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Aliens Versus Predator 2

Aliens Versus Predator 2

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: You would think that this game rules...
Review: i had high hopes for this game (theres so much potential)..but alas i feel dissappointed. first off, they release the game to soon. testing should have been thorough, but i guess that decided to push for more money. the producers of avp2 wanted to characters to be portrayed like that of the movie..right, wrong! aliens are slow as molasis, preds plasmacaster shouldnt home (even though im a pred fan), his "normal vision" is human binocular sight, no red tint like the movie, the aliens should have peripheral vision, and steam is steam in infared mode, it should have some tint of red and yellow. besides minor flaws, the major ones are lag issues in single player. im running 500mhz celeron, 128 ram, w/ a sufficient vid card and it lags sometimes when i have it at low res. and effects which leads to lag death. its saving grace is its multi play capablities, different classes and the alien cycle are cool. for a (...)u might wanna get somethign else till its price loweres

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Aliens versus Predator 2 - Better than the AvP Game
Review: Aliens versus Predator 2 is actually a game that has really great graphics that is much comparable to that of No One Lives Forever. I really believed there would not be a game with the same fun, a.i intelligence, and gameplay w/ great graphics as No One Lives Forever, but I see that I was wrong. Aliens versus Predator 2 almost made me forget about all the other games I had on my PC (believe me - I have alot of PC games). The graphics are just so detailed and amazing - it just blows away the first Aliens versus Predator game. The sound is great, and the shrieking of the aliens when they are hurt sounds much like that of the aliens in the Aliens movie series. The game is very dark and the night vision and flashlight turn off because of battery drain after one minute. The game is not as scary as the first but it does have the feel and look of the Aliens and Predator movies. The marines do not really look like the same marines from the Aliens movies - they appear to look like the operatives in Half-Life that sport orange jump suits and goggles. The weapons are great - you have a sniper rifle now and the minigun can be used even when you are running. The only problem I had with this game was that it would crash the computer most of the time when you try to quit the game. This is one of the main reasons of why I gave this game 4 stars instead of 5. I do not know why the crashes would happen - I tried it on 2 computer systems (A PC with Pentium 4 1.6 ghz, 512mb SDRAM, and a NVIDIA GEFORCE 3 64mb video card/ and a PC with Pentium II Dual 400 mhz processor, 1 gig SDRAM, and 3Dlabs Oxygen VX1 video card) Maybe the crash is a temporary bug that could be fixed by downloading new patches from SIERRA or Fox Interactive's gaming homepage. Even so, sometimes the graphics would get scrambled like for instances where you could see through the polygons. Other than these two problems that I have encountered, this game is a must buy!
Gameplay = 8/10
Graphics = 8/10
Sound = 9/10
Value = 8/10

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AVP 2 rocks
Review: This game is really really tight. For those computer people out there the main differnce between this game and the first one is that they switched from pixels to polys, giving the game a smoother more quake 3'ish feel to it. I've heard that the game play just like a movie. However, if you are buying the game for the fact that it has three games in it...alien, predator and colonial marine....don't...because it doesn't...well it does have all three characters game, but this time monolith and fox interactive (the wonderful people who made this game) focused mainly on the marine's perspective of the game. Don't think though that the alien and predator misisons will stink, because they won't, it is just that most of the storyline was created around the marine. If you are a multiplayer gamer, then you will really love this game, judging from the demo which even though it had a million and one problems was the best MP game i've played so far, the multiplayer will be out of this world, i can't reccomend this game enough...as it is probably evident

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This GAME ROCKS! A MUST BUY!!
Review: I thought the mp demo was beautiful! It runs silky smooth, smooth as a baby's bum on silk sheets floating on a cloud. The game has a better atmosphere than the first game aswell, and is a lot more strategic this time, which I think is better. It's definatly a good insight into the final game, and made me want the final release even more!
A lot of cool new features have been added too, like the preds super jump and the aliens pounce. A lot of people say the pounce ... but I don't think they've got the hang of it, with some practice it proves to be very usefull for getting you out of trouble and is also good for quick attacks. The preds netgun is pretty funny, although I can't help feeling that it's a bit unfair, but it's fun. Also the homing plasma cannon? It's too easy for the pred to keep his distance and just fire away, but I guess against a good marine or alien it would'nt be so easy. The marines motion tracker is actually usefull now, when I was playing as marine I relided a lot on the motion tracker and I was succesful in bringing down a lot of aliens because of it.
A lot of people don't like the speed, they say the pred, alien and marine are too slow. While I agree the pred should be a little faster, I think it's fine, it's more movie like and you have to think instead of the "mortal kombat" style, in your face gameplay of the first game. Another thing thats cool is the sound, I love the roar of the pred and the chilling shreak of the alien.

Anyways, overall I loved the demo, and I think any problems or glitch's in gameplay won't be in the final release, after all it's really only a test--it's the tiny tip of the ice berg. This game will definatly be a classic, and I think the people who are wary of it will eventually come to love the game, it took me a little while to get used to it, but now I ain't looking back. You can keep ya Quake and Counter strike! AVP 2 rocks!


