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2002 Romantic Ideas: Special Moments You Can Share With the One You Love

2002 Romantic Ideas: Special Moments You Can Share With the One You Love

List Price: $6.95
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Something for everyone, especially those with money
Review: As a relationship and romance author, speaker, and coach I read a lot of books about dating, marriage, and romance. 2,002 Romantic Ideas gets a B- on my list. A lot of the ideas focus on improving your attitude and expectations and that can really help your romance. Too many, however, are expensive. Still there are 2,002 ideas and inside you'll find ideas for:

Big budgets

296 Have your travel agent create a last minute vacation
463 Splurge on her dream car
577 Send your mate to a spa for a day or weekend
1454 Plan a fantasy trip on the Orient Express or QE2

Small budgets

91 Place a love note in a helium filled balloon
497 Present your mate with a blue ribbon for being the best lover
1598 Pack a picnic gourmet lunch and take it to her office for a midday touch of romance

Grand gestures

203 Set up a personal foundation in honor of your loved one

Intimate encounters

542 Place oversize pillows in front of your fireplace for

Public displays, and

977 Place little love ads in every newspaper in your city

Private moments.

1333 Spread a lovely quilt on the ground and spend the evening stargazing

Some of the ideas though are totally unrealistic.

1389 While she is on an extended business trip, move to her dream home and give her the thrill of a lifetime
1567 Buy a gorgeous crystal chandelier for your bedroom
1914 Run off together to live on a tropical island

Some are too generic to be helpful.

9 Fall in love with each other all over again
859 Always treat her like a lady

There are winners in 2,002 Romantic Ideas, you'll just have to search to find them.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Romance Not on a Budget
Review: For those who aren't on a budget and feel the need to spend wads on dates and getaways, this is a good source for inspiration.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Hopefully...
Review: I wish that this website can provide free advice instead of buying...:)


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fell in love with this book
Review: The idea's presented in this book are extremely romantic and a great resource for inspiration. By the time I was on the third page, I grabbed a pen and started putting little hearts next to the suggestions I wanted to refer back to, most of which I felt idealized romance. Sometimes we need mini romance jump-starts to keep us on track, and this book is perfect for that. The repetetiveness on jewelry gifts, extravagent or costly romantic ideas are there for you to take or leave. The best part about this book is that you can tell the author's wrote their hearrfelt idea's on romance based on experience. I would recommend this book to anyone in love.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It was all right, but some things were unrealistic.
Review: This book was something of a disappointment to me. Many of the suggestions in this book were very good. Others, however, were simply unrealistic for anyone with any kind of a 'romantic budget.' I was looking for simple, heartfelt ways to say I love you...and this book mostly provided ideas of things to buy and ways to spend money on your lover.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Nice try
Review: With 2002 ideas you would think that you would find 100 or so worthy of repeating. I was quite disappointed. Most of the ideas were so trite or they were very expensive.

A much better book I found is The RoMANtic's Guide.

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