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Medal of Honor Allied Assault Deluxe

Medal of Honor Allied Assault Deluxe

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It is still very good
Review: Although this is now a dated game, the twenty dollar price is hard to resist.
Think about it... twenty dollars for two great WWII games.
The graphics are not the best but that does not seem to be a hinderance on an enjoyable experience.
There are some things that I find annoying about this game though. First, it is not realistic. In almost every mission you are alone defeating a whole army of nazis. That annoys me alot. That never happened, it never will in the next 100 wars. People are dumb enough to let a single man infiltrate the whole country and get away with it while killing a whole brigade. It just doesnt happen.
Second, Lag. Online is fun but unless you have a good computer or alot of disk space your ping will be well over 75. Thus causing the server to slow down and the framerate takes a nosedive.
Other than that this is definately worth the twenty dollars.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Utterly embarssing
Review: Don't get me wrong - the game is a lot of fun - if you don't think about it too much. Unfortunately, I am a realist and this game drives me crazy. The multiplayer is great, except the maps get kinda boring. The singleplayer - what were these people thinking? I played this game for the first time on Hard and still the AI was pathetic - I would stand right in front of a soldier and he would shoot somewhere to the right of me. They go prone when you are one meter away from them!!! Yes, the AI is bad - really hampers the realism of this game - graphics? Very, very dated - as we see in Call of Duty - a much better game. I kept wanting to shoot Major Grillo and just do the bloody mission myself (without his help) - everything is way to scripted... nothing feels natural. When you land on Omaha there is no point even firing a shot from your weapon - same with Spearhead's bombardment of the trenches, no point firing your weapon again... if the developers weren't so busy trying to make these games look and feel like you're starring in some Tom Hanks movie, maybe then it would be all more enjoyable. I highly recommend Operation Flashpoint: Game of the Year Edition if you're wanting to play a realistic war game - might be dated, but atleast you feel some sense of realism.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Hollywood Hypemachine
Review: Don't get me wrong - the game is a lot of fun - if you don't think about it too much. Unfortunately, I am a realist and this game drives me crazy. The multiplayer is great, except the maps get kinda boring. The singleplayer - what were these people thinking? I played this game for the first time on Hard and still the AI was pathetic - I would stand right in front of a soldier and he would shoot somewhere to the right of me. They go prone when you are one meter away from them!!! Yes, the AI is bad - really hampers the realism of this game - graphics? Very, very dated - as we see in Call of Duty - a much better game. I kept wanting to shoot Major Grillo and just do the bloody mission myself (without his help) - everything is way to scripted... nothing feels natural. When you land on Omaha there is no point even firing a shot from your weapon - same with Spearhead's bombardment of the trenches, no point firing your weapon again... if the developers weren't so busy trying to make these games look and feel like you're starring in some Tom Hanks movie, maybe then it would be all more enjoyable. I highly recommend Operation Flashpoint: Game of the Year Edition if you're wanting to play a realistic war game - might be dated, but atleast you feel some sense of realism.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great oldie but shows its age
Review: Don't get me wrong, this is the great game that started the whole real war FPS thing going around now (there's actually some for Vietnam, I know war is war but that just seems wierd to me).
The only real reason to get this game though is if your computer is more than 3 years old and can't handle more excellent fare like Call of Duty. But the game has some great levels, the best being D-Day. The game does a good job showing the desperation of getting to the other side of that beach. But after playing a few different games, the graphics are pretty lame. And I found the you-vs.-Germany thing a little stupid. But for anyone who wants to enter the world of PC gaming with a less than current PC, you could do a lot worse.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Great Game. Don't miss it
Review: First off I really recommend this game highly, especially if you get the deluxe edition that includes the Spearhead Expansion Pack. This was my first WWII FPS and I absolutely loved it. The single player levels provide days if not weeks of overwhelming game play depending on your dedication. Where do I start? I loved the large assortment of weapons available and the realistic sound effects. The graphics are stunning; maybe not like looking at pictures off your digital camera, but the best I have seen in any FPS. But graphics alone would not have made this game without the awesome music and realistic sound effects. The bunker at the Normandy landing and in the bombed out town with the snipers had me at the edge of my seat. And infiltrating the compound in France listening for footsteps as the alarms are blaring was nerve wracking. I truly loved the single player campaign.