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best 1st person shooter just got better
Review: In 1999 or any other year there was no scarier or more enjoyable game to play than Alien vs Pred. This one looks bettter, the gameplay has been enhanced and you get to play as one of 3 of this universe's most deadly species. Anotherwards this game couldn't be anything but a huge hit!

(By the way I'm 17. I just cliked on the under 13 link so I wouldn't have to sign up for another rectum sniffing internet account.)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Two thumbs, er claws up!
Review: Alien vs Predator 2 creates an unbelievable environment which emulates that of two of the best Sci-Fi movies, Alien and Predator. The attention to detail and the flickering lights in the dark settings really draw you in and give you an exceptional feeling of being there (especially in a dimly lit room). From what I've been able to determine from some of the game sites is this game will draw you in further with its intermingled story much like Half-Life, Half-Life: Opposing Force and Half-Life: Blue Shift did only this game has all three storys in a single install. You'll get to play the part of the Marine, Alien and Predator in a story that will certainly cross paths. The demo only allows you to play the part of the Marine, and he's neatly equipped with a knife, handgun, machine gun (a shotgun only once you find it) and a nifty hacker device. This game looks to be all its cracked up to be and a little more. I'll give this one two thumbs up and that's based on the demo. Wow.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This game brings out evil in me, in a good way.
Review: Honestly, I can't say when I've had more fun than when I pump one of those aliens full of armour piercing bullets. I find this type of gratuitous violence thoroughly stress relieving. I'm not a violent person, but who can resist buying a game where you actually get scared, playing the single player demo at night for the first time (without cheating to find out where the aliens are) was nerve racking. This game is an absoloute must, which is why I ordered it from america because it comes out a month earlier than in the UK :( I had to spend £10 extra, but it's worth it. Now, time for me to de-limb a few more marines...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Oh-My-God
Review: As a large fan of the original Aliens Versus Predator, I was naturally excited when i heard about the sequal. And, i must say, that when i first played the Single Player Demo (in which you play as a Colonial marine), i was slightly dissappointed. The Aliens looked wrong, the game played like a slide-show...it really annoyed me that a sequal with such high potential should be such a let down...
But since playing the much more recently released MultiPlayer Demo, and then the final game, i must say, all that apprehension has gone, and has been replaced by a feeling of love...love for this game. The Aliens now look much better, the animations are superb, the game is much quicker and plays fine on my computer.
And, the best part...i finally know what it is like to play a Predator and an Alien in AvP2.
Both of these species have been given their full due attention, with clearly a lot of thought been put into keeping them consistant with the movies. The Predator has his cloak, which turns off when he falls underwater (a nice touch), along with all the other weapons from the movies...with the additions of a few more. Also, instead of extremely unrealistic 'Field Charges' randomly dropped around levels to recharge the Predator's energy, the Predator now has a useable Recharger...which fits in perfectly with his Healing MediComp. These might sound like an unfair advantage, but remember...both disable the cloak and the Recharger gives off a rediculous amout of light and electricity...which can be seen a mile away.
the Alien has all the old favorite moves (Claw attack, Tail attack, Headbite), with the addition of a new one...the Pounce, which can literally fling the Alien player all the way across the map!
The Marine gets some handy new weapons and abilities...two of the best are his Hand Welding Torch, which can be used to open and seal doorways and vents, and his shoulder lamp, a feature which was needed many a time in the original game.
The sights, sounds and feel of the films have been recreated to a tee in this Gem of a game, and it is enjoyable for both die-hard Alien or Predator fans, and traditional FPS fans alike. I give it 5 stars.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: WOW!!!
Review: I am a big fan of the first AVP and I was very anxious to get the ...avp2. When i downloaded it I was blown away by the amazing detail of the marine and the main menu. i started playing it and I found out there their is a shoulder lamp (cool). The game has amazing environment detail, but the aliens look kind of strange compared to the 1st. Overall, a great game with great graphics and weird aliens!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: If You are a fan of Aliens or Predator buy this
Review: Wow... AvP2. And what great timing. We all know that Alien is the best sci-fi movie ever right. Well, actually, most people think it is Aliens, the sequel to Alien [I still think Alien is the best]. Anyways if you are a fan of sci-fi, espically Alien, buy this game. It will scare you to no end. Playing the demo in a dark room, with headphones [or an a sweet soundsystem] will make you scream as soon as something happens [either on screen or off]. The suspense is almost too much. But then the game does have its problems. If you have an ATI card, the game doesn't run like it will on an NVIDIA [they say it is resolved in the full version, but I still see some traces of it]. The second is the Alien animations. Ugh... not as good as the original if you ask me. But problems aside, this game rocks. Simply excellent. If you are a fan of Aliens- buy it. If you love sci-fi- buy it. If you like bursting out of people's chests [?]- buy it. No game has given me the sense of suspense like this.

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