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Ultima Online: Age of Shadows

Ultima Online: Age of Shadows

List Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Playing UO until Ultima X: Odyssey comes out
Review: I have been awaiting Ultima X: Odyssey for a few months now and so when I found out that EA is offering a deal for UO players who want to play UO, I thought I would give UO a try and guess what? I LOVE IT. The best thing is that UXO is going to take a pretty amazing PC, but when I installed the 2D installation of UO onto my subnotebook -- I can play this super cool "Old Skool" UO and since I don't have any history on it, I can say that I am pretty psyched. But I am still waiting for UXO. The lyric is true, though: "And if you can't be with the one you love / Love the one you're with" So, now I am addicted to it and really can't get enough it the game and even play it during my breaks at work since I am sill that way. And its really only a little over $12/month, so its cool with me. And its been around so long that I have neven gotten into a corner I couldn't get out of.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: incredible game
Review: I've been playing UO for most of it's six year history. It's an incredible world, adaptable to diverse playstyles and goals. Try it, you'll become addicted!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Online Critics favor Hack & Slash games
Review: I avoided this game for years simply because I heard a lot of bad reviews about it. Online Critics gave poor ratings. Many players complained about the player killing and the lag. My cousin always raved about this game, but I never tried it because it was $10.00 a month to play. Now that many games now charge a monthly fee to play I decided to try it. I feel like I was lied to. This game is one of the best games I have ever played, I can't understand how this game recieved such bad reviews. The depth in this game is unmatched. Many games copied Ultima Onlines skills and concept. Ultima Online is very underated. I can't believe games like Everquest and Diablo II get better ratings from online critics. What are these critics thinking! Everquest and Diablo II have great graphics, but the gameplay is very boring in those games and lacks very much depth. I use a dialup connection and the lag was not all that bad. On weekends and during busy hours the lag is bad, but overall it is not that bad. Lag in Diablo II was much worse I thought. The siege perilous shard and the Great Lakes shard were the funnest to play I thought. The siege perilous is the best shard to play on if you like PvP. Gameplay is close on that shard to what Ultima Online origonally was. I had a lot of fun on siege. The theif profession is very fun to play on that shard. No other game out can match the PvP experience Siege Perilous offers in my opinion. If you like crowds and like to see busy cities the Great Lakes server is the best server to play on I think. Britiana really feels like a city. During primetime there must be about a hundred players all hurdled around the bank trading. I thought before Diablo II had a great trading system, now I relize Ultima Online's is by far superior. The economy in this game I think is unmatched. Even though this game has less people playing than Everquest, I encountered a lot more people during gameplay than any other online game. The crafting is unmatched. People say DaoC is superior, I tried DaoC I think its overated. DaoC seemed too adventure oriented. The large problem with player killing has been fixed. Players that don't like pk's, can play on the Trammel Facet that is PvM oriented rather than PvP. The Mage I think is funner to play on Ultima Online verses many other games. Combat has a lot more to it in Ultima Online. Mage's chant spell words before they cast a spell and they have to use regents for each spell. Not all spells use the same regents. Cities really feel like cities in UO. They just seem to blend in more with the outside world, Everquest's cities feel like they are seperated from the rest of the world. I remeber one Online Critic gave Diablo II a 9/10 and Ultima Online a 6/10. I still puzzle over why this was. Diablo I & II player killing was just as bad. The mounts in this game are unmatched. Players can ride a wide assortment of animals. Ranging from deer - to dragons!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: What did they do?
Review: I started playing Ultima way back when it first came out and while there have been many improvements to this fine game, I must say that overall the nature of the game has been dumbed down significantly. How the mighty have fallen
The entire reason almost anyone plays Ultima Online is to combat other players. And that's how it used to be. From the very beginning a player was forced to sharpen his skills to avoid PKs waiting outside the cities, pickpockets hanging our the bank, and even other newbies. Sure, it wasn't as easy as it is now to move up the ranks but it was okay because everyone was in the same boat. Now it seems everyone is a GM in the game. Worse yet, the game seems more about aquiring armor than actual game play.
What I think they should have done was create Felluca as a semi safe haven for PKs but left Trammel with the player vs player option available. New players who would otherwise love putting their skills against one another must wait until they spend hour and after hour of killing NPCs and then work their way up to acquiring armor. I mean, come on, if we wanted to play against NPCs then we could simply buy an XBox and be done with it.
Another thing that was robbed from UO was the friendship factor. Before, when betrayal was possible and a friend could at any time turn around and attack you, it meant that friendship was based on trust. You built up a friendship the way you would in real life. But now, with the new rules, everyone is forced to be "friends" like a big ole Communist family.
I think the game would benefit and players would enjoy the game more if they were to bring some of the old rules back.
For those of you who haven't experienced it. Think of it this way. One day you and someone you trusted turns his back on you to get some kind of magic item you acquired. He turns on you at a sensitive moment and manages to take you out and acquire your item. Now you're not at all happy and a feud begins to rise to the surface. Your friends start hunting him down. His low-life friends come to his aid. Guilds start to form and a real war breaks out. Now it seems like "wars" in the game are gentle sparring contests with no real consequences.
On the other hand try to picture a friend you've been hanging out with for the longest time, who has had every opportunity to turn his back on you but has stayed the course through thick and thin.
By forcing us to all get along the whole element of good and evil is removed from the game. But isn't good vs. evil what the game is all about?

