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Battlefield 1942: Deluxe Edition

Battlefield 1942: Deluxe Edition

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awsome Game
Review: Awsome game. I would strongly recomend buying this game - though you should have a good computer. . Also don't buy this game for just the single player - the multi is way more tougher, intresting, and funner, plus in multi-player they add battle ship, subs, and bomber (single or co-op, human and comp vs human and comp mulitplayer, don't have these vehicles. The weapons and vehicles are very cool. Vehicles range from tanks to airplanes to BATTLE SHIPS with tons'o'guns. The weapons are bases on kits - you pick each time you respawn. Each kit has a certain "theme" (scout, assult, medic, engineer, and anti-armor), you get the weapons in the kit and stick with them until you die or you pick up another kit you find (when a person gets killed they drop thier). Unfortunaly since its based on kits you cant kill everybody - this has happened to me many times - I have a good anti-infantry kit and I start shooting, but then a tank comes and blows the crap outa me. Next I pick the anti-tank kit when I respawn hoping to kill the tank. When I find him I hit and run, hit and run until he is dead. After hes killed I walk around, run into an enemy with a sub-machine gun and he shoots the crap outa me. You see my problem? OH well, I guess it's "more realist" and it adds an interesting twist. Still an awsome game though. And a tip - don't buy expansions to this game if you have an internet connection - download mods. The game has a special option just for this purpose. (If you want a good mod download Desert Combat, I also heard the Forgotten Hope mod is well done). Though if you have a crappy internet connection they may take awhile (mine took half the night with a 300K connection), the Desert Combat mod is 550MB.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: ...Almost Godlike
Review: Those are the only words that describe this brilliant multiplayer masterpeice. And dats' nooo lie. Although the single player mode can be dull, boring, and at times FAR too easy, the multiplayer is what this game was made for, and it reeeaaaally cooks. Ranking up there with the multiplayer big boys like Counterstrike, and Starcraft, the playabillity, and REplayability of this game is such that it is almost a sin. Each map is huge, normally with several vehicles, stationary guns, AA turrets, cannons, boats and other marvels of 1940s millitary technology, all of which you can jump in and out of quickly. In my personal favorite mode of play (conquest) you go to the hot spots on the map, and fight to conquer them for your team, which is a great and inovative way to keep people busy with TWO objectives, kill people, and take over strategic points of the map.

Unfourtunatly, there was alot left untouched that really ruin the dynamics of online play. On maps with team killing enabled, everyone will crowd around the spawn point for one plane, then kill each other trying to take it. While this is easily fixable by simply turning off teamkilling, its still an annoyance. Another problem would be the many glitches the game is riddled with. However all these problems are VERY easy to see past. I reccomend this game to anyone that enjoys war simulations of any kind. There is a reason this game is the massive hit it is.

Lots of vehicles, including airplanes, tanks, boats, and jeeps
A good amount of detailed maps.
Weapons up the wazoo, Submachine guns, sniper rifles, rifles, machine guns, hand guns, Grenades, knives, AA stations, stationary machine guns, artillary, and more.
Decent graphics for a game so huge.
Good system, allowing you to get online and play QUICK. No Gamespy required!
Free maps released every once in a while by EA!

Frequent glitches
Some mild lagging even on top-of-the-line equipment

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best game i have ever played
Review: With awesome graphics, this game is easily the best game ive ever played. It has vehicles like a motorcycle with machine gun, the HO229, which looks like it would be made today, and even a jetpack, this game has it all. It does a wonderful job with dealing with lag on multiplayer, which is the best part about it. If you dont have this game by now, there is something wrong with you.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: too expensive
Review: should have been $10 but will provide several weeks of fun but then maps get boring. Better off just playing the game without the Expansion!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another Great Expansion For Battlefield 1942
Review: This game is great. In this game you will get the Mauser Carbine with optional grenade launcher, Gewher Sniper Rifle, Gewher Machine gun, Bren LMG, Flakpanzer, BMW or Harley Davidson motorcycle with turret and sidecar, Commando Knife, Commando Raft, LVT-2 Water Buffalo, Sturmtiger, Natter Rocket Plane, and the American M3 Grant, Jetpack, Wasserfall Guided Rocket, McDonnell, Armstrong Whitworth AW-52, Horton HO 229, C-47 Cargo Plane, Sherman Tank With T-34 Calliope, T95/T28 Super Heavy Tank With AA gun,and the Schwimmwagen. You also get such levels as; Telemark Reserch Lab, Essen, Eagle Nest, Peenemuende, The Gothic Line, Hellendoorn, Mimoyecques, and Kbely Airfield. And it's all historically accurate. :)

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Couldn't even install it!
Review: I was a ctually waiting in anticpation of this game when i heard of it but once i got it it was frustrating. Icouldn't even install it, and that was even after i traded with three different copies, my system is a p4 1.9ghz with a geforce 3 so it should've worked but didn't. avoid it save your money

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Game Ever!
Review: I think this is the best game ever. Make sure your system has a good enough video card and enough memory. If you need more memory, visit http://www.crucial.com.

The graphics engine in this game will blow you away!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Sad
Review: This game is so promising. I'm addicted to it. It's just too bad that it's more a video game than a simulator of war. There are no tactics, formations or distinct troop movements, just a constant, sloppy rushing towards enemy held control points. I mean, people don't even use armored vehicles properly. plant it behind a building, get a good field of fire, ambush enemies and keep 'em pinned down, don't just get blowed up. jeez.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Huge Disappointment
Review: If you loved MOHAA, you will hate this game. Graphics are weak, and controls not as easy to work with. Save your money!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best of The BEst WWII game EVER
Review: I purchased Battlfield 1942 about a week ago, and playing it is all ive been doing since. This is one of the best games in my extensive game collections, and i can see myself popping this into my comp 4 years from now. BF 1942 is an online fps, and the game lets you pilot tanks, bombers, fighters, jeeps, ships, landing craft, and submarines through all of the very large levels. Teamwork is very important as you rush to capture flag points and hills for a strategic advantage over the enemy. You can choose to be a sniper, an assualt soldier, to have a bazooka, or be an engineer or medic. Each class backs the other up- the snipers back up the assualt soldiers and can hold certain points, the solders back up tanks against bazookas, bazookas protect soldiers against tanks, engineers can lay mines, and medics heal everyone. Then, you can have transports carrying soldiers quickly to the battlefield, and planes to protect all troops and take out enemies. The fights are adreniline packed, exiting, and as you shoot down your opponents from your positions, you feel like a real team. Your tanks are pushing forward, your planes fly overhead, and grenades, rockets, tank shot, and bullets are whizzing overhead. The pure carnage is exilerating. Here are the good and very few poor points in the game.
Pros-1) Amazing fights
2) Great vehicles to drive
3) A lot of teamwork involved
4) Large, nice looking maps
5) A great value- theres a lot of juice to soak up from this game
6) Cool weapons and classes
Cons-1) Ive heard from many people that BF doesnt play well on a less powerful machine, but my computer is pretty fast so it doesnt apply to me
2) Some bugs with sniping- ive hit people repeatedly with my sniper rifle, withour them dying.
Overall- Buy this game. It outdoes Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Day of Defeat, and Medal of Honor, all of which i have. No matter how good those three games are, BF 1942 will always be better. Buy it- trust me, you wont regret it.

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