Now there are definitely things that were not realistic in the game, but this is only a game. Yes the German ammo would not have worked in the American weapons, but then that would have seriously limited the depth of missions (when you ran out of ammo and had only your trusty Colt .45). The accuracy of the enemy was a little extreme and the overwhelming odds may have been overdone, but in the interest of not making the game a cakewalk deal with it.

The only legitimate gripe that I will agree with is the replay ability. Going through the missions a second time was definitely not as exciting as the first time through. But to this I would also say, try the multiplayer. It is very addictive. I found myself battling as the Germans and the allies all day and all night. Unfortunately the WASD movement keys can give you carpel tunnel syndrome.

As to Spearhead Expansion, well its not all bad. I really liked the single player missions, but they were way to short and seemed kind of easy. I did like the new weapons they were a great addition. The best thing that can be said about the expansion is that it adds immensely to the multiplayer. It gives you lots of new options with the British and the Russians with their new weapons and the new maps as well as fixing a few things like being able to bash people with weapons other than handguns. On its own I wouldn't buy it, but it's an added bonus in the deluxe edition.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome Game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: I consider this game to be just as good as battlefield 1942 or even better. i highly recomend this game because it has tons of action and the online game playing is fantastic.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great game but could include more missions.
Review: I really loved this game, the gameplay was incredible and the music was haunting...it really drags you in. One problem/gripe...it only took me a week to finish and that was with me playing only a few hours every day. I'm not the best gamer in the world but I flew through this one. Wish they had more missions, I didn't want it to end so soon!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Maybe the Best All-Around WWII Shooter Out There
Review: In the last few years, the PC gaming industry has seen a wide variety of WWII shooters. With good reason too -- they're fun! Some titles have better multiplayer, some have better weapons, basically, all of them have their own pros and cons. But if there was one WWII shooter that I would say does the best job on all angles of the game, it would be the popular Medal of Honor (MOH) series. Not only is multiplayer a blast but the singleplayer campaign is a riot too! I don't replay many games but I probably played the Medal of Honor Allied Assault singleplayer campaign at least three times. Of course, like most shooters, if you want to experience online play at its best, you'll need a broadband connection to play on the largest servers and MOH has one of the largest communities of online shooters right now so there are plenty of games available 24/7. All the best multiplayer formats such as objective, deathmatch, and one death limit matches are included and it's easy to find a specific map and type of game you'd like because of the community's gigantic size. The best part of the Medal of Honor Deluxe set though is that it comes included with the first expansion in the MOH series, Spearhead. This adds more multiplayer maps and a short singleplayer extension. As long as you enjoy a WWII setting, MOH is one of the best first-person shooters on the market right now and one of the best games on the PC in years.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very great game indeed!
Review: It is a very great game. It is single player, but for Multiplayer I reccomend Battlefield 1942. But this game is great and challegning, and the music is great!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Get this game NOW!
Review: Medal of Honor: Allied Assault is a game based on WW2. It is as many people say THE best FPS anywhere.

Gameplay: A good game based on WW2. What more can I say?. MOHAA is not like other FPS it combines stealth with open-war situations.

Graphics: Amazing! Mind blowing! they are by far some of the best graphics ever. Everything is detailed, I noticed on some levels that when you are close to the enemy you can even see stiches on they're uniforms!!

Sound: They really worked on the sound for MOHAA....REALLY worked on it. The bullets have an almost perfect sound when they are shot, in the Omaha Beach landing everything is so amazing you can hear screams of soldiers and bullets flying everywhere.

A.I: Superb! The enemy is not dumb...he will not wait until you shoot him to then shoot at you. He will duck, take cover, throw granades back at you, get cover etc . Your allies aren't dumb neither they are very smart too. I noticed that in MOHAA your allies actually DO something they dont stand there doing nothing, they will help you accomplish your objectives.

Multiplayer: MOHAA'S Multiplayer is truly (for me) where this game really shines. Offering LAN and Internet connections you can play from deathmatch to objective-oriented maps. It it one of the most amazing multiplayer in the world.

I hope that this review has helped you in making your deccision. Just remember if you are looking for a load of fun and you are a FPS fan, buy it now..you won't regret it.

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