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Bend in the Road, A

Bend in the Road, A

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: one of my favs by Sparks!
Review: This was a really heart warming one of his stories! He writes so well and this one is probably my favorite by him. It's easy to read and hard to put down once you start.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Revival since his last book
Review: I could have my order wrong here, but I believe the book before this was "The Rescue" which I think was his worst book by far. This story, however, was fantastic. It's still doesn't compare to "Message in a Bottle" or "The Notebook" but is definitely a great read. I finished it in a couple of hours I was so eager to know what happened. It's a bit of a sappy romance, but the fact that it has an actual plot besides just the romancing sets it aside from the lovey dovey really sappy stuff. Of course, all his stories start off with some kind of tragic loss, but this one has a lot more depth to it than some of the others, and is a great book.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Ambler Scramblers Review
Review: A Bend in the Road is an emotional and intriguing book. Miles Ryan's life was torn apart when his wife Missy was killed in a hit and run accident. He felt that, as a cop and as a husband, it was his job to find the driver. He is trying to get through his problems when he meets his son's teacher, Sarah, a just divorced woman who is new to their town. They connect and work through their problems together but when they find out they are connected by a dreaded secret, they are pulled apart. One thing leads to another and Miles is highly doubting that he will ever see Sarah again. They don't know what they are going to do from there, but closure is soon found.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Book Review
Review: A Bend in the Road, by Nicholas Sparks, is a mystery and romance story. It is about a man who has a lot of problems in his life, such as his wife's recent death and his son's everyday struggles in school. The father, Miles Ryan, is a policeman and does everything that he can to find out who killed his wife and to help his son. Meanwhile, he meets Sarah, a kind woman who agrees to help his son Jonah with the his school by tutoring him, and Miles ends up seeing her outside of Jonah's tutoring. Miles and Sarah soon fall in love and many of Miles' problems unravel by the end of this surprising novel. I thought that this book was a good mystery and it made me think a lot about the plot. You don't have to like romance to like this story. Comparing this book to Sparks' other novel, A Walk to Remember, the two were a lot alike in that Sparks is very descriptive in both and both are of the same genre.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Bend in the Road
Review: Nicholas Sparks called the book that I read A Bend in the Road. It is a love story with a murder mystery. Any love story lover would absolutely love this book. This book is very dramatic and I would give it 5 out of 5 star any day. Sparks delivers it well with a love story inside a murder with a twist at the end. Not only is it an easy to read book, both the love story and the mystery grab you from the very beginning and keep you turning page after page. So whether you enjoy the mystery of who killed Miles' wife (who writes in italics in every so chapter) or it is the love story between Sarah and Miles and the secret that makes them reexamine everything they believe in, you must read this book.
This book is about a girl named Sarah Andrews who moved to a small town called New Bern. She moved hoping to start over after going through a failed marriage and difficult divorce. In New Bern Sarah worked as a 2nd grade teacher. While teaching one of her second graders is having troubles reading, whose name was Jonah. When Sarah discovered that Jonah was having troubles reading she decided to tutor him after school. When she did this tutoring she meet Jonah's father, Miles Ryan. Miles was the deputy sheriff of New Bern, who is still after 2 years looking for the man who killed his wife in a hit-and-run accident. Miles and Sarah soon get to know each other through Jonah's tutoring. Sarah gets attached to Jonah quickly, but even more attached to Miles. As Miles and Sarah both fall for each other, they start to go on date after date. Soon they are both deeply in love. After they have been together for a while, Sarah discovers a secret that makes a sudden twist to the whole story, which could demolish her happiness with Miles and Jonah.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another 5 stars from me!
Review: Unforgettable and moving, Miles searches desperatly to find the person who killed his wife in a hit-and-run accident. The killer talks to the reader in italics (very chilling) expressing his grief and sadness over what he has done. While Miles moves on with Sarah some unexpected info comes up about his wifes killer. Don't worry I'm not going to spoil it but PLEASE READ ! Read all of his books !

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Absolutely Wonderful!
Review: This book really touches your heart. It's one of the greatest books I've ever read. Sparks is a beautiful writer. Although, you could almost guess what would happen next, you weren't always right!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Touching and Emotional
Review: "A Bend in the Road" by Nicholas Sparks is both touching and intriguing. It not only opens the doors of love but it adds mystery that keeps you wanting more. This is a love story that brings two strangers together, not knowing that they have been connected in their past. This romance story shows how love can make it through any obstacle as long as you put fourth effort. Nicholas Sparks is and amazing writer and his books are brilliant.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wow!
Review: I loved the films based on of Nicholas Sparks books, so I decided to try one of his books. I was not disappointed! His work is incredible!

This book follows the life of Miles, a police officer, who is mourning the loss of his wife, while at the same time trying to solve the mystery of her death. She was involved in a hit and run accident, with no witnesses, and only evidence that lead the investigation no where.

Miles can hardly get on with his life, and things do not get any better when his son's teacher, Sarah, tells him that his son is doing poorly. She suggests a lot of individual help and offers her time after school. Throughout the course of the school year, Miles and Sarah become good friends and begin having a loving relationship. It is the first time in the two years since his wife's death that Miles is able to open up and begin to get on with his life.

A sudden twist occurs when it is discovered that Sarah is somehow linked with Miles wife's death. Will he find out her secret? And will their relationship last?

Overall the book was great. I just thought the ending was a little weak.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A touching, emotional story.
Review: This book was very good, though based on what I know about Sparks, I didn't expect it to end the way it did. Though I enjoyed Message in a Bottle, I was much happier with this book. Sparks writes really touching, heart wrenching stories that have a tendency to make you feel a little melancholy, and I tend to like the books I read to be a little more upbeat. This was a wonderful story with a wonderful ending.

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