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You Can Heal Your Life

You Can Heal Your Life

List Price: $17.95
Your Price: $12.21
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best books I was ever given for a gift
Review: Reading the book You Can Heal Your Life gives you the empowerment to change things that you knew needed changing, but weren't ready to admit to yourself. It is easy to read, and really hits home. It makes you feel good about yourself, even though you know you have faults. It gives you the encouragement to change the things you resist most in life. The reflection on family past brings tear of realization. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to make a positive change in their lives.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: extroidinarily helpful and lifesaving words of wisdom.
Review: The powerful words louise uses in her book saved me from a mental self-destruction. At thirty with a great husband and three beautiful girls, my life was terrorized by a dysfunctional past. I have learned how to retrain my thought pattern and the way I speak, feel, and react. THANKS SO MUCH LOUISE HAY. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK YOUR DOING TO HELP OTHERS.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I enjoyed the book very much.
Review: This book helped me to get rid of migraine headaches which I had for several years. I love all of Louise Hay books. END

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everyone should read this book!
Review: I have read this book four times now. I do the daily affirmations, the mirror exercises and I talk to myself in a positive way. I really enjoy reading this book and am continuously learning something new. Thank you for helping me

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great way to identify the disease, and rectify it
Review: I highly recommend this book to my clients. It takes one through the twelve step program without blaming subtances.I have found in my many years of reading that disfunctions are only a symptom. When looking at the back of the book , one can look up what is (Ailing them). The metaphysical cause, I have found, is uncannily right on target . When one looks up what's bothering them, they are usually startled to see the simple truth of the cause in black and white. Rarely have I seen anyone deny the reality once they have read it. Gail Fo

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You must first believe that the mind controls your health
Review: My journey through bad health has been going on now for eight years, cost me over $100,000, and my condition has been hurt more by the MDs who claimed they could fix it -- than was helped by them. Enough was enough. Doctors are more concerned about maxing their fees, assembly-lining as many patients per hour through their offices -- anything -- to overcome the hold that insurance companies presently have on their standard of living. And their patients -- are the losers to such practices. If you are to benefit from Louise Hay's book, you must accept that there is a mind/body connection to health -- a belief that our minds cause our colds as well as our cancers. That past traumas -- or simply bad beliefs -- have sufficient emotional impact on us -- "zapping" us -- into negative thought patterns that lodge somewhere in our bodies, wear us down, cause us to be hurt, in pain, paralyzed with fear, frightened into intertia -- in effect, our bodies to break down into -- dis-ease. That is the premise of this book. Should you believe it? After eight years of seeing top MDs to alternative practitioners, I tired of feeding "the healthcare mill" that makes MDs wealthy -- and me increasingly disabled. I am now fighting my way back to wellness -- exploring many authors based on their mind/body teachings, and using their techniques. My belief that I can get well is what is making me well. The proof is clear -- by the progress I have made.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You can heal your life
Review: I have a gift edition of the book. And it was one of the first self-improvement books I ever read. I am happy that I picked Louise Hay. She is a Master in making people feel great about themselves and cut criticism and megative thoughts that often creep into our minds and try to make us feel miserable. I can tell you that after reading the book you start to work on your mind and finally you change your life. It has exercises and affirmations that do significant improvements in your life and even in your looks. If you buy a gift edition the book of Meditations is really good. A meditation on headache almed and treated mine right after I read it several times. And illustrations... You can buy the book only to see amazing work of Joan Perrin Falquet.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Tried to keep an open mind, but.......
Review: There is a universal truth to the basic principles discussed in Louise Hay's book, You Can Heal Your Life. When you love yourself and have a positive perspective on life, you are physically healthier and able to battle illness much better than those who are depressed and negative.

Unfortunately, Louise Hay takes this idea to such an over the top extreme that it's hard to take her seriously. Hay makes references to clients who were magically cured of physical ailments after breakthroughs in therapy.

I believe in the power of affirmations, of prayer and positive thinking. I do believe there have been occasions where individuals were able to beat the odds because they used these tools. But what about those who don't beat the odds? Were they simply not trying hard enough? Were they not forgiving the right people or loving themselves enough?

In the back of Hay's book there is a reference for various physical "dis-eases" and the possible mental cause. If you're suffering from AIDS it might be because you have feelings of hopelessness, denial of self and sexual guilt. If you have Post Nasal Drip it's due to childish fears, being a victim.

This book will probably appeal to those who are interested in Spirituality or New Age Psychology. If you're suffering from Depression and prefer something more practical and realistic, I do not recommend this book.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A must read for any student of metaphysics
Review: Negative reviews are by those who are not ready for metaphysical study. The great thing about metaphysics, and the community that supports it, is that, unlike organized religion, you will never hear a student of metaphysics tell you that you are "wrong" if you disagree with them, or that you will "go to hell" if you don't practice what they practice. So, if you feel that there is a "right" way and a "wrong" way to think, then you may not be ready to study metaphysics. If you're not sure but would like to find out, then this is good book to use to test yourself. It is gentle and unassuming. If you do not like the message, simply disregard it and know that the author and her supporters feel no animosity or fear in your disregard. If you are already a student of metaphysics, and have not yet read this gem, please read it. If you read it before, and it's been awhile, read it again. My second reading (after about 7 years) left me with a profound understanding of the affirmation "I approve of myself". I thought I had outgrown affirmations, but man oh man, did this one make an impact this time around. I wonder what I will get out of it the next time I read it?

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: this is so innacurate.
Review: if your problem is that you feel sad, and you wish there were more pop-psycology in your life, this book is for you.

I am a rape victim. Are you honestly telling me that because I didn't "Love myself truly enough," I was asking that kid to attack me? Please. This woman has such a limited perspective. It is NOT always as simple as she describes here. Develop your own philosphies, and do NOT base them off of this book.

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