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Diablo 2

Diablo 2

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great game
Review: This game kicks ass. The only thing I don't like about this game is that they are so dang strict on maphacks.............arrgh.

anyway, great game, one of Blizzard's best. Heck, all their games rock.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Strangely addictive
Review: This game is BAD. BAD. BAD. You walk through endless areas mindlessly killing randomly generated enemies. It has no plot. It has no plot.

That said, I am addicted to it. It is strangely fun to see your character grow more powerful and...kill tons of randomly generated enemies.

DONT GET THIS GAME! save yourself hours of wasted time. Of course, if mindless hack and slash adventures are your thing, you would enjoy it. Otherwise, get Baldurs Gate 2. (which just happens to be the best RPG ever made)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: no time
Review: can't say anything, must get back to playing diablo 2, it's just that good...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good
Review: this game is OK, but there is only kill things, for a entreteniment is OK, but anyway buy other game how make you thing and this game too then you can have a great time

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good, but can get a bit tedious
Review: Diablo 2 is varied in it's aspects, from big barbarians to a guy that makes zombies. It's good that the classes are so varied. This game is truly good calming you down when you are angry. You simply take out your anger on the thousands of monsters in the game. The random area creation keeps you coming back. The downside to this is that it's repittive. It DOES get boring laying waste to hundreds of minions. The multiplayer mode is quite good though because of all the other players to interact with. There are A LOT of different kinds weaponry. This somewhat takes the fun out of getting the "ultimate weapon" though, because ther are a lot of "ultimate weapons." All in all, this game is good enough, but could stand a lot of variety.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Fun to an extent
Review: At first this game seems awesome. The artwork is flawless, the music nice, and the cutscenes amazing. The voice acting varies from professional to amateur. The fun thing is building up your character till he/she becomes godlike. There is a skill tree for each character containing 30 skills each. However, what you don't realize at first is that most of those skills are useless and only about 5 per class are really usable. The only point to most skills is seeing the cool animation and that's about it. This game is all about eye-candy. Your characters look cool but you soon see everybody else looking exactly like you so what is the point. Wow my lvl 40 druid looks just like yours and he has to choose the same 5 skills to stay playable. Pretty pointless all in all. I've tried the game with all 7 classes(with expansion).

So basically you choose your main 2 to 5 skills you will use and the game becomes a repetitive cycle of using the same skills over and over and over till you get so bored you wonder why you have just wasted so many hours clicking the mouse button to see the same thing over and over again. The only novelty left after you have mastered the use skill 1 then switch to 2 then back to 1, is watching the appearance of your character change into more powerful versions of themselves and collecting more powerful items. That's the only way it resembles an rpg... character advancement. Otherwise, this game is just an arcade style hack and slash. The plot is something I could have cooked up when I was twelve. No, it's worse, haha. All, in all, this game can give you pleasure but you'll soon be wondering what the point of it is. I feel dumber each time I play it. It's sad that games have come to this and we still play them. It's as though we are being doped up voluntarily. You want a real RPG, try fallout, or an AD&D computer simulation. Betrayal at Krondor was a beautiful RPG. I wasn't sorry for wasting my time playing that. When are they going to make a shadowrun RPG?... that would put these to shame. I want an rpg to challenge me intellectually. This game just feeds on a formula for amusement till you realize what is going on. You're the lab rat hitting the button for your reward. How depressing. I'm downloading a demo of Neverwinter Nights and hoping that will be more imaginative, as I have to find some better way of wasting my time. LOL, later.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awsome game
Review: Best game ever good graphics audio gameplay everything get this game now!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Playable but Frequently Tedious and Annoying
Review: Diablo 2 is either a hack and slash adventure or a blast everything in sight with magic adventure, or several other variants that involve killing 1000s of stupid monsters. I guess evil is supposed to be stupid, at least in this game it is. It helps that the monsters are stupid because there are just so many of them.

I would like to play this game with each type of character and I've already played a Paladin, Barbarian, and now I'm playing a Sorcerer. Game play is very different for each character type. The sorcerer tends to overpower the game but she is vulnerable to damage so she will die if surrounded, or if a tough monster rushes at her and gets through her magical armor.

I like the variety of items in the game, it adds to playability. And there is enough gameplay to come back a few times, but I don't think I'll get through the goal of playing each character type before getting bored.

There are a few annoying flaws in the game which I would like to share that haven't already been mentioned: The monsters tend to hide behind walls and the walls don't always become invisible when you should clearly be able to see those monsters. Some of the walls become invisible but not all of them. I like being surprised but when something should be in plain sight it should be visible. Also, the line of sight calculations often are off, and the monsters can throw spears or fire magic through walls, which also means you can hit them back, but you don't ever know what is line of sight, even if it seems obvious. Also, monsters have this strange knack of appearing when you have the inventory open filling half of the screen, but maybe that's just a coincidence. And when the inventory screen is open, you can't just click on something to pick it up as you normally do, you have to take an extra step to put it in the exact spot you want it, which is slow and annoying. This is standard Diablo style. The other annoying inventory thing is that when you need to run away from the monsters and there is something to search between where you are and where you want to go, you'll always seem to search it even if you don't necessarily click on it. The last thing I want to do when I'm in danger is to hesitate and search for useless treasure or pick things up that are on the ground.

