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World of WarCraft

World of WarCraft

List Price: $49.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Buy
Review: I have been following World Of Warcraft for some time now. If you are into any of the Warcraft games then you may like this, it takes you deeper into the world then you have ever been. If you have ever player the diablo series the game in kind of like that, just better graphics and many more things to do. It wont be released until december 31st, 2003 but you should order it now while suplies last! BUT if you do not want to pay to play this game THEN DONT BUY IT you have to pay like $$-$$ a month to play it..it is an online game...

Stunning graphics, great sound, wonderful characters...GREAT GAME...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Going to be completely amazing.
Review: I have been looking for as much information on World of Warcraft as possible and have gathered enough to write a review. World of Warcraft is going to be a massive online roleplaying game M.O.R.G. that will have many servers that will let thousands of people play in a single 'world'. They will be giving lots of room for character interaction. So far they have realeased 4 races that you can choose your character from including human, orc, tauren, and dwarf. They've also made a few character classes including magic user, warrior, a cleric type class. The graphics are going to be 100% amazing. They have recently announced they will have mounts for the characters to ride in the game. It's going to be a game of adventure, excitement, and addiction.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I must be the Lucky One
Review: I have only had a problem a couple of times when trying to log on. I exp lag once in a while but 95% of the time I do not. I have been playing often since November and I am not maxed out at level 60 and bored yet. I think the graphics are very good. I am still enjoying this game and having fun. $15 a month is nothing for the multiple hours of entertainment I have been getting out of this game. The community could be better but usally people are cool and will help you out. Overall I have almost had a perfect exp so far with this game. I guess I'm just lucky...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everquest? Everquest 2? Forget them - Play this online RPG.
Review: I have played both EQ and EQ2 and WoW is by far better in every shape and form. To begin with, its designed for a more casual gamer...


-I dont have the time to crunch levels out like you would do in Eq's.
-The tradeskills in the game are actually fun to do. Quests are fun.
-If you get stuck theres a key to get you unstuck in the game instead of petitioning
-customer service gets back to you quickly
-not as buggy/laggy as EQ's
-graphics are cartoony, but more colorful. The crtoony graphics are actually a whole lot better i think.
-will run on various machines..you dont need a supercomputer to run the game with great detail

-main complaint i have is that when i die or gate to bind my screen freezes up every so often and i have to reboot.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sys Reqs
Review: I have seen a bunch of you asking for the system requirements. I haven't seen them posted, so If they are sorry. Here they are...These are the minimum reqirements<br /><br />Windows 98/ME/2000/Xp - <br />Intel Pentium III 88MHz or AMD Anthlon 800 MHz<br />256 MB RAM<br />32 MB 3D graphics card with Hardware Transform and Lighting, such as an NVIDIA GeForce 2 class card or above<br />Direct X 9.0c(included) and lastest video drivers<br />4.0 GBavaliable HD space<br />4x CD rom drive<br />56K or better internet connecting[I suggest more than a 56k]<br /><br />Mac OS X 10.3.5 or newer -<br />933 MHz G4/G5 processor<br />512 MB RAM, DDR RAM recommended<br />NVIDIA or ATI GPU with 32 MB VRAM, 64 MB recommended<br />4.0 GBavaliable HD space<br />4x CD rom drive<br />56K or better internet connecting[I suggest more than a 56k]<br /><br />Those are straight from the bottom of WoW's box, so you can count on them; but remember, those are the MINIMUM.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Warcraft 3 Chaos and Throne are good..AND SO IS THIS!
Review: I think this game is going to ROCK. If Chaos and Throne is good so is this. (...) If u are a WC 3 playa, get this game. If you think this game is going to not go out good...YUR CRAZY. BOTTOM LINE!!! GET IT

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Questions for beta players
Review: I wish I was in beta but I'm not. I was wondering if those beta players out there know what the min requermints is for WOW. I can't find it on any sites.

P.S. I haven't played it but from what I have heard WOW gets 5 stars

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: it's going to be great but...
Review: I'm wonder just where exactly amazon.com got the June 15, 2004 release date from? It's easy to just make up arbitrary release dates but the fact is Blizzard hasn't even started the beta yet, let alone given even a rough estimation of when WoW is coming out, and they (Blizzard) are notorious for delaying releases anyway. So, as a word of caution to those thinking about pre-ordering WoW, you may be in for a much longer wait than what amazon.com would have you believe.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Like Melee classes and PvP? Then avoid
Review: I've been playing mmorpgs since 99 and went through many titles out there: EQ1, AC1, DAOC, AC2, SB, HZ, RE, EQ2

First of all, some people tend to compare World of Warcraft with other Warcraft titles. The only thing "Warcraftian" in this game is the environment and races.
The gameplay is totally different, this is a mmorpg, a ONLINE ONLY game where you develop 1 character at a time, doing quests, grouping with people (or not) and exploring a vast world.
It's not your average real-time strategy game, its not your old Warcraft 1, 2 or 3 game.

Apart that, the world is vast, beautiful and attractive. You can play either on Alliance or Horde side and choose to play on a PvP, Role or Normal servers.

Graphics are very stylish, resembling largely the ones in Warcraft 3. Very Cartoonish like but with very good animations and sound effects. World is beautiful with many unique landscapes to explore.

Although vast and with many classes/races to try, the game is very easy. Some people are getting to level 50 in 2 weeks, that's insane considering the end-game comes at 60.

This is NOT a casual game where you logon, play for an hour and then leave. This game CAN be addictive and CAN absorb countless hours and days of your life.

That's not a bad thing, problem is it gets repetitive too early and burns out too fast. The endgame at 60 is poor in content and people either quit or start all over again with another class.

Community is the worse i ever encountered in a online game, period. Sure, you can try and ignore people and hide in a hole, but hearing constant rude/childish people ruins the whole concept of roleplaying.

Its a very solo-friendly game (as well as group-friendly of course), the most solo-friendly mmorpg out there (that's a good thing considering not everyone is able to wait hours to get a group/accomplish things). At higher levels, solo becomes harder and if you want high-end items you WILL NEED to group eventually.

Server stability is terrible, lag can turn things unbearable sometimes and downtimes are frequent - hope they fix this in time, since its still a "fresh" release.

Now for my major complaint..... if you want to play a melee class (ie. Warrior or Paladin) in this game... and be able to PvP decently.... FORGET ABOUT IT!

This is ANOTHER mmorpg where caster/range/stealth classes are kings in PvP. Where your Warrior will be blasted, rooted or pierced to pieces before he even touches the enemy.

After years of experience in online mmorpgs, yet another game falls in the same cathegory: Melees behave very poorly in PvP.

Might just as well play another Star Wars game, controlling a ship, target and blast your enemy to pieces.

Range OWNS in PvP once again and classes that require to close in for combat and lack the surprise factor, LOSE.

So for me, that sums it up:

A great game that gets old quickly, with a terrible player base, suffering from old PvP problems where melee classes are just cannon fodder to step on.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: World of Warcraft
Review: ive never actually played World of Warcraft but it seems like a great game. just judging by the pictures and how well the graphics were dont i'd say this was a 5 star game. if Warcraft 3 looks good then this is probably even better. I would suggest this game to anyone who loves a good strategy game and a good hard graphical adventure that could keep them occupied for a while.

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