Rating: 1 stars
Review: This is a dieing game that does not have much left in it.
I have played since it came out and if you are a parent i would not recommend this game for your child.
They do nothing about Hackers, Racism and Sexuality.
They offer bans but do not act properly on them and there is little punishment dealt out for such actions.
In fact i would recommend any other company games than EA and Origin Software. Like Star Wars Generations.
I am sorry I played this game so long but i learnt all the companies want is to sell more disks year after year to power gaming addicts. They understand that computer games can be addictive and have used it to their advantage this release is no different than any others. Full of bugs that take a year to iron out in which time they are also busy working on the next release.
Which in this case is UO DOA.
My account is being closed as hundreds of friends have already done. I post this here to warn others of what is coming.
If you play UO id be selling on ebay now well it is still possible to do. Prices have dropped substantially on uo game stuff a good indication the game is dieing.
Come their next big patch they will be losing more business and will likely be forced to decide on wether the game should continue or not. As most those who quit lately will not buy into their companies more, ever!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: :)
Review: I do like this one better, but when it comes to the fighting and questing for the Palidon... too too many monsters gain up on you at once. I do recommend this game to anyone who has time and patience.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: gj
Review: it was well thought out but i needed more interaction will playing the game

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: last nail in UO's coffin
Review: this is only another patch that should be free to a seriously dated game with many flaws, game support is pathetic, the code is so old that nearly every bug fix creates another, I played Ultima Online for 2 years and will never trust this company as they are purely only interested in keeping your money but not you as a happy-monthly-paying customer, don't waste your time or money! BUY Neverwinter Nights and play online for free on many player run servers or run your own world

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Fun
Review: I started playing UO with the AoS expansion (which contains every aspect of UO, including previous expansions) and have absolutely loved my time playing.

I hear dial-up users have problems with in game lag slowdowns. Around the release, the problems were horrendous. However, they have implemented a series of fixes designed to improve dial-up play, so the experience isn't as horrible as some of these other reviews would have you believe. However, DSL is still far preferably to dial-up, even though dial-up has been made fairly viable, from what I hear.

Anyways, the game is endlessly rich, complex, fun. Deep variety, countless possible goals, infinite character customization, many skills to choose from (go to www.uo.com and look under Playguide, then Skills--you'll be amazed at the possibilities :) ) There are many cool spells, special moves, combat classes, etc. Including dragon-tamers, positive-karma paladins, evil necromancers, hypnotising bards, etc. etc. Be a chef. Be a treasure hunter, who fights sea serpents for treasure maps. Be a blacksmith, using rare runic hammers to create precious armor. Start your own mining business. Build a house. Host tournaments. Be a poison-concocting assassin who dissapears in shadows. Its endless.

I could go on forever. All I know is the game is extremely addicting, and fun--bliss.

It's hard to learn, but it pays off once you're in and strategizing and developing various unique strengths and skills and having a blast.

The game can be quite challenging, but I find that very fun. Its challenging that causes you to find creative solutions to challenges, but not too challenging or impossible. :)

There are a lot of opportunities for in-game entrepreneuship, as you interact and make money from other players. There is a lot of excitement involved with challenging monsters/dungeons, and player-vs-player antics.

I recommend giving the game a try, going through the somewhat tedious process of learning the game, and then experience the sheer joy of playing the game. It's not for everyone, but it's still hands down one of the best games I've ever played.

There are bugs, and the 3D version of the game (there are both 2d and 3D versions) has graphical glitches and doesn't always look great, but these issues will be resolved eventually by the UO live team, and the gameplay and fun value far overshadows everything else, IMHO. Veterans don't like many of the changes that came in with AoS; as a new player with no idea of how things used to be, I find no reason to complain, but quite the opposite. :)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A turn for the worst
Review: I played UO for three years and then quit for the last two so after a two year break, icame back expecting myself to love it more than ever. But NO NO NO. Why? THis came is based purely on ITems. I played back when there was no trammel, only felucca. There was tons of PvP, guild warfare. IT was great. But then something happened. 100 resist useless. it used to be that your skills counted not your armor. THe delay time for casting spells is insane. You didnt used to have to spend 6 months working up the money to buy the armor and jewelry you need. So anyone thinking about coming back to UO. DON'T. I suggest you try out DArk age of Camelot, a good game from what i hear. well thanx OSI for ruining the best MMORPG there was.

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