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When I Fall in Love

When I Fall in Love

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I Didn't Want this Book to End
Review: What a marvelous story Iris Rainier Dart has written! Lily Benjamin is a single mother and writer for a TV sitcom. Engaged to a cardiologist, her life is very nearly complete. When tragedy strikes, support comes from a very unlikely source - her new boss, Charlie, himself afflicted with cerebral palsy. This is a terrific book which will have readers laughing through their tears. What a delightful, life-affirming book! I can hardly wait for the movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: WHEN I FALL IN LOVE is a wonderful story filled with tragedy, hope, and triumph. It is a story about a very humorous man, Charlie, determined to succeed in life despite his handicap and about a divorced mother, Lily, and her recently paralysed fifteen year old son, Bryan, who are both trying to cope with their tragedy. Charlie becomes a guiding light for Lily and Bryan, showing them that life does go on even if you're body is no longer whole. The three bond in a way no one expected. When loves blossoms between Charlie and Lily, this story's beauty truly begins to unfold. The fantastic, heart wrenching ending was its pinnacle. WHEN I FALL IN LOVE is an absolutely fabulous read that I know you'll love. I recommend it to anyone with a heart. Read it and see for yourself. Trust me!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I love you Iris!
Review: When I saw that Iris Rainer Dart had a new book out, I knew right away that I would be in for several most enjoyable hours. My only problem was that the book had to end. Dart is not afraid to tackle unusual, off the beaten path story lines. Her characters are both real and complicated. Some might say, I don't want to read about tragedies, but please give her a chance. This is what life is all about. You'll laugh & cry with this book. At the risk of letting the cat out of the bag, suffice to say that Lily learned what is truly important in life, in regard to Charlie. Iris, you are "one of us"; I wish you were writing for a TV show currently. Oh, and when you get this book, savor it. It is such a page turner, that you'll have to try to slow yourself down. Read it while eating your favorite food; that's what I did. It makes the food and the book oh so much more tasty!!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Corny and predictable!!!
Review: While the story was mostly entertaining and a quick read, the plot lacked depth. While I love a happy ending, this book tried to wrap up too many issues all in about 200 pages - just not enough dimension.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good, Relatable story
Review: Wonderful story about a woman, Lily, raising a teenage son, Bryan, as a single mom with a high power career. She gets a new very ambitious, intelligent boss that has cerebral palsy who does not have a problem with his condition. Lily learns a lot from this man Charly and some of the lessons were a hard study for her. As I tell my children, it's not the outside that counts; and also: never prejudge. Lily has an outgoing, athletic, handsome, popular son that ends up shoot and paralized. Charly also helped him though this horrible, emotional time by using his experience. Very good book.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A five star winner
Review: Written in the same warm and fuzzy style as Beaches and every bit as good. Bette Midler may be a little too old to play Lily, but this would make a wonderful two hankie movie. I loved it from the first page to the last.

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