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Warcraft III Battle Chest

Warcraft III Battle Chest

List Price: $39.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My god what a great game!!!
Review: This game is excellent combining varying gameplay with an excellent map editor and online gaming system. You can play hundreds of different games online and can have a huge amount of fun playing the single-player campaign.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW
Review: This is maybe the best game that I have ever played. It has everything.
Graphics- Not the best, but very good
Interface- AWSOME it is very easy to find your way around, but the more you play the more you get to really know the controls.
Upkeep- great. Blizzard Entertainment really puts a lot of effort into their games. (they only make 3 series.) there are a lot of updates that come, but every single on of them make the game that much better.

All in all, I would tell you to grab this game NOW...well...what are you waiting for!?!?!?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Probably the Best Game out right now
Review: this is game has a huge improvement in graphics from age of mythology and command and conquer generals the other current strategy games. ithas , as with all blizzard games an awsome new array of units in new races. Although it probably has the unit AI and commandability the games major advantage over the others is that it has heroes. units that gain experience and level up like a role playing character, it won't take as long as Diablo but it is still just as fun. this new aspect of roleplaying/stragey mix definitely puts it down as the best game out right now.

the expansion only makes a great thing better

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A good game but,,,,
Review: Warcraft III and it's expansion has many flaws in the story, the missions, and even some of the units. When I mean flaws, I mean a TON of things were ripped out of Starcraft. Most of the Warcraft II's units have returned. There are two new factions: the Undead Scourge and the Night Elves. The Undead Scourge resemble the Zerg from Starcraft. Just read the manuel and you'll see how similiar they are. The way you build their buildings are similiar, you have to build it on the dead creep. A great thing about Starcraft is the incredible storyline and the characters that were introduced. The superb voice acting actually made you care about the characters. Not the case with Warcraft III. You have to rely on your heroes too much. I didn't think it was a good idea to implement RPG elements. When I played some of the missions, I could tell I had done it all before in another game. In one mission in The Frozen Throne, it resembled a mission from Brood War PERFECTLY. You had to destroy an enemy base while the enemy was idle for a few minutes. Brood War's version was easier and I was forced to use cheats on The Frozen Throne's version.
Personnaly, I think Starcraft is a better game just for the fact that Warcraft III is simply the fantasy version Starcraft in 3D(graphics are awesome, by the way. Good for customs) and plus it came with Humans and Orcs.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic Addition to WCIII!!
Review: I was very excited when this expansion came out! We went to the computer store and got it same day it came out, and I immediately became immersed in the WCIII world again. I played the campaign until the very end (I think its the first time I ever 'finished' a game) and all I can say is.. WOW!!!

Ok, maybe I can say more than that. :D It was a BLAST! There are several new races that you get to actually play during the campaign - including one that can go invisible and sneak around! I found the campaign to be challenging enough that I actually had to think and strategize, but not too challenging to where I got frustrated. There was one mission where I don't know how anyone could beat it without cheating. The enemy had a bunch of dragon type units and the ability to make more so quickly - I was cheating hardcore (giving myself massive amounts of gold and instant unit-making ability) and I was sending droves and droves of my guys at them, only to be beat down. It took me 2-3 hours to destroy that one town and that was with lots of cheating. I try to do the missions without cheating, but that one was insanely hard!!

One thing I do want to make sure I mention - the videos. Wow.. the video at the start of the campaign and the other at the end. They are INCREDIBLE visually. I watched the end one about 6 times - it was that amazing! Also - the credits for the game are funny.. worth watching when you get to the end. ;)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wow!
Review: I had never played any of the previous Warcrafts - much to my fiance's dismay! He bought me this game, and I was skeptical. I installed it and started playing - and I was hooked! I especially like playing the Night Elf race, though all four are so different and interesting in their own ways. It's not like a lot of other similar game types, where most of your units are the same as everyone else's.. this game gives each race very unique and fun units to play with.

This game is a blast to play, especially on multiplayer. We set up LAN parties at the office to play, and its a blast! I think the max we had playing was 6 players at one time - I'm not sure what the max it supports is.

I also played almost the entire campaign - until my old computer died. The campaigns are a lot of fun, the story is interesting. I really got attached to Arthas! Basically you play out a "chapter" for each of the four races - and each chapter is about 10 missions that you need to accomplish.

I highly recommend this game - along with the expansion pack (Frozen Throne) which I have played to completion! They are both GREAT games, it doesn't get a lot better than this!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game
Review: Warcraft III is a great fantasy game. Easy to learn. Looks good. It even runs on my Pen IV lap top computer. Most games do not. The on-line guide is very good. So you don't have to read the handbook to start playing. Warcraft III always has add-ons so you'll get a lot of play out of it. Well worth the price. Wyatt Kaldenberg

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An epic game filled with thrills and spills
Review: I've long been a fan of the Warcraft series and the well-crafted Starcraft. As far as real-time strategy (RTS) games go, Blizzard seems unable to do any wrong. One of the most hyped up games of all time, Warcraft III lives up to the high expectations fans and Blizzard itself placed upon the title.

Blizzard has in Warcraft III the perfect recipe for an RTS: a rich and epic storyline that draws you in from the start; useful additions to ease managing your forces (peons that automatically repair nearby damaged buildings, priests that auto-heal nearby units, etc.); incredible music and sound effects; an excellent set of scenario missions that span multiple races; and best of all - tons of action!

I'm hard pressed to come up with any significant faults in Warcraft III. Every little detail feels hand crafted with the loving care that has made Blizzard's games so excellent in the past. If you like strategy games at all, there's bound to be something for you in Warcraft III.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Warcraft III: Frozen Throne Review
Review: Warcraft III isnt like any other PC game that you would find on the streets. It is a game that includes a lot of fantasy, myth and Legend. It is a fighting game where you have to build an a rmy with one race to destroy another race that you are against. There are quite a few campaign levels. This game is good because its graffic's level is very high. Along with its 3 Dimensional effects it produces extra effects such as realistic mist and dust. If you are looking for a fantasy fighting game, I would recommend Warcraft III the frozen throne or Warcraft III reign of chaos. because frozen throne is an expansion pack you will need reign of chaos to run it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Is this an expansion pack or a new game?
Review: This game will go down as one of the best expansion packs ever. It has more new content, units, heroes, and other items than most games do let alone an expansion pack. You have 26 missions plus 3 missions from the Warcraft III demo. And one of the missions (called Act I) contained 15 quests that had 41 sub-quests to be completed, and though it wasn't that hard, there were a couple of challenges here. It took me (according to the game time counter) almost 2 hours to complete, but with the cut scenes, it was closer to 3 hours. The best thing (and I probably shouldn't mention this but I will) was that when you finished this bonus campaign, it said to be continued at the end. Then it informed you that you would soon be able to download Act II and Act III for free from Blizzard once it was completed. So free stuff is on the way. As for the 25 mission single player game, I found it quite challenging (unlike one of the other reviewers). These missions seemed longer and harder than Warcraft III. I think any fan of Warcraft will love it. Another cool feature is when doing melee attack and armor upgrades, you can do all available upgrades at once instead of waiting for one to finish and then have to go back to that building and start another. This expansion pack has more stuff packed in it than any other (except maybe Total Annihilation: Core Contigency) and like I said before, more than some games. If you liked Warcraft III, i suggest you get this expansion. If your like me, you will like all features of this game. I liked it better than the original.

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