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Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Upgrade (25-Client)

Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Upgrade (25-Client)

List Price: $3,539.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: MS Office 2000 Recalled?
Review: I was in COMPUSA just about 20 minutes ago when the manager came to the cash register and started grabbing all of the Office 2000 boxes from the display there. While collecting, he franticly barked out orders to the red shirt lackeys that where surrounding him. "Get all Microsoft Office 2000 products into the back NOW! Microsoft just recalled it and we are not to let another copy out of these doors." I asked him about the recall and you would think I was asking for the alarm code for the store. He shrugged and said "All I can tell you is that we were ordered by Microsoft to send all MS Office 200 product back and not to sell anymore copies." I wonder what gives? Security hole? Trying to force Office XP on us? Hmmmmmm

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WINDOWS 2000 PRO

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent Choice For Home And Office
Review: Of all the Microsoft operating systems that I have worked with, both personally and professionally, I like Windows 2000 Professional best. It is robust and very stable. I cannot recall ever seeing the Blue Screen of Death while working on Windows 2000. If a program locks up, by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del you can exit the program without it locking up Windows, thus requiring a reboot. As a matter of fact, you can make many changes without having to reboot. Experienced Windows users recall how the Network Neighborhood, for instance, was nicknamed the reboot key since any changes made to it required restarting the system. Not so with this operating system. Windows 2000 also includes an impressive number of drivers for different peripherals so in many cases, no trips to a manufacturer's website for device drivers are necessary. An added bonus is the extensive online help section that minimizes the need to purchase ... reference books. I have come across many users who were hesitant about upgrading to Windows 2000 but afterward they loved it and none wished to go back to the previous Windows version. Personally, I prefer Windows 2000 to Windows XP, which to me seems cartoonish. While XP can be confusing to a user because of its new appearance and default options, Windows 2000 is straightforward. It is a major improvement over Windows 9X and Windows NT 4.0. I highly recommend it both for home and office use.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Rocks - build web server with it NOW!
Review: Has everything you need for a small to medium size web site: Web, DNS, SMTP, FTP,etc. Speed is phenomenal. NEVER goes down!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: So far, so good
Review: I upgraded to 2000 from NT after 5 years. NT did it's job but was showing it's age. There were fewer and fewer drivers for NT and almost nothing multimedia. Well, after getting a digital camcoder and needing to do some editing, the purse strings had to open up. I didn't want XP due to their ridiculous licensing, so I did what I should have done 2 years ago: get Windows 2000.

The upgrade over an existing NT installation worked great, but I wouldn't recommend it. Go for a clean installation, which I plan to do soon, but I needed something running now. In a pinch, it will work -- if you already have NTFS installed. Without NTFS, I wouldn't even think about upgrading -- do a clean install (which you can do, by the way, from the upgrade CD without problems). Also, check into upgrading your bios.

Unless you are administering a network of 1000 PCs with NT (and if you are, you know more than I do, so why read this review) and cost is a major factor, there is no reason to stay with NT. At some point, you will need the added features of 2000. The taskbar alone is worthwhile. You have buttons for most used programs that can come up with one click AND you can click back to the desktop without having to minimize all open windows.

I work my PC pretty hard, and I didn't have many crashes with NT. But I had a few and there were occasional hangs with certain programs. But after 3 solid weeks with 2000, I haven't even had a glitch, with the exception of a small problem that was caused because I didn't upgrade my bios. Oh, well. I'll do that soon and do a clean install.

Get a copy fast, as they won't be on the shelves forever.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Do you REALLY need Windows XP?
Review: You might if you play tech support for family or friends, otherwise if you know what you're doing, stick with Windows 2000 (w/ Service Pack 2) Professional and save yourself the headaches of finding out that camera you just got for Christmas doesn't have drivers yet for XP. I have been running Windows NT since it's inception, and Windows 2000 (NT 5.0) is the most stable and most reliable yet. If you go now to XP, you are going into uncharted waters.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: If you are use to MicroSoft products ...
Review: This rating system requires that I choose from 1-5 stars. I actually selected the "-", but it would not publish the review.

If you are use to MicroSoft products, this is an improvement over the norm. However, to get a full functional server (security, e-mail, HTML, ...) with MicroSoft technology the cost is in the thousands and when you try to run all the services on a single server ... well, its not pretty. Go with UNIX - it works.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Very good and stable but....
Review: This program is very good and NEVER crashes (i e Blue screen of death) I used to get that alot on my PC.. 500 Celeron.
But alot of software just doesn't work with it.
Just make sure that your software for your DVD drive, Digital camera, and CD-RW work before you upgrade.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Nice and stable
Review: I have used this since it was in beta form and I love it. It is stable and powerfull. Much better than Window ME. I reccommend it to anyone thing of upfrading to Windows ME.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Used W2K, but i have a question
Review: I use W2K at school, and it is an amazing program. Nothing hardly crashes. But I have Windows ME on my computer, and I was wondering if I still purchased W2K for my computer, if I can use the upgrade version on my computer to upgrade (or what people would say, downgrade) to W2K? Otherwise, I don't have anything bad to say about W2K. Just don't buy Windows ME because it crashes too much

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