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8 Plus 1

8 Plus 1

List Price: $5.50
Your Price: $4.95
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Review of 8 Plus 1
Review: This book was composed of 9 heartwarming stories that hit close to home. They were stories that we can all relate to. The characters were strong and were real enough to make an impact. Anyone could place themselves in their shoes. What I liked about this book was that it brought awareness to a world of innocence. Sometimes teens, and even parents, find out things that they didn't know before. Not all of these things are pleasant, but they are issues that need to know about. I really liked these stories because they reflect real world issues that are present in any time. Whether you live in the medevil times, or in the year 2010, these are the straight facts that we all need to know.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A bitter-sweet read
Review: This is a book that is always well-received by the pupils I teach. It explores relevant issues but doesn't talk at the reader. Instead, we are invited to experience the joys and sorrows of all the characters as they tell us their stories. It isn't as bleak as some of Cormier's others works but there are melancholy undertones in many of the short tales. My pupils love this book as I did too when I discovered it as a bored teenager (or thereabouts). It's a book I can keep going back to and from which I get something 'new'each time . I think there's a little bit of Mike, Holly, Jane and Mr Croft in all of us.

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