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Tomb Raider Bundle: Tomb Raider 4 and 5

Tomb Raider Bundle: Tomb Raider 4 and 5

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't waste your money
Review: I bought this game at a reduced price and still feel like I got ripped off. The controls in the PC version are an absolute nightmare and make what could have otherwise been a decent game horrible. Sometimes you feel like you have no control whatsoever. Good thing two successful movies have been made about this game otherwise EIDOS would've been out of business with this horrendous offering. In fact I'll think twice before purchasing anything with the EIDOS name or CORE DESIGN name attached to it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Please do not buy this game.
Review: This game is simply dreadful.

It is riddled with bugs. The controls are infuriatingly hard to use. (Walking upstairs in a straight line should not be a challenge, but Eidos have managed to make it so.) The new gameplay features range from the humdrum (chose one of three lines of dialog, none of which make any difference) to the downright embarassing, such as the "strength upgrades" that you get for pushing a crate along a floor, and which are necessary before Lara can make a crucial jump. The graphics are pretty, but are no better than average.

The story line is deeply contrived. Events do not follow any internal logic, but happen because the game designers wanted to put the player into a particular situation. (AoD is not the first game to have done this, but the overall lack of verisimilitude makes the plot's deficiencies all the more obvious.)

I enjoyed previous titles in the TR series, and bought this game despite some of the poor reviews. "Even if it's not perfect," I thought, "it's still Lara."

I can see now that Eidos were relying on this attitude to sell a deeply inferior product that falls well behind the current state of the art.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Could this be a next step for Tomb Raider?
Review: With the sucsses of the two Tomb raider films, 'Tomb raider' and 'Tomb raider: the cradle of life', more and more people are playing Tomb Raider. This new game has Lara Croft been suspected of a murder, 'Van von croy'. It's up to Lara to find who murdered Van von croy, but the police are always there. There are many new features to this game, eg. talking to people, sneaking around and to fight fesicly aginest people, with out using guns. I would of thought having all thsese new features would make this game brillient, I guessed wrong. With all these more powerful consals, the game shouled be brillent. To me it's mostly just the same to all the others. They have a good stroyline for once, but one day they could think of an idea to make it better. For all Tomb Raider fans play it, but new commers i wouldn't.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Tomb Raider: Angel of Rushed Releases
Review: The highly anticipated Tomb Raider title, it's release was rushed to concide with the movie, and the bugs are horrendous.

Even with the latest patches, moving Lara only slightly easier than teaching an elephant gymnastics. Sidestepping is impossible, turning 90 degrees is excruciatingly painful-- even running is slow, with Lara having to walk several paces first before any speed is developed. The most amusing move I've ever seen is turning while navigating stairs: Lara will do a psychotic cha-cha and invariably end up facing anywhere but where you wanted her to.

Clipping problems are the worst I've ever seen, with Lara's body parts often polygonally shooting through floors and walls. This is the most disappointing Tomb Raider ever, and I've played them all. Once Lara even headed out-of-control through walls, locked on some object in the level.

The graphics are the best of any in the 'Raider series. Voice acting is horribly performed, making any Hollywood 'B' movie seem polished. Cut scenes are good.

On the Monty Python scale, this game rates: "Run Away! Run Away!"

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Don't waste your money on this game. They released it before it was finished and it's so bad it's practically unplayable. The new control system is slugish, Lara moves very slowly, she's lost a lot of her cool moves that she used to do, she dosen't even have her twin pistols anymore. The level designs are lame, most are just running around a big empty room to find a key so you can open the door to the next big empty room where you run around looking for another key.

After struggling to get this to run, and then struggling with trying to play it, I gave up on it and threw it away. Then I loaded and played the first Tomb Raider again just to remind myself how fun this game series once was.

I would recommended not buying this unless they release a HUGE patch to fix all the problems. Or if you HAVE to have the game, wait until the price drops and pick it up at bargain prices.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Maybe next time...
Review: I, like a lot of people writing reviews, play a lot of first person shooters. If you liked Splinter Cell, buy TRAOD USED!!! I agree with everyone here...story is good, controls are less than mediocre. Even Enter the Matrix blew this game away. Customizing the keyboard helps some, but less than what I expected. I tried to leave feedback for EIDOS, but to no avail. Hopefully, if there is another one it will be in beta for a lot longer. And for those of you out there who think that it might be my pc, I can assure you that is NOT the case.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Lara should have remained in the tomb
Review: I was so looking forward to this game being released, I was on the internet on a weekly basis looking for a new release date. Delay after delay. I bought the game the day of it's release. Loaded it onto my computer, and was ready to play. I had one disappointment after another. First, the controls were different from her other games. OK I will get use to the new ones. Second, and the biggest. Controlling her is virtually impossible. She is jerky, sporadic, and down right slow and awkward. I have had to reload the game about 20 times to get her to do a simple maneuver. I have given up many times in shear frustration. Frustration I haven't felt in her other games. I do not think I will continue playing this game. It is time to move on and enjoy myself with another game, which is what games are all about. Sorry Core and Eidos, this could be your biggest mistake especially now that the movies are doing so well. What a boost this could have been for you.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Angel of darkness is correct
Review: This game is the angel of darkness - THe control system is impossible - The menu screens are ridiculous and bulky to manage - I have played all the tomb raider games - This one is near to unplayable - This thing went straight to EBAY - save your money for something good - THE TR people need to do something fresh with this character like send her to space or something - jeez - the franchise is getting old and stale due to lack of innovation and change.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: ...
Review: I was so excited to get the game, but when they kept pushing back the release date it annoyed me. When it finally came out i was so happy. After i recieved the game I started playing it. Not far into the the game i noticed acouple gliches in the game. I didnt think anything of it. Until i was reading a walk though( i was stuck in the Pawn Shop) and i noticed that the walk though would tell you when there would be a "bug" I also noticed on other sites they would do that to. so I continued to play and kept expereice "bugs" Well once i was in the Lourve Drains, I let my (5 yrs) brother play for a few minutes i sat there with him to make sue he didnt hit anything he shouldnt have. Well we entered the Lourvve Drains he hit control (rite by the ramp where u enters) and the screen goes black and the nest thing we know we are in the Lourve Galleries. Thats when i had it with the game and all there gliches (or "bugs") so i turned it off. The game would be great without the gliches or "bugs" but... Eidods sent the game out to soon, they should of worked out ALL the "bugs" b 4 this game out, this isnt a cheap game its eexpensive and it should of been what they said it would be and worth the money too. Overall i dont think you should buy it until l8ter this year, cuz MAYBE they will have fixed it by then.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game
Review: I didn't buy the first four Tomb Raider games, so I thought I would try this one, and I was very pleased. I loved it even though this's just my first day playing the game.
The graphics are cool, even though my computer wasn't fast enough to have a smoother gameplay. The speech and music were quite good; there was just this glitch that people were talking too fast like you'd hear when you fastforwarded a video or something, but I suppose it was another requirement my computer couldn't acheive.

The controls are quite complicated at first, but when you are familar with it it's okay.

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