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Your First 100 Words in Greek : Beginner's Quick & Easy Guide to Demystifying Greek Script

Your First 100 Words in Greek : Beginner's Quick & Easy Guide to Demystifying Greek Script

List Price: $10.95
Your Price: $8.21
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Cheap, but not as effective
Review: I only bought this book for a friend, cause there are no other books to teach you some useful words. However, I agree that the lack of the use of the articles is a major issue. The exercises are fun, but it would be better if it was one or two, because 4-5 exercises on the same words, becomes boring for the adult reader.
Also, some of the words are in a form that is not really used in daily life, when there are more appropriate words for the same thing that are missing. Imagine learning the word 'residence' instead of 'house'. Probably not the best choice. If you are going to learn only 100 words, you might as well shoot for the most commonly used. Even though the book was recently printed, it has some words that I have only heard from my grandparents (they were Greek).
On the positive side, the flashcards work and you can always erase 'residence' and write 'house' instead on the flashcard that shows a house(although that would require to have someone tell you the right word, so good luck). Also, you do not have to learn the words chapter by chapter, but you can skip directly to the subject you are more interested in.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great idea! Not enough practice.
Review: I really liked the approach used in this book. It is effective. However, I
found that doing the exercises just one time was not enough to really learn the
words. You may want to make several copies of the page or use a dry erase marker
and a sheet protector, so that you can do the exercises as many times as you need
to learn the words.

When you finish the book, you'll be wishing like I am, that there were more like
it to help you learn the rest of the vocabulary.

I would recommend it for children or for the adult beginner.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: fatal flaw
Review: This book has one fatal flaw: as you learn the nouns you do not learn the gender of the noun. You then can't use the noun with a definite or indefinite article or adjective because you don't know which of the 3 forms to use with the noun. It is a basic rule of thumb that whenever you learn a new noun in Greek you should also learn its gender. For this book to teach the noun without the gender is inexcusable.

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