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A Caress of Twilight

A Caress of Twilight

List Price: $7.50
Your Price: $6.75
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Been there, done that...
Review: "A Caress..." focuses more on Princess Meredith and her harem's relationships. The big bad thing doesn't come into play until about the middle of the book. Its defeat was anticlimatic.

The book in general seems to set things up for the third book. I hope Ms Hamilton takes a break so that she can provide a fresh and suspenseful story in the third installment. Because "Caress" wasn't it. At the end of "A Kiss" I wanted to know what happens next - even though I feel Princess Meredith is just a revised version of the Anita Blake character from Hamilton's Vampire Hunter Series. However, at the end of "Caress" - I can't say that I care what happens.

I'll keep my fingers crossed and wait very patiently (and hope it pays off) for the next book.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Avid reader of Laurell K. Hamilton books
Review: I loved her book (as I do all of her books). The world that she creates in her books is unique. The different caracters and plots are explained well and the descriptions she uses make you feel like you are there. I think fiction books are make to take you away to another world and give you an adventure or a romance and this one definatly does. I would recommend this book to everyone (over 18 of course). I can't wait till the next one!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Original Idea.. and very entertaining..
Review: I give this and the previous novel A Kiss of Shadows..5 ***** firstly I would add unlike some of the reviewers I actually enjoyed both books more than the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series.. Firstly I found both books funny and I loved all the characters.. I says its every womans fantasy to have a guard of men.. who you can take to bed with you every night.. I found it refreshing change to one woman one man senario.. so Merry and her Raven Guards and her various contacts..all have interesting personality trates..
Its also gruesome in places.. If you want something totally different and total fantasy.. here is the books for you but you really need to read A Kiss of Shadows first.. I for one can not wait for the next installment.. I shall say no as I do not want to give away the story... But this series is one I shall continue purchasing and on my keeper shelf to re-read at a later date....

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I first got into Laurell K. Hamilton when a friend passed me her 1st 3 Anita Blake novels in one HC edition. I was hooked. If you like the goth-vampire-Buffy/Angel scene then she is totally the writer for you.
I was impressed with her use of Faery lore (similar to another favorite author of mine, Patricia Morrison) in a modern day setting. She has created another terrific world and an engaging new series!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Wait for the paperback (some spoilers below)
Review: While not complete and utter dreck like Narcissus in Chains, this book still lacks a little thing known as a plot. What we have instead is page after page of descriptions of men, clothes, women etc, three sex scenes with three different men, the usual bloodletting that is present in practically all of LKH's books (you know, the 'pivotal' scene where the heroine allows some mythical creature to suck blood from her) and no logical detail paid to an apparently dire problem. Another thing that bothered me was the similarities of this series and Ms. Hamilton's Anita Blake series. There were more parallels than I could count. The repetitiveness that as made Anita Blake books almost unbearable is also present here, which does not bode well for a budding series. And just a personal gripe, enough with the men with flowing hair! Every single male in an LKH book that the protagonist finds attractive (and that's a lot of men) has hair shoulder length or much longer. With her rambling descriptions of flowing rainbow locks and chiseled jaw lines, all I could picture was Fabio. And it seems to me knee and ankle length hair wouldn't' be very practical for an elite group of warriors.

The conflict of the story is weak as well, and not very realistic (600 or more dead from mysterious causes and the police manage to keep it from the media? Please). Not to mention the perpetrators that unleashed this indescribable evil upon mankind go unpunished by both the sidhe courts and the human world? Somehow I think with hundreds dead from magical causes answers would be demanded. No one's gonna mop up the acres of blood and corpses and say "Darn those wacky fey!"---which is what happened, apparently. And it would seem that if the villain had just hired an assassin, instead of resurrecting this horrible, unstoppable scourge, things would have went much smoother for him/her. But no, that's just too logical and wouldn't have allowed Merry to save the day with a newly discovered awe-inspiring power (another cliché borrowed from Anita).

So, in my opinion, this book is not worth the price of a hardcover. Entertaining at times, and I really do like Merry as a character, but with boring, trite scenarios that are sure to elicit much eye rolling from the reader. It would be better to get it at the library or wait for the paperback before spending your hard-earned money.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sexy and Dark~My two favorite combinations
Review: Frankly I loved this book. I think this series is developing pretty good. Its decadant, sensual, and hedonistic. Makes me wish I could be in the Unseelghie Court. The dark faeries seem to have a passion that I think is lacking in the world today. Meridith is a strong woman and she isnt afraid to be strong AND sensual at the same time and what I wouldnt give to have her male harem!!!

If you tread on the dark side then read this book!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: this was really bad...just bad...and WEAK
Review: yet entertaining enough that i read it straight through (though i'd have to say it's cuz i had nothing better to do, being stuck at the airport and all). even though i knew it was terrible even as i was reading it, i finished it because i just wanted to know what happens. so for that, it gets 1 star. but in terms of writing style and plot development and character development, LKH really didn't seem to give it much effort this time around. the characters are really weak and not developed. instead of showing us a character through his/her actions, Merry makes sweeping general statements and we're basically supposed to take her word for it. the whole plot is ridiculous - the Nameless, oh the horror, and then poof -i guess my main issue is that there is absolutely NO DEVELOPMENT in this book. things happen, but we don't even get to experience it. Merry is just like, "Yeah so then this is what happened and that's that, and now it's all settled but oh no, i still have to get pregnant and have sex with all these guys." the only people who are going to read this book and read it all the way through are hardcore LKH fans like myself who just have to read this stuff to keep up with the storyline in hopes that LKH will finish up her series with the same skills she started Anita Blake with.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Adventures of Merry and company
Review: For all of us who wanted to know exactly what Merry was going to do with all those yummy guys, here it is. She tangles with some fairie bad guys in this too and the adventures continue. Ok. I need the next installment. I'm hooked.:-)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fertile imagination=fertile Meredith?
Review: I spent the whole read wanting to look ahead to see if Meredith was pregnant at the end. I can't wait for the next book. Hamilton's imagination is incredible and I especially love her careful explanations of details, like why the Unseelie queen is often naked and cruel and what exactly is considered beautiful to a goblin? This book includes details about the past, including Meredith's upbringing, cleverly mixed with her present and the parallel plot line of the fey (read immortal) Hollywood starlet trying to become pregnant bookends nicely with Meredith's quest for a child.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Waste of Time
Review: LKH let me down again. I second the opinions of sclark39 (a few reviews down) but I think I disliked it even more than that reviewer since I wouldn't even recommend the price of, or time wasted in reading, the paperback; however, I know Laurell's fans will ignore my remarks and some will probably even like the book. If you're new to LKH's work, I'd suggest her earlier Anita Blake works. Ms. Hamilton used to be my favorite author. She's been gradually replaced since the release of OBSIDIAN BUTTERFLY, my first disappointment. I thought, with the new Merry series, there was hope but, after this latest letdown, I'm convinced LKH has lost or, at the very least, misplaced her talent (temporarily I hope).

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