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Prince Of Qin

Prince Of Qin

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Very Slow, but can be fun
Review: I have to agree with most of the reviewers on Amazon.
But keep it in perspective.
I too got the game for free, because my brother didn't want it.
So being bored one day I installed it and began playing with it. The first opening scenes were a bit dated, and I can see how some would say the game/story is cheesy. I also find myself unsure of what to do often, and if you take the wrong road or go to the wrong place, your stuck never to complete the game due to various reasons.

The game can be extremely slow, and if you have a wife (like me) she'll get frustrated at the time you'll spent on this game.

With all this said, the game is fun. Maybe because I like slower games (and some of the older software I still have), but it can be just plain fun.

I love being able to develop a team (5 characters) and making weapons, finding gold, plundering houses and taking weapons from dead bandits (selling goods).
Now all of this may be "old-hat" to some other games, but with the theme and stylistic Chinese atmosphere, it makes it unique and alot of fun.

Be sure to download and/or copy the unofficial stategy guide from the internet. Without it, "you'll wonder the eastern world like a blindman". After I printed out that information, I restarted the game and sped through the game, enjoying the game even more.

Sure this game isn't the groundbreaking software that some newer games are, but for the current price it can be a fun little game (but bring your patience and download or purchase the unofficial strategy guide).

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not worth the time or price
Review: I picked this game up for 2 reasons:
- the Chinese historical theme
- the game's box description claiming to be an ARPG (action role playing game) and reading some reviews reporting it was a combination of Diablo/Balder's Gate
When I first started the game, I watched the opening cinema, accessible only from the start menu and knew that at once that this game was subpar. Usually, the opening sequence of a game is supposed to make you excited or make you want to play the game. Instead, the opening scene told me that the game was going to be a bore and not anywhere close to Diablo. After about 5 minutes into the game, I uninstalled it from my 80GB hard drive. The graphics are reminiscent of old 8 bit Nintendo games, remember Ninja Gaiden? The sounds and especially the spoken dialogs were ultra cheesey. I think the only things that reminded me of Diablo were the mouse controls. I didn't venture much further to pick up any other Diablo'ish factors. It's too bad, I'm a big history buff, especially of ancient Asian timelines, but this game is too boring to swallow. Take a look at a review from a "professional" critic ... before you decide to buy this game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Buyer Beware
Review: I thought the setting sounded like it would make an interesting change from the standard European fantasy world so I downloaded the demo and tried it out. It ran fine on my system, which meets and exceeds the recommended system profile on the retail box, so I bought the full version of the game. Turns out that while the demo runs fine on my system, the full version won't run at all. Strategy First's tech support has largely consisted of telling me to make sure I have all the latest drivers, I do, and to uninstall and reinstall the game, which I have. The game still doesn't work so they've kicked me up to their 2nd tier tech support who haven't bothered to contact me in over a week. Don't buy this game unless you're prepared to return it in the eventuality that it doesn't work on your system.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Buyer Beware
Review: I thought the setting sounded like it would make an interesting change from the standard European fantasy world so I downloaded the demo and tried it out. It ran fine on my system, which meets and exceeds the recommended system profile on the retail box, so I bought the full version of the game. Turns out that while the demo runs fine on my system, the full version won't run at all. Strategy First's tech support has largely consisted of telling me to make sure I have all the latest drivers, I do, and to uninstall and reinstall the game, which I have. The game still doesn't work so they've kicked me up to their 2nd tier tech support who haven't bothered to contact me in over a week. Don't buy this game unless you're prepared to return it in the eventuality that it doesn't work on your system.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Why not ?
Review: I was really surprised to find that lots people don't enjoy this game very much. I think that is because they're Americans, who don't understand well about Orient. If they do, then they'll have a better opinion about this game. The only weak point of this game is it's graphic and the story seemed to end rather quickly. I always wish it was a much longer one. Anyway, in general it's complete fun and interesting !!!!! I love it !!!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is a Cool Historical China Themed Action RPG!
Review: If you are a fan of Chinese themed games, you should definitely try this one out! Basically, you are the first son of Qin Shih Huang Di, the first Emperor of China. While you are responsible for the troops in one of the northern outposts, your father died, leaving the throne yours to claim. One of your younger brothers is plotting with one of the most powerful ministers to kill you, and ordered the troops to arrest and kill you. Once a king-to-be, you are now a renegade - wanted dead for being the crown prince.

This game is mostly like Arcanum or Ultima 7, and the battles in my opinion. It's like Diablo in regards to the skills and the battle somewhat, but in my opinion Arcanum and Ultima 7 are closer in resemblance. Many interaction and puzzles are RPG in nature, so you have to many times solve these puzzles before moving forward.

Overall, I give it a 4 star because the graphic could be better. Everything else is good however.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Very Slow, but can be fun
Review: It is rare that I get a computer game, and don't bother to complete it, even if I do it just to say I did.

Prince of Qin is one I gave up on.

The game lacks direction at times. I got to a certain point, and I had zero idea where to go, even with reloading an older saved game and trying again, to make sure I didn't miss some key dialogue.

Given that I felt the game would tell you to "accomplish A, obtain B," but never tell you where B might be found, or even an inkling as to where A could be begun at, I quit.

This game was too much money to be this disappointing.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Boring, in a nutshell
Review: It is rare that I get a computer game, and don't bother to complete it, even if I do it just to say I did.

Prince of Qin is one I gave up on.

The game lacks direction at times. I got to a certain point, and I had zero idea where to go, even with reloading an older saved game and trying again, to make sure I didn't miss some key dialogue.

Given that I felt the game would tell you to "accomplish A, obtain B," but never tell you where B might be found, or even an inkling as to where A could be begun at, I quit.

This game was too much money to be this disappointing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I just got this and I really like it.
Review: It's a bit like Diablo when it comes to graphics, but like Warcraft/Baldur's Gate as it's a turned based RPG.
Since I just got the game, I had the time to really explore the entire game, but given time I'll finish it. Hopefully the end is as good as the game itself. I highly recommend it, but be warned, it's not fast paced like other RPG's, you have to talk to EVERYONE, search everywhere, etc. It's a time consuming game, but still fun.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: could be so much more
Review: This action RPG has alot of interesting elements to it, plenty of original ideas, and unfortunately many bugs. I'll start off by saying that I really like this game. On the positive side it has a Diablo/Dungeon Seige feel to it, the items and equipment are numerous, and the story is great. But on the negative end at times it can be cofusing as to what to do next, you have to save ALOT or else you will lose your stuff, and contrary to the promise of free on-line play(printed boldly on the box) no such thing exists. I'm sure they will release a patch to fix the bugs, I'm also sure the will make good on their promise of an online game, and hopefully someone will publish a stratagy guide. When these things have been taken care of, they will have a five star game on their hands. If you had the misfortuine to play Throne of Darkness, and are still yearning for an Asian themed "rpg/hack-n-slash" check this one out.

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