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Black & White

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Amazing
Review: Do you remember a certain game by John Remero's that got a ton of press? Remember the hype that game got? THIS game should have gotten all that hype. You don't need to read what I am going to say, just go out and get the game.

What this game does and what few games can ever do is inspire wonder. Wonder at how much fun a really good game can be. Wonder to how your little monster can take two ideas and come up with a third (if not odd) idea of it's own. Wonder at how evil you really can be or even wonder at how much time can be taken up with the life of a god.

Some people may not like this game but then again some people think fishing is a sport.

Simply amazing graphics with some of the most astounding AI ever seen on a PC (or anywhere) this is more than just a pretty game, it's a world. An you get to be it's god. Oh dear....!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Black & White is an incredible video game
Review: This god strategy game has been in development for three years, so there's been a lot of build-up for its release. After playing the released product, I can say the people who made this have created a game with a lot of complexity, depth, and graphical beauty.

While at first the control of the camera angles and the many different modes of playing can be difficult - even frustrating - there's so much more to it that takes your mind off that. You can just do what you want, basically...there are some objectives, but there's a lot of freedom, too. You can explore these tiny little tropical islands as you try and convert people to your faith. You can fling rocks through the air, cast different kinds of miracles, and try to get your virtual pet-ish 'creature' (think of your personal avatar or beastly god pet) to 'amaze' people into believing in you. It's just very...unique from start to finish.

Again, however, it can be a pain to learn. Sometimes the interface is not very intuitive. The manual is OK, but it doesn't really give any in-depth instructions on how to do things. So sometimes you end up with trial and error, and that can get kind of frustrating. And the spell symbol thing, where you trace various symbols with your mouse to initiate a spell, can be a little imprecise and tedious.

Lastly, the computer I played it on was pretty fast, but I imagine a slower one would be a little less responsive and slower. This game is truly beautiful, with rotating and zooming effects all over the place - and that takes processing power, you know? And it definitely would not be fun to get it, get all excited, and then have it act jerky or what have you.

Anyway, cool game. Highly recommended. Give it a try. But remember, expect to be sitting and learning for a while. It's not fast-paced. If you don't believe in video games as art, then this game is as close to art as video games come - and you've got to respect that by taking your time.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Doesn't Work Right
Review: The game doesn't work very well, it seems to be VERY glitchy. On my computer it crashes a lot to where I have to reboot my computer alot. On my friends computer, it crashes, and he can't use sound or it freezes right away. I would wait until there are patches out, or just not get it. It seems really fun, and it probably is, if you can play it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Black & White: A new generation in gaming?
Review: This game is totally different, forget all you have learned in past games, that info isnt going to help. 1) no buttons. Yes, no on screen click with mouse, build house here buttons. the game is CONTROLLED with the mouse. want to cast a spell? wave your mouse in a circle and boom defense spell galore. 2)AI. that would be Artificial Intelligence. It is revolutionary. Let your titan toss some rocks with another while you leave the computer and he may give a hot one to the others hands. not taught by you. 3)it is The best game of all-time, all reviews have been the highest. this game is a god in itself.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The game IS EVERYTHING everyone here claims it to be BUT...
Review: you gotta try it out with the Logitech force-feedback mouse, it adds a whole new dimension to the already-mervelous game!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Originality at its finest
Review: The hype surrounding this game has been escalating for close to two years, but the premise sounds enticing: you're a god, and you can do anything you want in your little isolated island. From what I've seen, it looks like LionHead Studios has delivered. From picking up cows, throwing boulders at the villagers, training your 'pet', and actually interacting with your worshippers, this game brings a level of interactivity that I have NEVER seen before. You might think this is sort of like Sim City, but you're not even close. You can actually hear your followers talk to you, from complaints to prayers. If people are losing faith, just take your pet out in the village square and start scaring them into believing you. If you're a little less malevolent, use a food miracle to help them out. Another aspect of this game is the good/evil relationship. You can accomplish anything in more than one way: the good way, or the evil way. Each has consequences later in the game. As an added bonus, you've got the best learning AI ever in a game. You pick a pet, who is sort of your representative in the game. He behaves according to your training and behavior. This game requires some pretty hefty specs, and there are bugs(the textures of the people and the buildings get screwed up most of the time on my machine), bu the graphics are spectacular. You can zoom out until the island is in full view, or zoom in on a worshipper chopping wood. A truly groundbreaking, original game. We PC gamers are a lucky bunch.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: New Era in Gaming
Review: Take a Tamagochi, Populous 3, and Starcraft and throw them all into a 3D blender. You get Black and White. It's hard to call this software a game. It's more like an experience, or like having a small world in an aquarium and dipping in your hand to put things the way you want them. I have only played this game for two days, but I am going to put Diablo 2 and Starcraft on the shelf for a long while.

Basically you get to help the little people in these worlds in whatever manner you see fit. If they need wood for a project you can get them wood, or smash the project so they don't need wood any more. Either way, the game doesn't care. Good and evil choices are made clear through two spirits that are your conscience. Good and evil choices also produce different results. The landscape changes over time to match your personality as a god. To top this off, you must select a creature. The artificial intelligence in this thing is better than any I have ever seen. It may not seem that way on the first level (it's mostly tutorial) but the AI fully kicks in for the second. You can teach your creature to do anything from watering trees, to uprooting them, to setting them on fire. Anything you want.

This game is for anyone. It's entertaining and fun, and highly innovative. I can guarantee you have not played anything like it (although little bits of Populous and Dungeonkeeper do shine through) My computer does meet the recommended hardware, but that is by no means a supermachine these days, and it runs extremely well. So don't waste anytime, this thing is flying off the shelves. Good luck and have fun!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Holy mother of God
Review: This isn't a game, it's your new way of life. Be prepared to shun your friends, lose 20 pounds and turn very pale, because you won't be coming outside anymore. I am 10 hours into the game and I've barely scratched the surface. BUY THIS GAME.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: If you like simulation,rpg and strat games, this is ur game. It has the best AI, graphics of any other game I have ever played in my 30 years as a gamer. Why am i wasting time writing this review, I must return to the game!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Forget any doubts...
Review: My friend and I went to the mall yesterday and camped out at the store that was to recieve Black and White. My friend was the first to get it, right out of the UPS delivery boxes. I told him "Let's not expect too much, because that only means we can be disappointed". How wrong I was. We installed it, and began playing. Incredible is about all I can say. I didn't know how incredible until just last night and this morning. I played this game for like 10 hours straight. I didn't get any sleep tonight, and unfortunately, I don't think I will be getting sleep for awhile longer. I don't want to go into the details because half of the joy is finding out the little touches in the game for yourself, but make no mistake: this is the game to buy. Im gonna go play some more.

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