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Dark Age of Camelot Expansion: Shrouded Isles

Dark Age of Camelot Expansion: Shrouded Isles

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An excellent beginning...
Review: Speaking as one who put many hours into Everquest; the RvR aspect of Dark Age was a great break from the boredom of leveling. Once a player's character hits lvl 20 in Dark Age, he/she is able to enter a battle realm and fight two other races of characters controlled by other players. There is a central keep which each race can attempt to gain control of and this is where the real action is. Siege equipment, fireballs, swords, pikes and bows all come into play as one race defends and two vie for the opportunity to seize the keep.
This is a fun game that will only get better with time. Looking forward to Shrouded Isles and all the expansions and improvements to come.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: ...
Review: This game is Awesome, plain and simple. Yes there have been some problems in the past but Mythic works had at fixing them and has done a spectacular job at assimilating player input into a greater product. The quest system is incredibly detailed and is fun, even at level 50 there is plenty to do with fighting against the othert realms. Noone yet has maxed out the total amount of realm points, and with the expansion there will be a whole new dimension added to the game. This game is one that will be around for a while.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This game has it all. Great PvE, RvR for those who want it, and the expansion pack, after beta testing is going to make it even better. I can't say enough about this game. I have been playing since release, and won't stop for anything. Guilds are great, interface is great, combat is great. And best of all, NO MACROING!

For a old-school fantasy gamer, this game is top notch.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Buy this game!!!
Review: This game is so much fun, and when the new patch and expansion releases my bet is that it will explode in population! Despite the fact that mythic still have some bug and exploits to get rid of this is the best rpg game I have ever tried (and I've tried quite alot ;)).. This IS however a social game, so if you are a loner or simply dont know how to behave yourself you'll find it hard to improve your chars because noone will help you or group with you. On the other hand, if you can uphold basic decency and are willing to help fellow strugglers you'll find this game very rewarding and fun (imagine running with 200 other peeps into a lair to slay a dragon, with warriors standing in the frontline and archers and mages standing in the background lauching arrows and chanting)... It is almost customary (on the excalibur server where I play at least) to help newcommers in any way possible (money and items) because of the fact that we all fight together against the evil forces of the other realms. And the fact that this game requires a monthly fee is only a good thing... How is that you ask? Well think about it, 50 Euro for 6 months isnt really alot of money (depending) but it will however eliminate lamers and youngsters that otherwise ruines the game for so many ppl (remember Lord Of Destruction? RIP). This was my 2 cents... be carefull however... highly addictive ;)

Phila (mid-excalibur)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If you got the game get it If u dont buy the game and get it
Review: DAoC kicks major butt. If you dont have it you need to buy it. The graphics in the empansion are incredible and the new stuff will make the game even better. If you wanna start a MMORPG, DAoC is the best out there.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Save Your Money
Review: The game is not fun. It has nice graphics but they're never enough to carry a game. After all this time the game still has major coding flaws and failures like line of sight (which totally ruins and invalidates many major aspects of the game like sieges.) The classes will never be balanced. Population dispersement is a major issue when you have 3 realms with x, y, and z amount of people that can't switch sides. What happens when x + y < z? Z wins. Forced teams were a very bad idea.

Once you hit the max level, 50, the game is over. There's nothing to do. This new expansion is nothing more than a weak attempt at encouraging current players to reroll as a new class or race in order to keep them occupied until they reach the nirvana of boredom that is DAoC's post-50 endgame.

Save your money, a new crop of games are coming out in this genre over the next 6 months. Play Tetris while you wait.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't Buy This Junk
Review: Mythic is a horrible company. They are in it for the money. With all the nerfing, broken promises and extremely poor PR (Sanya) its obvious they don't care one bit about the game. Money is better spent elsewhere. This expansion is just a graphic upgrade and things Mythic promised would be free but instead are forcing people to purchase the expansion.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: a middle of the road game
Review: I spent 6 months with this game and found it to be lacking in some rather important areas.
Advancement is tedious at best. You'll be bored stiff with the same critters by the time your able to take on bigger game. I'm a conservative player and I still racked up dozens of deaths nightly. As for better loot/gear, theres no such thing. you use what's designed for your level. period.
The guild system is poorly thought out which brings troubles to the fact that to level at any resonable rate, you MUST play in squads. Fellowships are darn near mandatory. If your a solo player you'll stay well behind the growth curve here.
The up side to the game is that it runs fairly stable, has good interface, and is a charming and attractive world setting. If your a "gee wizz the graphics are great" kind of player, then have at it. If your more concerned with gameplay, wait for the next generation of mmorpg's to arrive.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Mythic Entertainment
Review: I laughed, I cried, I passed out from boredom. The game has always been almost complete. SI appears to make it almost more complete. It's almost enough to stick with it. There is only so much to do before you are back doing it all again. Once you have done it all a few dozen times there is nothing more to do. I even voted Dzza for TL a few times with no real in game impact. The Vaun/Kunkoh star quests and Shaggy/Space battles are the only things new and fresh at this point. If they would only balance out the VN aspect I would call the game more complete. Hot celt women make it more enjoyable, but they always kill me. Oh well. Cheezits anyone?

Rating: 5 stars

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