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Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy - The Special Education Survival Guide

Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy - The Special Education Survival Guide

List Price: $29.95
Your Price: $18.87
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Helped us get residential for our child
Review: Because of the book, Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, and the wrightslaw and fetaweb websites, we were able to get our school district to fund a residential special education placement for our daughter.

We took treats to all meetings, took a pic of our child with us, kept our calm, documented everything in letters, worked the files, and learned the wright buzzwords. It worked. We are very very grateful.

We can't thank Pete and Pam enough for the book Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy and their websites. We highly recommend this book.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Textbook
Review: Being a Certified Child/Family Advocate and a parent of 7 adoptive children with special needs - I feel confident in rating this book as the best text book that I have ever found regarding Advocating for children with special education/emotional needs.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An introduction and "how to" reference book
Review: Collaboratively written by psychotherapist Pam Wright and attorney Pete Wright, From Emotions To Advocacy: The Special Education Survival Guide is an introduction and "how to" reference book written especially for parents and advocates of children with disabilities, regardless of the level of personal familiarity with the bureaucratic and legal maze of achieving the best possible learning environment. Filled with tips, tricks, and techniques as well as an immense wealth of resources, from Internet sites about learning disabilities to advocacy organizations to worksheets, forms, and sample letters to guide one's written communication. A superb reference, From Emotions To Advocacy is very highly recommended reading for all parents of children in need of some form of adapted or special education services, and should be found and available in all community library Parenting reference collections.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's Back!
Review: Don't worry about the title of this review- this radical mom hasn't gone bonkers! I've had this guide for many, many months but a local advocate in my area borrowed it and I couldn't get it back! Hmmm... Could it be she was having her parents complete the "homework" in the book that Pete and Pam assigned? Or perhaps she was having them research "Special Education Law," or learn "Tactics and Strategies"? Nevertheless, I'm glad it's back so I can study it in detail. (So please don't ask to borrow it for a few weeks...)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy
Review: Even though I was an informed IEP participant in my son's educational goals, I still felt inadequate to advocate for him. I had an uncomfortable feeling all year, but couldn't pinpoint the exact problem. I was at a loss on exactly why he was not learning. This book help me to quickly pinpoint my concerns with his IEP. I ABSOLUTELY love this book. It is a workbook that you follow from the first chapter to the last. I highly recommend it for parents who want to clearly identify problems, and who want to to get things done without ruining school relationships.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Help at it's best!!!!
Review: I attended the Cleveland, OH seminar in Feb, and was so glad that I did. Not only was the information, shared by Pam and Pete Wright, invaluable, but I was able to obtain their books, "Wrightslaw" and "From Emotions to Advocacy." Any parent who has a child with special needs, knows how difficult it can be, to get needed services, as well as have them implimented correctly. My youngest child is autistic, and he has been having a very difficult time during the current school year. Despite numerous attempts to resolve the problems, I was getting no where, on my own. As a last resort, I retained an attorney. Things were now beginning to move in a positive direction, and then I attended the seminar. Between the information shared at the seminar, and the information in the books, I now feel that I have a better understanding of the "do's, dont's, rights,and wrongs" that can and do occur with parents and school administrators. I immediately implimented some of the suggestions given in the books and at the seminar, with very positive results. One suggestion was to bring food to the meetings, something I have done for several years. I have yet to have someone tell me, "No thank you, I'm not hungry." Another suggestion was to be very organized. I purchased an expandable file folder, which holds all of my son's IEP's, MFE's, and any other correspondence, in chronological order. At my last meeting, on Mar. 5, a question arose, concerning past reports. I was able to pull out the needed report, quickly, while everyone else just sat there. The comment from the Special Ed Director was, "Look at this. Boy is she organized." No one, with a special needs child, should be without either one of these books.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Must Have! An excellent book for anyone in the system.
Review: I have an autistic son and this book has been my savior. It is a must have for anyone entering into the "world" of special needs. I have many other books but I constantly refer to this book in the end. It walks you step-by-step on how to write letters requesting information from your child's school and provides templates for many other well written letters you may need to use.

This book is not a complicated read..it reads fast and is easily understandable. I bought the Wrights Law book also and was able to read this book and refer to the Law book at the same time. As you delve into the special education system you will want to get books that help you write more complex IEP goals..but trust me you will be digging into your stack of books reaching for this book over and over again

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic....Wonderful
Review: I have this book " From Emotions to Advocacy" and read it cover to
cover. I am in the process of writing my first really good IEP for my
Son. I have been in so many heated conversations with my school system
I sure could have used this book to help me get past personal feelings
towards administrators. Better late than never finding my way.
Thank you
Angel Showalter

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic....Wonderful
Review: I have this book " From Emotions to Advocacy" and read it cover to
cover. I am in the process of writing my first really good IEP for my
Son. I have been in so many heated conversations with my school system
I sure could have used this book to help me get past personal feelings
towards administrators. Better late than never finding my way.
Thank you
Angel Showalter

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I recently attended Pete and Pam Wright's "Boot Camp" advocacy training in which their books, "From Emotions to Advocacy" and "Special Education Law" were used as part of their training. The books, as well as, the training are exceptional.

In order for parents to become effective advocates for their child, these books are essential. I would highly recommend these books (and the training) to any parent of a disabled child. Pete's added comments contained within his "Special Education Law" book helps parents better understand just what the laws are saying without all the "legaleese". And the information contained in the FETA book is outstanding as well! It includes valuable information on how to interpret and understand your child's testing scores and to know what areas your child may be struggling in. I'll be using the information I gained from these books often! In fact, I already have!

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