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Space Quest: Collection 2

Space Quest: Collection 2

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Mopping away in space...
Review: I own all 6 of the Space Quest series; the first five from the first collection.
I've played most of them and ended the first three.
The humour is great. I can't say I didn't love it. (In part 2, you'll have to let an angry monster explode by throwing a can of super-compact-water towards him. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! ;-) )
I love the series and can't wait to buy the seventh.
Sierra is one of the finest still around, (I suppose if some of the older companies were still around, they would still be on the top five of my list, but just barely) and this series is good enough to be remembered and played for ages to come.
I never get tired of playing the old SQ-games.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You really WON'T be disappointed...
Review: I simply can't believe I'm the only person to have written a review of the funniest space adventure games ever created. This is from the days when Sierra was a decent software company and actually made mostly adventure games. In a nut shell: the central character, Roger Wilco, the ultimate hero of the galaxy, is a bumbling space janitor.

Space Quest 1 [Roger Wilco in the Sarien Encounter] and SQ2 [Vohaul's Revenge] are very old indeed (we're talking 1986 and 1987 here) but it is so long since I've played them I remember very little about them. Both have 16 colour EGA graphics. The pixels are HUGE!! But recall that these 2 games were around when colour graphics was just beginning to take off.

Space Quest 3 [Pirates of Pestulon] was actually the first Space Quest game that I played. Here's an excerpt from the Sierra documentation:

"Roger's escape craft was towed aboard a Space Junk Freighter. Using his legendary ingenuity and mostly dumb luck, he escapes to try and find the Two Guys From Andromeda from the clutches of the villainous ScumSoft Corporation."

Does the software company sound familiar? It was (and still is) hilariously funny. It had a terrific plot with many great locations. You got to go use a spaceship and fly around to a few different planets. You had to use your imagination a little, because the resolution was only 320x200 (but still more than SQ1 and SQ2). At the time it was fantastic: 16 colours and great sound. It was the first to introduce Adlib/SoundBlaster soundcard music and to say goodbye to the internal PC speaker forever. I get nostalgic just thinking about it (and I'm only 24!).

For the first 3 games, you actually have to type in the commands. For example, upon entering a new scene, you'd have to type something like "look at spaceship" or "get broom" or "put screwdriver in cog". Although it is slow, and it makes things more difficult, it is still terrific fun. From SQ4 [Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers] onwards, a point-and-click mouse interface was introduced so you didn't have to type anything. Also, SQ4 through SQ6 have 256 colour graphics (but SQ6 is the only game to use 640x480 pixels). Finally, with SQ4 and SQ6, but not SQ5 for some reason, the characters "speak" to you - so you don't necessarily have to read anything that is being said.

Back to SQ4: In this game, you get to visit a few different time zones with a stolen time-pod. The less said about that the better. You'll again encounter the infamous "sequel police".

SQ5 [The Next Mutation] looks very "cartoon-like", something which I'm not terribly fond of. Roger gets is capain of his own vessel, no, I won't tell you what it is. He must stop, yes, you guessed it, "the next mutation".
In my opinion, SQ6 [The Spinal Frontier] is probably the best of the lot. It is one of the funnier ones, has the best graphics and the characters voice-overs are spot-on. I nearly feel off my chair laughing at one of the final scenes where you have to get past 2 robots! :-)

If you haven't played these games before, I'd recommend playing space quest 1 & 2 last, because you probably won't be able to handle the graphics & sound. You could start off on SQ3 and carry on from there. On the other hand, start with SQ6 and you'll be hooked on the rest of them.

In most of the games, you get also get a bonus: a game-within-a-game (or sometimes two!). The theme song of "Astro Chicken" spring instantly to mind.

Keep in mind though that because some of the older games (1-3) were designed to work with DOS, it might be a little tricky to get them to work properly with Windows XP. You should be able to create some sort of bootable floppy disk though, which will get them to work.

If you love TV shows like Red Dwarf, you'll probably love this sort of thing too. It seems these days, that almost all games exchange gameplay for graphics. This collection, however, was from the era when games had to have other outstanding qualities, such as a great story-line and good humour - to make up for the "poor" graphics (by todays standards).
It is a pity that many kids these days don't enjoy old games such as these, instead of those horrendous 3D shooters of today. It is also a crying shame that Sierra tempted us with a preview of Space Quest 7, but then reninked and never produced it.

Think of it this way: almost all other "classics" (such as cars, etc) go *up* in price as time goes by. Over 10 years ago, these games retailed for roughly the same price as new games do these days: US$50. Now you get 6 complete games for 20 bucks. Just think of what that is worth in 1990 dollars, considering the cost of inflation! This collection is a veritable bargain! Buy it up while you still can. I'd give it all the stars in the known universe if I could, but they'll only let me give it 5.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Space Quest!
Review: I've been playing the space quest games since I was a young kid. In fact, I remember the very first Space Quest game to come out. Since then, I've played an won every single episode. They get better as you go and they're all totally hysterical! These games are a must see!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Space Quest!
Review: I've been playing the space quest games since I was a young kid. In fact, I remember the very first Space Quest game to come out. Since then, I've played an won every single episode. They get better as you go and they're all totally hysterical! These games are a must see!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Janiter in Space
Review: Six hillarious episodes of Space's greatest janiter, er hero this side of Epsilon XI. Controlling Roger Wilco is a fantastic experiance. What the game lacks in mindbending puzzles from other RPGs it makes up for in hilarity. Gary Owens does naration for some of the episodes and his deadpan on Rog's goofups are fantastic! A must for any humor fan!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Janiter in Space
Review: Six hillarious episodes of Space's greatest janiter, er hero this side of Epsilon XI. Controlling Roger Wilco is a fantastic experiance. What the game lacks in mindbending puzzles from other RPGs it makes up for in hilarity. Gary Owens does naration for some of the episodes and his deadpan on Rog's goofups are fantastic! A must for any humor fan!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brilliantly Hilarious
Review: Space Quest is an uproarious game about a brave and heroic janitor named Roger Wilco. Through various quests, Roger must romance a captain, save a planet, defeat an evil robot, and protect the world from the nefarious Sludge Vouhaul. Play these games one-by-one and you'll be on your side laughing. For REALLY big Laughs check out Space Quest 4, Space Quest 6, and the Space Quest 7 preview!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: good
Review: Space quest my my my what a game you would be stupid not to buy it it is a sierra classic!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Space Quest still rocks after almost 20 years of usage!
Review: The Space Quest games are in my opinion the best computer games ever made. In these adventure games you'll play Roger Wilco, galactic janitor (Sanitation Engineer, please). Roger is a farce, a born loser. Yet he has a great deal of luck at his side. It's up to you to safe the day, Roger's [tail]and the universe.

The series contain many jokes and references to our most beloved Science Fiction movies. People who like movies like Star Trek and such, like adventure games and a laugh, will simply become addicted to these games.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Roger Wilco Janitor by Day, Janitor by night
Review: This collection of games, brought to you by Sierra, involves constant consentration and challenging situations whith the usual Sierra twist. From the early Space Quest I to the newest Space Quest VI you will find difficult challenges that require you to be alert to the game.

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