Commie administration hamstrung the intelligence agencies and missed opportunities to bag bin Laden. But he did remember to bash Bush. And he did remember to heap praise on the three most liberal rags in this country (New York Times, Washington Post and the L.A. Times). Oh well, nobody's perfect.

And what kind of an idiot would give step-by-step instructions on how to construct a bomb that will pass through airport security?


Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Tabloid Take on 9/11
Review: Well, the author's other book was an expose on "Survivor", so that should have told me what to expect. This book is a big tabloid take on the events of 911.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 100 years for revenge
Review: Wow, what a shocking book! Peter Lance exposes the FBI's inablity to stop numerous terror attacks including the attacks on 9/11. Lance "connects the dots" between the international terrorists and the FBI and includes an actual timeline of events that is both fascinating and frightening! Lance tackles a very difficult subject in a clear and thought provoking manner.

Everything changed on 9/11 in America. The terrorist were waging war with The United States and we ordinary citizens were kept in the dark. Not anymore! Every citizen, every politician, every person in law inforcement should read this book! We need to truly understand the mindset of these terrorists and we need and deserve accountability from our public officials and people in law inforcement!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 100 Years for revenge:International Terrorism and The FBI-Th
Review: Wow, what a great book! Lance exposes the FBI's inability to stop nurmerous terror attacks including the attacks on 9/11. Lance "connects the dots" between the international terrorists and the FBI and includes an actual timeline of events that is both fascinating and frightening! Lance tackles a very difficult subject in a clear and thought provoking manner!

Everything changed in America on 9/11. A war was being waged by international terrorists against the United States but we (citizens) were kept in the dark. Not anymore! This book is a must read for every citizen, every politican, every person in law inforcement if we are to understand the roots of terrorism and how to prevent further tradegy.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Sensational but Empty
Review: The US intelligence service is supposed to protect us and in the case of 9-11 they did not. This is the thesis of 1000 YEARS FOR REVENGE and I agree with this charge. However, this book never makes a compelling case demonstrating FBI culpability for the events of 9-11. Sure, the author shows how the FBI did not connect the dots (a phrase used so often throughout the book it made my eyes droop), but the case was laid out in style that smacks of true Monday-morning hindsight, not investigative brilliance. Given the density of the book (~500 pages) and number of notes and references, I expected this account to be scholarly, deep and insightful. For me, it missed on all counts. A chronological string of dots that were the whos, whats and whens of the storyline was developed. But readers are never treated to the how, and why things happened the way they did. Answers to these questions result from real investigative digging and are missing. The book teases readers with promise of being a thrilling investigation, but in the end if provides us with 500 pages of dots that seem to connect only after you learn about the very last dot. In the end, 1000 YEARS FOR REVENGE reads very much like an episode of the 48 Hours television show. It is sensational and boring at the same time. The book was a huge disappointment.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Looking back to the future.
Review: Fellow Americans,
Kudos to Peter Lance for "1000 Years for Revenge". It is that cold towel in our complacent, comfortable, secure American faces. Terror is here in the U.S., it is assymetrical in military-speak, because we have to change our tactics and techniques to combat radical terrorists. E.g., the wonderful Abrams M1 turbo-tank has only a smokey target now --- the classical attack of the Huns via the Fulda gap is obsolete --- rendered useless by the urban guerilla seeking martyrdom. If any reader disregards this book as merely "Monday morning Quarterbacking", then, so is all of our history. We must learn from our past mistakes. This book documents when and where our security agencies erred, often due to hubris and territorial myopia. It is a message for all Americans, especially parents and grandparents, who do not need to know which, or how many, agencies and administrations were at fault for bungling the many terrorist attacks of the last decade to comprehend that we are in a new era that requires an intrusive vigilence and awareness of us all to presrve our daily bread. A vigilence level that we have not experienced in most of our lifetimes, and one that we would desire to simplistically wish away. This book is a sobering wake-up call to all of us --- no matter how uncomfortable. There are evil beings on this planet, many whose names are difficult for us to pronounce and remember. They wish death to Americans simply because we exist. We, in the U.S. are nothing more than dust to these fanatics who warp the message of their religion. With modern communications technology and the internet , mankind is closer than ever before, and protecting our neighborhoods means protecting our globe.
This book is not a fear-mongering rousing crusade to arms. But rather,is a sober assessment of today's world. To ignore, or wish away,its message is akin to the ostrich's reaction to danger.
As Sen. C. Grassley, (R-Iowa), Judiciary Committee so aptly states "...this book is a must-read ... for anyone whose job it is to protect national security." U.S. security agencies must put aside their petty sophomoric turf and rice bowl battles --- they must share information and preserve this land for our children.
Most sincerely,
Robert E. Torregrossa

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 1000 Years For Revenge
Review: First let me say this, like many New Yorkers my life has been transformed by the events of 9/11. Having spent the last two years reading anything I could find on the subject matter my comprehension of the event was confused. Like a jigsaw puzzle missing half of the pieces. Peter Lance's book presents for the first time the full picture, in high resolution.
The questions who, how, why, where, what, and when are answered. This book is a very important work and I am going to recommend it to all of my friends and family.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the truth
Review: 1000 Years for Revenge reveals with incredible documentation the alarming trail that led to 9/11. Some may say that it is easy to put the pieces together after the fact, but this investigative work (which reads like a page-turning novel)shows how the alarms WERE being sounded yet the efforts of these "alarmists" were thwarted time and time again by others in positions of authority who wouldn't face the truth. I was angry to read details of the infamous Phoenix Memo, realizing the horror that could have been prevented. I was inspired by the remarkable insight and courage of so many, especially FDNY's Ronnie Bucca and FBI agent Nancy Floyd. Mr. Lance's well-documented account of their efforts was touching while remaining factual. The book left me with a feeling of hope...that perhaps learning from our mistakes is possible.

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