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Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

List Price: $39.99
Your Price: $29.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Delayed Again..
Review: I've been doing alot of research on CZ, and it seems to me the game just won't be worth it if it EVER gets released. The screenshots availible on Amazon are that of the Ritual studios version which have been 86'ed. Turtle Rock studios have taken over the project because the Ritual version just plain sucked. This is the game that had been leaked, for all those writing saying they've played it. The Turtle Rock version will be different, however, all CZ will be in the long run is CS with bots. Thats all. As for the "missions" all I"ve heard is that it will be a la Tony Hawk style i.e. 5 headshots with a deagle, 5 headshots with the dualies...ect. No new skins, no new weapons, just new maps and re-textured old maps. Anyway, the game will tank, and I'll pick it up when it reaches the bargain bin for $9.99

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: argg, when will this end?
Review: dont bother folks, wait for battlefield vietnam or something else like Splinter Cell 2, but not this one, buy it for the xbox, thts prolly the best advise. i hate to admit this is quite embarrassing! Sierra not only delayed it once or twice, but three times!! its not worthy of waiting tht long for a game that well all get bored of in a few minutes perhaps. im sure after all this excitement, well end up having a poor gameplay and more delayed release dates. Gearbox and Sierra are caring more of their profit than the satisfaction of consumer's wants, how odd! well, march is a good ole month since bf vietnam, driver 3, splinter cell 2 and half life 2 are all coming out, however, if cs c0 doesnt show up then, then not ever! its been one yr already as we keep hearing promises of the game being released and wat do we get???!??? more delays, how sad! this game brought intense expectations, new features, single-player modes, cheat-free servers, and after all this hard work, we get ditched off like always, well good going guyz, i dont blame poor ole amazon, even they got cheated!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Screwed By Liars and Did Not Get Kissed
Review: It is a sad day when a business (the game developer) lies to its distribution network and the public for the all holy bottom line, year end sales numbers. Also alienated by your greed are the thousands of individuals who anticipated an exceptional game for Christmas or a birthday gift. How about Amazon or Sierra paying interest on the use of our money from date of purchase to the delivery date. Do we really believe that the March date is good, or will it be December 30,2004 (or2005). If this was my company I would have people working overtime to meet a commitment to my customers. Remember, with out customers you do not have a sale. Come on Sierra and Amazon be honest and do the right thing.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I already got, but not that great
Review: i got my condition-zero on miRC and the game wasn't all that great. i only played the ritual missions and it sucked! not even good, the realism sucks and the fun was boring. i say this is the worst counter strike sequel ever made. if you want the game just download a program called miRC and download it for 1.9gb and save your money folks, its not the worth it. try call of duty or something. sorry for ruining your hopes

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Bad Business
Review: Many of us are very upset that the December 30th release did not hold true. The truth is, Sierra/Valuesoft never had any intention of release CS:CZ on that date. Once they missed the Sept. and Nov. release dates, they new it would take until March to get everything complete. The only reason they named Dec. 30th was so that they could maximize pre-orders for Christmas. If they had designated March 30th as the release date a few months ago, they would have had far fewer pre-orders leading up to the end of the year. This helps them pad their 2003 financials. Such practices should be a crime. I urge everyone to cancel their pre-orders and, if you decide you still want to purchase, wait until March 25th approaches to pre-order it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Maybe the Best Game but plagued with delays...
Review: Well I cancelled my order from Amazon. No point in buying it as a birthday present when it's going to be months after the fact. I am extremely disappointed with how Amazon has treated the fans of the game by playing with their expectations. Dangling the proverbial carrot so to speak. I will pre-order this game with another online store who has been more honest with it's customers regarding the actual release date.

I as a consumer don't enjoy being tricked and toyed with just so that a store's pre-order will shoot up so the numbers will look good.

Amazon needs to be reminded that earning a customers' trust is vital to a business and this little carrot-dangling has made me look at Amazon in a less than flattering light. I answer with my money and this time Amazon doesn't have it.

Good luck to all those patiently waiting for this game. I hope it meets your expections.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Is anyone got this game?
Review: I went to all the store and could't find CS ZERO!!
If someone got this game, please writte here!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Checked the stores.... nothing yet
Review: Well, I went to alot of the computer games stores.... Best Buy, CompUSA, Circuit City, Wal Mart.... None had the game yet. The guy at best buy said that they just got the pre order boxes in and they get them in 3 months before the real release so it looks like the mid-march date is the real one. All over the net it says that its out but the stores say different. If you have found one, please let us know!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 12/30/03 Release Date - True or False? I Hope It's True
Review: This release date better be for real. I bought this for my boyfriend for his birthday on January 15th. He's been looking forward to this game for a year. He played the original online Counterstrike religiously when he was in college.

I will be very disappointed with Amazon if this is just a marketing ploy to increase sales. Within the past 3 hours the game's sales ranking jumped from 30 to 20. Until I see the "Item Shipped" confirmation on my account status page I will be skeptical.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Still not convinced...
Review: Even though Amazon says its out, I'm not too sure. Check every other game site. They all say Mid-March. Don't get your hopes up. I'll believe it when the game is in my hands, not just the pre-order box. I'm looking foward to this release but I don't expect it for another year if we are lucky. I'm sure Valve or Ritual, or whoever is in charge of this mess, will screw this release up badly.:update- WHAT A SURPRISE!! I WAS RIGHT!!

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