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Warcraft III Battle Chest

Warcraft III Battle Chest

List Price: $39.99
Your Price: $39.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: great game

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: one sweet game
Review: this game is really fun. Not only does it have good graphics, it has lots of action fun!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: VERY GOOD
Review: This is the best computer game I have ever played. For anyone who liked Diablo and Starcraft, you will love this.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome Buy!
Review: This game is simply awesome.If you played games like starcraft,Age Of empires or age of mythology this is simliar to all of them but better.With Warcraft III It Adds:

One new Hero per race, each possessing powerful spells and magical abilities

A host of new units, each equipped with new abilities and spells, giving players the opportunity to create diverse strategic and tactical forms of combat

Player-built shops, unique for each race, equipped with items carefully designed to improve and aid the units of every race

Neutral Heroes, available for recruitment by all players, that can supplement and strengthen a player's army with all new spells and abilities

Expanded multiplayer options over Battle.net® including multiple new game types, clan and tournament support.

If you are looking for a game to get good at I suggest you pick

this one as it will be a top game for about at least another 2 years.

If you find this game fun and your a RPG fan be sure to check out World Of Warcraft.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Orcs are friends, not goons
Review: I have to admit that I've killed many orcs over the years and never felt an ounce of remorse about it--and who could blame me? They smell bad, they drool, have terrible dental hygiene, steal the jobs of hard-working dwarves and gnomes, and of course...they eat people. Or so I was told. (*Mild Spoiler*) You can imagine what a shock it was to learn in Warcraft III that not only are the orcs not enemies; they are allies you need to save humanity's collective bacon. So as you play the game, you'll need to drive that Lord of the Rings propaganda out of your mind and find peace with your inner orc.

Warcraft III is a terrific real-time strategy game that goes farther in blurring elements of role-playing and strategy than any game that's come before it. The inclusion of heroes as role-playing characters is terrific and provides extra incentive to explore the entire map because you never know what items or quests are hidden in remote corners. It just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you find those hidden magic boots or that ring of protection. Warcraft III also marks the best story to date for a Real-Time Strategy game. In the third campaign of the single-player, I tell you that I was an orc...for about an hour. It's also worth mentioning that he tale cleverly unfolds in a way to allow you to play each of the factions (Human, Undead, Orc, and Night Elf) in a compelling progression.

Anyone who has played RTS games before will be familiar with the interface and gameplay of Warcraft III. All of the usual unit types are there--it's just that in Warcraft III they seem more polished than in other games. Whether it's the endearing signature responses when you click on them or the way the units intelligently form up, move, path find, and attack, every aspect of every unit has obviously been thoroughly tested and balanced. Not once when I gave an order did a unit wander off from the pack to explore some random corner of the screen and cause me mouse-crushing, game-cursing rage (see how well I found my inner orc?). It may not sound like much, but those of you who have played many real-time strategy games know that this is not a given. When I ordered a unit to march to a certain place and kill, they did just that.

I realize that the game is over a year old now, but it's worth noting how technically sound this game is. I did not have a hiccup in this game. Not once in my single-player campaign did the game crash to desktop, freeze, stutter, spit or delay. The load times were very reasonable and there were also no graphical problems changing resolution or color depth. The graphics themselves are probably the weakest element of the game; all of the units certainly look very blocky and dated. But of course, for a real-time strategy game, who really gives a crap? You don't need state of the art graphics for an RTS. I certainly didn't find that it affected my experience.

I only played the multiplayer a couple of times and I got stomped like the kid in my elementary school who used to wear cardigans that looked like they'd been swiped from Mr. Rogers' closet. It was that bad. This game has been out long enough that even if you seek out a so-called newbie game, you're dealing with people who obviously eat, slept and breathe Warcraft. But there was no problem finding a game and I didn't have any problems with lag or people bailing out of games. It just so happens that I stink.

On the whole, this is a beast of a game: fun to play, compelling, balanced and technically sound...and I think it's time we thought about an orc for president.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: War Craft III
Review: War craft is a game that allows you to battle aganist the compter and other people. Its realistic and has 3 D animation . It perfect the way they made it

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Impeccable....Simply Impeccable...
Review: This game was my life for about 4 months straight. Every morning I'd wake up and play Warcraft. Blizzard has done well with all its games but this one(and diablo of course)has been by far the best(or at least till world of warcraft comes out). The cinematics on this game are a work of art and I could watch them again and again. What's really impressive about blizzard is their battle.net feature. Not only is it free but all the games people create are mad fun. With this feature it's virtually impossible to get bored with this game since new games are being created everyday. I sadly have a crap computer now with dial up...a few steps down from a nice gateway and cable. But nonetheless this is a fabulous game. Blizzard has never let me down and if all their work is like this they truly never will.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: king of games
Review: this is the king of games best game in its kind (rts) and the next episode to the game of the year 1995. the graphics are great, the voices are funny, the stroy is good, the gamplay is good and you can do almost everything with the editor

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Warcraft 3 is back, and better than ever before!
Review: The original Warcraft 3: the Reign of Chaos was a simply excellent game, as all Warcraft installments have been to this very point, so it stood to reason that its expansion pack would be equally awesome, and I can honestly say that I will be spending a lot of time with it.
What Reign of Chaos started, Frozen Throne continues, vastly expanding the number of creatures, missions and character/race interactions the gamer can and will experience.
The sound is actually far better than it was in Reign of Chaos, which frankly, had a very dull tone to it, useful for lulling babies to sleep. In Frozen Throne, also, the voices are of equal quality as in the first Warcraft 3 installment, which is to say, perfect.
The game is still quite playable, and introduces a new race and several new units for different races. Also, the graphics maintain the same high standard of excellence. And as always, Blizzard has inserted a number of surprises for those enterprising enough to seek them out. The missions tell more of the story, and further divide the races of the Warcraft World from 5 into an almost innumerable number, in preperation for the World of Warcraft.
But it's not the missions I'll be spending the most time on. It's the world editor.
With the addition of new creatures and character models to the Warcraft mix, the world editor it uses to allow gamers to make their own levels has become even MORE all-encompassing and powerful. Now, it is possible to make virtually any style of game you desire with relitively little effort. Took me under a month to learn the whole thing, and that's mostly because I had a tough time finding tutorials.
In other words, Warcraft 3 is, overall, the RTS game I spend the most time with, and as such, it's probably the best choice if you only buy one. But if you buy one and an expansion, be sure to get this. It's worth it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If You Play One Real-Time Strategy Game In Your Life...
Review: Every company these days has their own version of a real-time strategy (RTS) game and many aren't worth the price as they are cheap rip-offs of other popular ideas. However, if you'd like to play a game created by the company most responsible for the RTS craze, then look no further than Warcraft 3. Not only do you get the most balanced RTS game available which makes for better multiplayer competition but you also get one heck of a single-player campaign. The story in Warcraft 3 is terrific and probably better than most role-playing games. To top it off, Warcraft 3 combines superior graphics with the best artwork you will ever see in a real-time strategy game. The orcs, undead legions, humans, elves and many worlds they explore are a visual as well as strategic experience. And best of all, this game that was well worth the price when it was released is now packaged with the top notch expansion, The Frozen Throne, which is an expansion that is actually better than most regular RTS games these days. If you've never tried the Blizzard series of real-time strategy games, you're missing out. This company is pure class and even provides a free online gaming service called BattleNet that allows you to match your wits against thousands of online gamers. Whether it be releasing some of the most stable games in years or banning griefers on BattleNet that formed a childish organization whose only intention was to backstab allies in multi-player competition, Blizzard is known as one of the best gaming companies in the business, and it shows with their games.

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