It's nice that the names of items that are magical or special are highlighted in a different color so you don't have to pick everything up to tell if it's magical. And it's nice having keyboard keys to activate your skills.

There is a nice variety of skills/spells that are appropriate for each character type. Make sure you check out all of the skill tabs, there are three for each character type. I agree that the experience system isn't the best. They should have kept the way you learned spells and skills as in the old game, by having spell books and people to learn skills from.

That's about all I can think of right now. You get a lot for your money in this game, in the sense that there are so many levels and it's different every time, but you get what you pay for in the sense of stupid repetitive monsters, a simple storyline, and annoying glitches. The most annoying one is it not saving the level state when you save and quit, which I've found the only way to get around is to just leave Diablo open and alt-tab when you get sick of the mass slaughter. Of course, it still takes up almost 100% of your CPU even with a faster computer, so that isn't the best solution.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: online ONLY
Review: Now check it and take it from the penguin up south, single player is horible and boring. Then you got Bnet online play. THATS WHERE THE MONEY GOES. I mean if u only know the thrill you get when your fighting a boss with 3 other ppl on ur side 50 levels more then you. Its especially cool with all the magic and seeing the armor and weapons you actually equipt. Now, im thinking it will be another quake 3 arena for me, ill get tire of it sooner or later. SO FAR THOUGH...its very fun ONLINE... so u might as well not waste 1.5 GB on the full version(both single and multiplayer) and just install the multiplayer(online)
THE PENGUIN SPEAKS!(u better pick either the sorceress or the barbarian in this game or ill....)

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Okay by itself, but Horrible compared to Diablo 1!
Review: Let's get one thing clear: Diablo II is nowhere near as good as Diablo 1. There are more reasons for this than I can remember, but I'll try to list as many of them as possible.

First off, there's no way to save your progress through the game. All that you can do is save your character. When you reload the game, all of the bad guys are back. This gets EXTREMELY aggravating.

Second, there's just too much stuff! Remember in Diablo 1, where there were a dozen kinds of swords and like a hundred different kinds of armor, not counting the two billion magical prefixes and suffixes and all of the Unique items? Well, that's ten times as bad in D2. There's twice as many different categories of items (belts? what the...?), and there are twice as many items in each category. It doesn't stop there, either: it is now possible for nonmagic items to have prefixes as well, and many of those prefixes mean the same freaking thing! A belt can be "poorly made," "low quality," "slightly lower quality," "chipped," "cracked," "rusty," "damaged," "even more damaged," blah blah blah blah blah umpteen et cetera, and it contributes absolutely JACK FREAKING SQUAT to gameplay! Diablo 1 had 2 different potion strengths: Partial and Full, and that was all you needed, but D2 saw fit to create five different potion strengths. You get the idea.

Third, the outdoor areas are WAAY too freaking big. Even with Automap turned on, it's impossible to tell whether or not you've explored an outdoor area fully.

Fourth, the new spellcasting system just doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. A Barbarian at a given level will have just as many magical abilities, AND be just as good at casting them, as a Sorceress on the same level! And how are these magical abilities acquired? Does your character learn spells by reading spellbooks, like in Diablo 1? No, they learn spells by killing things. Yup, you just go out and kill monsters, and you suddenly know how to cast fireballs. WHAT THE HECK KIND OF SENSE DOES THAT MAKE?!?

Fifth, character classes have no maximum stats. This SEVERELY WEAKENS the distinctions between the character classes, and for those hackers out there, it makes it impossible to have a "maxed-out" character.

Sixth, there's too much stuff! I know I've mentioned this before, but it's just wrong that you could pick up every item in the whole game and still only see a tenth of all the different combinations of non-magical items.

Seventh, there's no more Apocalypse spell. Apocalypse was a cool spell that should not have been removed.

D2 does have a few good ideas, though. Gems are very cool, but the fact that they come in five or six different quality levels, plus the fact that items can have widely varying numbers of sockets for them, only worsens the "too much stuff" problem. The Horadric Cube is an awesome idea, because it allows you to do really fun things. You put random things into it, and if you're lucky, they'll combine into something new! You can take 3 gems of a given type and quality, and the Cube will compress them into one gem of the next highest quality. Combine 2 packs of crossbow bolts to get one pack of arrows, or 2 packs of arrows for one pack of bolts. No one but Blizzard knows all of the possibilities. I also love the addition of "set" items, or in other words, unique items that power each other up as you find more from each set. Unfortunately, it is, for all practical purposes, impossible to find all of the items in any one set, leading to hours upon hours of frustrated searching. Let's see, I mentioned Gems, the Horadric Cube, set items... were there any other positive additions to D2? I can't remember any more...

Diablo 2 can be fun and playable in its own way, but compared to Diablo 1, it's just horrible. There were too many bad ideas, and too many good ideas that were badly implemented. Don't play this game unless you've gotten bored with Diablo 1.

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