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Z for Zachariah

Z for Zachariah

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Nice...
Review: I enjoyed this book and would recomend it to all.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Haunting, but a very good book
Review: If you have ever wondered what it would be like to be the last person on earth, here's your chance to find out. This book is good because I think it's realistic. Not necessarily realistic in that there are only two people, but in the things that the characters do and say. They are normal people, and I think it's easy to relate to the girl. You want her to win. You want her to find someone. You want her and Mr. Loomis to get along. It's very easy to get caught up in the story. That said, here are a few warnings. I gave it 4/5 because it's not for everyone. If you want a fast-paced book with lots of action, this isn't it. If you don't like "bad characters" and don't want to see bad things happen, don't read this, because Mr. Loomis will disappoint. But if you want to read a good story about a person who is able to overcome incredible obstacles (without the book being one of those "yay for me, I'm so great, I can knit and cook steak in a teacup at the same time"), this book is for you.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This book was awsome!
Review: This book was recommended to me by my teacher. Even though the book starts kind-of slow, it picks up in about 20 pages. The book was not real "crime-fightning" action, but I loved it. The way the author started you in suspense then told about her experience was a great way to keep me reading. It was pretty easy reading. The reality of the book was so...real, it was what I would have done if I was in the situation. The book was great! You should read it!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A Little Scary
Review: I did not like this book bcause it was scary because being the last parsen on earth I would not like to be the last person alive. There would not be any one to talk to. But if you like stories like that this would be a good book for you.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: My Book Review
Review: I liked it, but it was slow going and not enough action. The idea was good but the length without excitement was very dull. If you are a patient reader then you would probably like this book, however if you are like me you like a lot of action right away once you start the book. I compared this book to the book THE OUTSIDERS. I gave the book a 5, I loved the outsiders because it had a lot more detail and action,(not that Z for Zacariah was a bad book). Overall I give this book a 2 rating but as a different reader and person you might think differently.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A definite Must-Read
Review: I just want to tell anyone that has the time to read this. This book, Z for Zachariah, is definitely a book in my top 10. It was well written and a great page-turner. I just never could find the will to put it down.

Z for Zachariah is a book taking place right after a nuclear war. A girl is left behind and thinking she is the only on left on earth. That is until she sees a man drawing nearer and nearer to her house each and every day.

She is of course scared of him and hides so he doesn't see her. Until one day when she is hiding in the mountains, he actually comes up to her yard, unloads his belongings and goes inside her house! As first I was stunned by this but then I realized that he probably tought the house was abandoned.

They end up meeting eachother and story takes off from there. It's just that, is this man as nice as she thinks he is? You will find out later by prdering the book.

Z for Zachariah has a really good twist to it and I thought it was very creative on how the author approached on writing the book. It has a lot of storylines, good storylines at that, that kept me and will keep you reading.

I want to thank Robert C O'Brien for creating such a well-written book. Not all authors know how to grip a reader to keep reading like he did to me. This is a definite must-read for all ages.

Definitely pick this book up and you will thank me that you did.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Z for Zachariah is the coolest book out there
Review: I thought that the book was going to be ok, but when I read it I found out that it was the best book that I have ever read.I will pass this book on to my kids ,and hopfully they will pass them to thier kids to. ENJOY READING THIS WONDERFUL BOOK!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: an old favorite
Review: I read this book when I was probably about 11 or 12 at first, and I remember enjoying it thoroughly. I re-read it very recently, and even though I'm 19 and this book is so-called "young adult," I still enjoyed it as much as the first time. A great way to introduce the younger set to science fiction. O'Brien does a great job of writing from a young woman's point of view, and as the reader, you feel what it's like to be in her place. I'd suggest this to anyone, not just "young adults." :)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: not my type!
Review: i read this book for my summer reading and knowing a little about the author and personally knowing the family tought that the book would be good.yeah it was ok but its a little frusturating because when the character makes the wrong decisions when its obvious what the character should have done different.the book was just weird. i loved mrs. frisby and the rats of nimh but this would not have been my first choice.i reccomend this book to people who enjoy reading suspense and the experience of ending a book that leaves it up to you to use your imagination. happy reading!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Creepy
Review: I was not especially fond of this story. I read it all in one day so I suppose it kept me captivated but the ending did not satisy me. It just kind of left you there giving you this yucky feeling. Plus, the diary form was kind of annoying and he didn't really stick to it very well. But the story was okay, I guess.

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